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How useful viburnum for the human body, women, men and children. Recipes use, contraindications

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Kalina Vibumum vulgaris refers to a genus of the family Adoxaceae. It has edible fruits that have been used in traditional and alternative medicine. On average, the plant lives about 60 years. Cultivated varieties of fruit and ornamental shrubs. Useful quality viburnum used for treatment of the entire human body from colds to cancer.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Characteristics of viburnum
  • 2 The composition and caloric content of viburnum
  • 3 How useful viburnum for the body
    • 3.1 The benefits and influence on the female body
    • 3.2 The benefits and impact on the male body
    • 3.3 Kalina for children
  • 4 Recipes from Viburnum funds
    • 4.1 Infusion
    • 4.2 decoction
    • 4.3 Tincture
    • 4.4 Tea
    • 4.5 trays
    • 4.6 For Bath
  • 5 Useful and therapeutic properties of Viburnum
    • 5.1 slimming
    • 5.2 Diuretic
    • 5.3 Diaphoretic
    • 5.4 In viral infections and infectious diseases
    • 5.5 antiphlogistic
    • 5.6 antipruritic
    • 5.7 wound healing drug
    • 5.8 Laxative
    • 5.9 Depressant
  • 6 Application of viburnum in cosmetology
    • 6.1 for the skin
    • 6.2 For hair
  • 7 Harm and contraindications
  • 8 When to collect and how to store Kalina
  • 9 Video about the benefits of viburnum
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Characteristics of viburnum

Kalina naturally grows in the form of high branching bush height from 2 to 5 meters. Cultivated plants in gardens or parks, are formed in the shape of a small tree.

Its trunk viburnum ribbed with longitudinal cracks brown or reddish-gray color, the young shoots of green. Coarsely with sharpened tips of the leaves with long petioles three five-blade shapes and lengths up to 10 cm and a width of 8 cm, with a heart-shaped base. Rich green color leaves the outer side and grayish below.

Blooming viburnum can not be confused with other fruit trees or bushes. White flowers with long stalks to form inflorescence umbrellas to 9 cm diameter. Located on the edges of large sterile flowers, and a few smaller heteromorphic inside the brush. Flowering lasts from late May to July.

The viburnum useful for the human body is determined curative properties fruits. Fruit size up to 1 cm are round or oval. Most of the berries takes flattened bone. Bright red fruits have a bitter taste, which disappears with the first frost. Berries begin to ripen in August, have a bitter taste, which disappears with the first frost.

Kalina ordinary grows in temperate zones of Europe and Asia. In Russia, it is possible to see in the central part of the west and east Siberia, in the south-west of the Baikal region and in the Caucasus.

Viburnum grows in the forest and steppe zone. In the steppe zone extends along the rivers. The plant is unpretentious to the growing conditions, she is not afraid of dry spells or frosts. But it heliophilous shrub that rarely bears fruit in shaded areas. Idly growing in coniferous and deciduous forests, not forming thickets.Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children

Accurate information about the origin of the name there. But there are versions that viburnum name comes from the Slavic word "kalit" associated with fire and the sun. Since the plant was named for the bright red berries like red-hot. Some linguists believe that the name comes from the Indian «calas» - stick or Latin «callino» - decorating.

How useful viburnum for the human body have always known in Russia and honored her for useful qualities. A beautiful flowers and branches with berries decorated huts in holidays. People love this plant has found reflection in the legends.

One legend says that once there was no sweeter berries Viburnum. And they became bitter tears beauty. She fell in love with the blacksmith, but he paid no attention to beauty. But often I liked to walk through the woods and admire its beauty. Maid decided to avenge the neglect of the blacksmith and burn the forest.

But she suffered from a fire and lost its beauty. Grief she cried under a bush viburnum. When Smith came to the forest, he saw that the fire only survived bush viburnum, under which she was sitting.

Legend has it that in the wake viburnum guy love to the girl and they lived all their lives in harmony. Only viburnum berries since the bitter tears from the girl. Hence the matter is a belief that should attach to the breast and viburnum branch heartache her kill.

Another legend tells of a girl who has got an army of the enemy in the swamp. And when the enemy realized that beauty specifically to lure them into the wilderness, he hacked her sword. At the spot where blood was shed innocent girl grow into a bush viburnum. Since it is believed that after death the soul of an innocent girl moves into a tree viburnum.

Kalina found reflection in the old tales of heroes. It is at Kalinov bridge in one of the legends fought and won a peasant's son Ivan on twelve-serpent.

