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Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications jujube. Recipes, where to buy, photos, reviews, how to use in folk medicine

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Jujube - flowering plant of the genus, family rhamnaceae. Rhode jujube includes 53 species, of which the most common - Ziziphus real or Moorish, grows in tropical and subtropical climates. Jujube useful properties have long been known.

Chinese Herbal Medicine on the books call it the fifth-value medicinal plant, describe the therapeutic effects, indications and contraindications. The first description is found in poetry collections and books about the treatment of herbs Huang Di Nei Jing (400 g BC.). He also described by Carl Linnaeus in the XVIII century.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Origin and Distribution
  • 2 The botanical description of the plant
  • 3 A variety of grades
  • 4 The composition and nutritional value of Jujube
  • 5 Useful properties of Jujube
    • 5.1 For the female body
    • 5.2 For the male body
    • 5.3 For the child's body
  • 6 From what helps jujube
  • 7 Recipes funds from Jujube
  • 8 Jujube in cosmetology
  • 9 Damage contraindications
  • 10 Where to buy and how to store jujube
  • 11 Video of jujube

Origin and Distribution

Domesticated in China 4 thousand. years ago, so it is known as Chinese date. In India, used with 1000 BC.

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Jujube grows in India and Thailand, on the mountainous slopes of the Himalayas, the Caucasus mountain range, in Japan, the Middle East and Asia. It occurs in the Mediterranean, Caatinga of Brazil and the African savannah, deserts of Texas and the wadi of the Sahara. Everywhere it is called in its own way: jujube, Chinese date, jujube, Da Zao, French rib berry, zhuzhba.

The botanical description of the plant

Jujube (lat. Zízíphus jujúba) - tall shrub or small tree up to 3-4 meters, grows mainly in the mountains at an altitude of 1700m. Unpretentious, drought and frost. Winter shed their leaves. On the plains and in the tropics - High evergreen tree with a straight trunk about 10 meters high.

In China it grows to 20, and in India to 30 m with a trunk diameter of 40 cm. It lives up to 120-150 years. Discovered three hundred instance. Young trees and undergrowth covered the three-centimeter spikes with sharp spines. Then they showered. Fruits first 50 years. Honey plant. Crohn's spreading, conical or spherical. Young branches slightly pubescent, zigzag, flexible and durable.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply

Bark of old trees thick, greyish-brown, reddish, almost black, covered with cracks and folds. In young trees smooth.

Wood is durable, light-brown, dense texture, firm. From it makes furniture, household utensils, beautiful crafts, produce veneer and plywood, wood and charcoal. In Madagascar, it is used for fuel, as burns slowly with a high emissivity.

This property unabi prized ancient metallurgists, using wood in primitive smelting furnaces. Classical Peking duck prepared in a wood burning stove of Chinese dates. In Africa, with branches build corrals and thatched roof huts.

Powerful, deep (5-6 m), the roots hold jujube on mountain slopes. Trees planted to combat soil erosion and landslides. The leaves are smooth, leathery with longitudinal veins, dark green above and hairy inside. Egg-shaped, oval, elliptical shape. The sinuses are located on the 6-20 racemes.

The flowers are small, zvezchatye, yellow, white and green. Flowers bisexual, cross-pollinated.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply

Fruit - nutritious, delicious drupe 1-2 cm in size of wild species, and to the size of a hen's egg in the cultivars. Form oval, round, pear-shaped. With resemble dogwood, black olives, small paradise apples. Weight from 5 to '35 Bone wild Ziziphi hard, smooth 1.5 cm long, comprises 1,2,3 seed.

Some varieties of it semi-soft and edible. Peel the fruit is thin, smooth and shiny. Olive, pale yellow or greenish in unripe fruits. Ripe jujube brown with a reddish tinge, sometimes with speckles.

Young fruit of hard and dense, ripe - soft, friable. The flesh is yellow, reddish, greenish, white, powdery. Taste sour-sweet fruity smell depends on the ripeness and variety.

In the early stage of maturation jujube taste and resembles a small apple. Ripe fruit is sweeter after harvest like a little slightly dried dates, tastes like apple candy or marmalade. Sourness disappears.

A variety of grades

On the basis of native species jujube displayed more than 400 cultivars. The magnitude of the fruits they are divided into small and large-fruited. The timing of maturation: early, middle and late. According to the intended use: for eating fresh, drying, processing, multi-purpose, candied, fine.

Most varieties displayed by Chinese breeders. In the Soviet Union cultivated jujube biologists Krasnodar region, Central Asia, the Crimea. China grows more than 400 varieties Jujube on an industrial scale in an area more than 200 thousand. ha. Jujube harvest for the year is second only to apples and citrus.

Jujube, useful properties and contraindications are known in China since ancient times, it is widely used in traditional medicine as self-medication and as part of fees.