The composition and caloric content of viburnum

Its healing abilities viburnum obliged rich composition of organic acids, trace elements and vitamins.Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children

organic acids Minerals vitamins
formic selenium FROM
valeric manganese BUT
palmitic zinc E
acetic chromium TO
cerotic iron R
capric iodine

Berries are useful in that they are composed of tannins, carbohydrates, saponins, tannins, flobafeny, coumarins, phytosterols, glycosides, pectin. Its bitter taste berries have, because they contain glycoside viburnin.

How useful viburnum for the body

Of medicinal plants make a decoction and infusion. The fresh berries have a therapeutic effect on the diseases of internal organs. The juice is used for skin diseases, as an external agent.

Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children
Useful properties for body Viburnum

How useful viburnum for the human body and its healing properties:

  • expectorants;
  • astringent;
  • antibacterial;
  • vitaminizing;
  • painkillers;
  • hemostatic;
  • diuretics;
  • soothing;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The benefits and influence on the female body

The preparations based on vegetal extracts Viburnum used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system of female. Uterine bleeding, bacterial infections, pyelonephritis, fibroids, cystitis and nephritis. And also help to restore the muscle tone of the uterus.

Gruel of berries or juice treated mastopathy and mastitis in lactating women. Medicinal qualities Kalinovoye tea normalize the condition of the central nervous system and sleep, protect the body from viruses and increase efficiency. Kalina used in the cosmetic field, the mask of Viburnum wrinkles, lighten skin pigmentation. Eliminates acne and various rashes.

Pregnant women should abstain from drugs of Viburnum. Vitamin K is contained in Kalina increases blood clotting, which is extremely negative impact on the state of pregnancy. Kalina can increase the tone of the uterus and thus provoke a miscarriage.

For women who are breastfeeding, there is no specific contraindications. If the child has emerged diathesis, it is better to postpone the use of snowball for some time.

The benefits and impact on the male body

How useful viburnum for the human body, suffering from problems with the digestive tract, they do not know everything, but it helps to get rid of constipation, bloating and flatulence. Men are drugs viburnum strengthen the immune system, normalizes blood pressure.Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children

Kalina strengthens the heart and circulatory system and increases potency. Regular intake of viburnum restores liver health, suffering from eating fatty foods and alcohol. And also contributes to the destruction of pathogenic bacteria in male urogenital organs.

When the disease is arthritis, low blood pressure, kidney stone disease for men is better to abandon the use of Viburnum.

Kalina for children

Kalina children are allowed to use 1 year, should start with one teaspoon of juice. The Kalina has vitamin C and carotene is required for the development of the child. Babies are necessary for the development of iodine, copper, magnesium, iron, located in the Kalina.

Antiviral particular plants to protect the child's body. Treat colds in children Morse from the berries. A jelly relieves stomach cramps and constipation. In any case, before giving Kalina children should consult a pediatrician.

Recipes from Viburnum funds

For the production of medicinal and cosmetic use bark, berries, leaves, flowers, and even the bones of Viburnum.


Infusion effectively treat colds, scrofula and skin rashes. It helps with gastritis and as a laxative.Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children

The infusion of viburnum flowers prepared as follows:

  1. Take 5 tablespoons. l. flowers.
  2. Cover them with 1 liter of boiling water.
  3. Wrapped in a towel and insist at least an hour.
  4. Ready infusion filter.

Keep this infusion is not recommended for a long time. It is better to prepare it fresh every day. Drink infusion before meals with 200 ml three times a day.

Drink infusion stands with caution in hypotension, and gynecological problems.


Decoction drunk for coughs and as a sedative. Also it is easier for peptic ulcer and gastritis, kidney disease and liver. Effectively drink the broth at various dermatitis.

For the manufacture of broth take dried or fresh bark viburnum and crushed her. By 1 tbsp. l. bark was added 250 ml of warm water and tomyat 30 minutes in a water bath. Cool slightly and strain. Drink before meals for 1 st. l. three times per day. It should refuse to accept broth gipotonikam, thrombocytosis patients and gastritis.


Kalinovaya tincture treats diseases such as:

  • peptic ulcer disease;Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children
  • gastritis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • skin rashes;
  • diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • neuroses, insomnia, fatigue;
  • heart disease;
  • high blood pressure.

The infusion is prepared from fresh or frozen berries.

A classic recipe is prepared in the following technologies:

  1. In bowl pour kilogram washed viburnum berries and pour a liter of vodka. Vodka to be 2 cm. above berries.
  2. Dishes cover and clean for 4-5 weeks in a dark place.
  3. Once a week the contents of the cans must be shaken.
  4. At the end of the allotted time, you need to strain the infusion. The remaining cake is discarded, it is not useful.
  5. The finished tincture can be stored in a dark place for 3 years.

To prepare the tincture is best to use a glass bowl. In any case it is impossible to prepare an alcohol tincture in a plastic container. The infusion of drink before a meal to 30 drops twice a day. Do not abuse the tincture, it can lead to negative consequences. Snowball tincture of alcohol can not be used in hypotension when liver and kidney disease, thrombocytosis.


Kalinovy ​​tea calms the nervous system, improves immunity, has anti-inflammatory effect, helps reduce cholesterol. A normalizes high blood pressure.

To prepare take a fresh or frozen berries. Tablespoon of berries to remove bitterness fray with a little sugar or honey and pour the hot tea.Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children

For all the undoubted merits of tea with a snowball there are contraindications. This tea can not drink for people with acute renal failure, urolithiasis, gipotonikam, gastritis with high acidity and pregnant women.


Trays used for arthritis, rheumatism, increased sweating and fungal diseases of the feet.

For baths prepare a decoction of the bark and roots of Viburnum. Washed bark and roots are ground, take 100 grams. And pour a liter of water. Boil for 20 minutes, strain the broth is ready. Take a warm foot bath for 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 15-20 baths every day.

For Bath

For the bath, use a decoction of the rhizomes and bark viburnum. Such procedures treat rheumatism, dermatitis and skin rash purulent, scrofula. Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and childrenFor bathing take one glass bark and roots, poured into 2 liters. of water and heated over low heat for about 1 hour. The prepared broth is left to cool, then strain and add to the bath. Take a bath before going to sleep better.

Useful and therapeutic properties of Viburnum

Contained in the Kalina viburnin increases vascular conductance, strengthens the heart and reduces the pressure. Phytosterols to prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and combats atherosclerosis. Tannins have analgesic effect. Useful iridoid glycosides in Kalina has on the human body antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.


Kalina only contains 27 kcal per 100g. berries. Made with her drinks and desserts can be eaten without fear to get better.

On dieters viburnum has the following effects:

  • It strengthens the immune system and affects the overall human endurance during physical activities and sports;
  • diaphoretic and diuretic properties contribute to the removal of excess liquid;
  • increases peristalsis and cleanses the stomach of stagnation processes and increase the absorption of nutrients;
  • lowers cravings for sweets.

Included in the diet food of Viburnum can easily be a month to lose 3-4 kg. overweight.

However, despite the benefits, Kalina can not be used for people who have the following diseases:

  1. Gout.
  2. Gastritis.
  3. Peptic ulcer disease.Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children
  4. Hypotension.


Kalina has a beneficial effect on the organism in the treatment of renal diseases, as a diuretic, deducing excess liquid and regenerating the electrolytic balance. When the disease prostatitis in men, it eliminates puffiness and facilitates the process of urination.

Anti-inflammatory properties of the plant effectively treat cystitis in women. For the treatment used an infusion of the leaves and flowers of Viburnum berries or fruit juice.

Contraindication for this treatment are:

  1. Idiosyncrasy.
  2. Gastric hyperacidity.
  3. Renal insufficiency.


Sweatshops properties Viburnum helps excrete toxins are sick and dead viruses. High effect in treating broth are from the flowers or leaves and berry juice viburnum, since drinks from Viburnum rich in vitamins C, E, B6, B2, P, and flavonoid compounds.

It is not necessary to carry out this treatment pregnant women, people with ulcer disease and gipotonikam.

In viral infections and infectious diseases

Tannic elements, volatile contained in the Kalina possess antimicrobial activity. Bark plants has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Funds from Viburnum produce antimicrobial activity and are able to fight the virus, infectious diseases. For the treatment of preparing the infusion of bark and leaves of Viburnum.

Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children

Contraindications: pregnancy, hypotension, ulcers.


Beverages Viburnum berries have antimicrobial and bactericidal effect because they contain selenium, potassium, iron, vitamins C and P. The funds used for the treatment of conjunctivitis, stomach and bowel disease, periodontal disease, abrasions, purulent tonsillitis and stomatitis.

With careful treatment should be carried out under reduced pressure, gout, pregnancy.


From Viburnum bark infusions are prepared for outdoor use. When purulent skin inflammations and rashes do baths and compresses. Viburnum juice rubbed ringworm, rashes and acne on the face and body. Broth berries has sedative and analgesic effect. Contraindications may be noted from individual intolerance.

wound healing drug

Vitamins A and C, zinc contained in the bark promote regeneration of external and internal tissue. Effectively heal wounds and burns, activating the formation of new cells.Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children

A is an element like viburnin glycoside has hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. A decoction of the bark is taken internally for ulcers, cervical erosion, internal bleeding. For external use prepared from the bark of the paste and applied to a wound or burn.

From the internal use of funds on the basis of Viburnum should refrain pregnant, and from the outside people prone to allergies.