In India, the fruit is popular not less. There are cultivated 90 varieties. In some areas, collect 2 harvests a year. On top of the trees harvested on 77 kg of fruit. China and India grow annually more than 6 million tonnes of Jujube.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply

In the south of Russia in the Black Sea area small-fruited varieties are grown for a long time, but the wide distribution they received. Large fruited varieties brought to the middle of XX century on the Sochi Experimental Station. Jujube to learn and adapt to the northern areas began in the 80s.

Plantation laid in the Krasnodar region, the Crimea, southern Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan. Russian biologists have suggested its name jujube - "zhuzhba". It did not take root among amateur gardeners, who nevertheless appreciated the taste and benefits of the plant.

In 1837, Robert Chisholm was brought by Chinese date in the United States to North Carolina. Biologists studying different species and varieties Jujube, determined that in the small-berry contains more vitamin C, more hardy plants.

The composition and nutritional value of Jujube

Jujube - a storehouse of valuable substances, it is delicious and nutritious, orange and apple lose jujube on the nutritional value, the content of ascorbic acid, iron, phosphorus.

figure is 100g fresh dried
calorific value 79 kcal 287 kcal
protein 1,2 3,7
carbohydrates 20,23 73,6
fats 0,2 1,1
  • vitamin C (69 mg in 100 g) - this is 10 times more than lemon and provides a human daily requirement. Enough to eat Chinese Tamarind 3 per day.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply
  • Bioflavonoids - rutin (Up to 888 mg per 100 g). A combination of ascorbic acid, rutin, the reinforcing effect of vitamin C, effectively cleans vessels, increases their elasticity reduces permeability. To achieve the same effect, you need to eat more than 20 kg of currant, wild rose or pomegranate. Jujube, not sour, although the content of vitamin C in it is much higher in contrast.
  • B vitamins: Thiamine (B1) - 0.02 mg, riboflavin (B2) - 0.04 mg, pyridoxine (B6) - 0.08 mg.
  • Vitamin A - about 70 IU per 100 g
  • Trace elements and minerals: 100 g of the fruit contained 12% of the daily requirement of potassium (250 mg) (necessary for heart function, normalizing tone vessels and blood pressure), phosphorus 23 mg, magnesium 10 mg, 21 mg calcium, copper, manganese, zinc, sodium, iron, cobalt, iodine.

Jujube, useful properties and contraindications are known, well understood by chemists. All parts of the plant alkaloid contain 64, 16 and flavonoid glycosides, terpenoids 14, organic acids, sterols.

  1. glycosides - triterpene saponins (yuyubozidy) in the unique combination having protivoskleroticheskoe, antitumor, sedation. Yuyubozid included in compositions against age-related memory loss.
  2. triterpene acids - betulinic, oleanolic, kolubrinolovaya, albinolovaya, ursulovaya. Betulinic acid inhibits the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, the proliferation of melanoma. Oleanolic acid connects the antiviral and anti-tumor effect, anti-HIV activity. Ursolic acid exhibits anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effect.
  3. flavonoids - spinosyn, quercetin, kaempferol, apigenin, puerarin, izoviteksin. The compounds have anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, a sedative, an antineoplastic effect;Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply

From the obtained seed oil with oleic acid indispensable. Flavonoids in seeds than in the flesh.

The leaves of the plant contain zizifin - a substance with a local anesthetic, a selective effect on the taste buds. If you chew the leaves Jujube, it felt salty and sour, and sweet and bitter no. This property previously used when taking bitter quinine for malaria.

The content of the active ingredients depends on the variety, climate and soil. The poorer soil and more severe climate, the higher the concentration of alkaloids.

Useful properties of Jujube

In China, where jujube treated already 4000 years, called him the king of nuts and a gift for the cores. It promotes proper current energy Qi through the channels of stomach and spleen, nourishing blood, calms the living spirit of Shen.

Jujube, useful properties and contraindications for the use of which scientists continue to study, deserve close attention. Research and clinical trials have confirmed that the plant works as a powerful antioxidant with antimutagenic, antitumor, anti-sclerotic, immunomodulatory effects.


  1. Cleanses the blood vessels, linking cholesterol, normalizes their tone and blood pressure, facilitates the work of the heart, improves peripheral circulation, reduces the risk of blood clots.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply
  2. Normalizes intestinal motility, digestive system. Fiber, and triterpenoids saponins eliminate smooth muscle spasms, flatulence, goiter. Normal stool, weight is controlled. A decoction of the leaves and fruits are recommended for the prevention of colorectal cancer. green tea catechins (green tea extract) increase the cytotoxicity of the jujube.
  3. It strengthens and stimulates the immune system. During outbreaks and epidemics of influenza, respiratory infections increases the resistance and the resistance of the immune system.
  4. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity.
  5. It removes toxins, heavy metal salts.
  6. Protects, and updates the liver cells as a hepatoprotector and cholagogue.
  7. In India, it used as a tonic and aphrodisiac.
  8. It calms and strengthens the nervous system, reduces anxiety, stress, improves sleep.
  9. Suppresses retroviruses (HIV).
  10. It is used as a contraceptive.
  11. Protects brain cells from damage by blocking the glutamate neurotransmitter excess of which causes stroke and Alzheimer's disease. Also noted is the nootropic effect of glycosides that are part of the fruit.
  12. It has anti-allergic properties, preventing the release of histamine.