Viburnum berries have a laxative effect, that they are required to vitamin E, K, phosphorus and zinc. The berries can be eaten fresh, prepare a decoction or tincture. People who have ulcerative disease or gastritis, it is better not to drink beverages from Viburnum.


Soothing effect to snowball has tea decoction and bark. The beverage rich valeric acid, phytosterols, flobafenami therefore exerts on the human body soothing, antioxidant and sedation. Kalina reduces the excitability of the central nervous system and improves the quality of sleep. Do not take a drink for pregnant women and people prone to thrombosis.

Application of viburnum in cosmetology

Funds on the basis of Viburnum used in cosmetology. Masks, decoctions and infusions bleach freckles and age spots, evens the complexion. Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and childrenAnd also help get rid of acne and purulent rash. The antioxidant properties of plants contribute to the regeneration of cells, so smooth wrinkles and tighten facial contours.

for the skin

Nourishing and Moisturizing Mask:

  • 1 tbsp. l. mash berries;
  • add 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese;
  • drive 1 egg and mix until uniform;
  • Apply on clean face for 15 minutes.

This mask makes the skin supple, smooth color gives the face and energizes cells, dissolving particles of melanin.

Anti-Aging Mask:

  • 1 tbsp. l. pureed berries viburnum;
  • 1 h. l. banana pulp;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • Mix all ingredients and apply on face and neck.
  • after 40 minutes the mask can be washed away from the face.

The use of the mask makes the skin smooth and elastic, as Viburnum juice causes the skin cells to produce collagen and elastin.Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children

Lotion from the flowers of Viburnum:

  • take a handful of flowers Viburnum;
  • pour 1 tbsp. of boiling water;
  • let stand 2 hours;
  • wipe the face lotion in the morning.

Regular use of lotion lightens spots and smoothes wrinkles.

For hair

Organic oils and minerals in the composition of Viburnum perfectly firm and renew the structure of the hair, give them a healthy glow.

Firming Mask:

  • Viburnum juice 1 tbsp. l .;
  • red wine 1 tbsp. l .;
  • any vegetable oil 1 h. l .;
  • all mix and apply on hair roots;
  • after 45 minutes rinse shampoo mask.

After the mask hair become strong, smooth and grow better.

Repairing Mask for damaged hair:

  • 1 cup stretch berries viburnum;Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 10 drops of burdock oil;
  • Mix the ingredients until uniform;
  • Apply on the hair from root to tip;
  • wash after 30 minutes.

Hair get live shine, smooth and healthy look.

Harm and contraindications

Kalina as a plant with medicinal effect has limitations for use by some people:

  1. Pregnant better categorically refuse the use of Viburnum. In its composition there are substances that can cause premature birth, miscarriage or provoke detachment of the placenta.
  2. Hemostatic properties of plants can adversely affect the health of people prone to thrombosis.
  3. Berries stimulate the digestive system in patients with gastritis, viburnum can cause heartburn.
  4. Since the plant has the effect of reducing the pressure, the hypotensive patients may suffer from an excessive pressure drop.

In any case, it will not be superfluous to consult with your doctor before you start treatment with agents on the basis of Viburnum.

When to collect and how to store Kalina

Viburnum berries ripen from late August to mid-October. Kalina is considered ripened, when the fruits become uniform bright red color.Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children

For fresh consumption is better to collect them after the first frost when the fruits lose their bitterness. Berries should be cut shears whole brushes, to avoid damaging the fruit. If you pluck the berries one by one, they burst and transport or store such berries uncomfortable.

There are various ways to keep the berries for the winter.

  1. To keep the fruit fresh, brush with fruits hung in a cool, ventilated place down the berries. With this method they will remain fresh for a long time.
  2. The best method is to freeze. It allows you to keep all the nutrients in the berries. Kalina washed, dried and laid out in a single layer on a tray, is removed in a freezer. When the berries are firm they can shift into a convenient storage container and put into the freezer.
  3. Drying the berries can be done in oven at a temperature of about 55 degrees, stirring frequently. The dried fruits are stored in a glass container.
  4. You can grind the berries with sugar. For this purpose they are ground with a blender or grinder and blended with sugar at a ratio of 1: 2. Expanded into sterile jars and put into the refrigerator.Benefits for the body of Viburnum. Recipes application for women, men and children

With the right storage technology viburnum, it retains all the beneficial vitamins and minerals. However, despite the fact that in Kalina many benefits for the human body, viburnum consumption should be in moderation. Any excessive entrainment drugs can cause the opposite effect and cause damage to health.

Author: love Shushnina

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video about the benefits of viburnum

The benefits of viburnum health:

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