Suitable for the treatment of all parts of the plant. From them prepare external and internal funds.

  1. Fruit - this is the most valuable part of Jujube on the content of useful substances. In China, they say: "Chinese Tamarind 3 per day to keep youth forever." Use them fresh or dried form, make a decoction, alcoholic tincture, juice, brewed tea. Harvested in the winter compote, jam, jam. Dried berries are crushed and added to different dishes, pastries. Jujube does not lose value during heat treatment, on the contrary, cooked healthier and better absorbed. Ripe berries of a weak, immature and have an astringent effect. The fruits are used as an antidote to poisoning aconite.
  2. bones used for aqueous and alcoholic tinctures, essential oil for internal and external application.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply
  3. Leaves. Fresh and dried leaves Ziziphi prepare decoctions, tinctures, ointments. Dried leaves are ground to a powder. Alcoholic extract reduces swelling, water helps with allergies and coughs, reduces appetite. External funds heal wounds, burns, inflammation. Due to the properties of the anesthetic used in stomatitis and toothache.
  4. Roots. A decoction of the roots take for diarrhea, cough, headache. Alcoholate treats fungal infections. Decoction helps with hair loss in children and adults.
  5. Bark. Useful bark of young trees without cracks. It is used for decoctions, tinctures, pulverized. Alcoholic extract of bark and leaves inhibits the growth of 20 bacterial species. The powder is taken orally in diseases of the colon.
  6. In Chinese medicine, jujube a part of the herbal anti-cancer (Huang Qin Tang) and composition for immunity (ginseng, lemongrass, soy, jujube, hawthorn).

It is noted that the jujube better help northerners, not spoiled fruit (field effect). Southerners during treatment Chinese Phenicia should limit sweets, honey and other fruits.

For the female body

Fruits and bark are used as an oral contraceptive.

Toxemia during pregnancy facilitates and enriches the diet with antioxidants and folic acid. Fruits should be eaten, pitted in moderation, otherwise you may have constipation. Do not take drugs from the seeds, which increase the tone of the uterus.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply

Breastfeeding stimulates lactation, reduces the amount of harmful substances in the milk. Research has proven that 15 g Ziziphi daily for 2 months reduces levels of lead. For lactation drink tea from dried Jujube: 1 chayn.l. brewed cup of boiled water, 10 minutes. The resulting infusion into 3 portions and drink per day. Fruits use seedless.

Leukorrhea treated decoction of the fruit. Ovarian cysts in Iran are treated with a mixture of Jujube and orange.

For the male body

The plant helps with impotence and premature ejaculation. From fruit prepare tea in combination with other herbs. Gathering with impotence: Jujube seeds 30g, wolfberry fruit 30g Chinese, lemongrass 30g, Rehmanniae (rhizome) 30g, 40g metapleksis Japanese. Plant cook powder, taken daily for 1st.l.

For the child's body

For the treatment of children and food can be used after 5 years at a fever, and to strengthen the teeth and bones.

Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply
Jujube improves the teeth

Clinical studies have shown that an extract of Jujube with neonatal jaundice effective phototherapy.

From what helps jujube

1. restorative action

Fresh, slightly dried or dried fruits consumed 2 times a year 2 months without a break. The optimal dose for a person weighing 70 kg - 50 g per day. This 20 fruits. Take 10 units in the morning and in the evening in the form of raw or stewed fruit. For humans weighing more than 70 kg, the dose is increased at the rate of 50 mg per kilogram body weight.

2. Hypertension

The Russian plant is valued for the hypotensive effect.

To cure jujube take systematically and regularly:

  • dried decoction of Chinese dates: 100 ml 5 times a day, one month;
  • infusion of leaves: 50 ml after meals three times a day;
  • aqueous extract from the fruit of: 1 cup 3 times a day, 2 weeks;

Fresh berries (7-8 pieces) eat 3 times a day after meals, consume 2-3 weeks. Then make a break and repeat the course. For other recommendations, continuous reception lasts 3 months. Celebrating stable hypotensive effect, improvement of health, reduction of cholesterol.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply

3. alcohol intoxication

The plant purifies the blood, reduces toxicity, protects the brain from the effects of ethanol. Recommend poslevozliyaniya take a glass compote or a decoction of the fruit of the Chinese dates. For prevention, juice drink before the meal.

4. constipation

Pectin and fiber improves intestinal peristalsis. Choleretic effect of fruit helps bowel movement. Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of jujube decoction, 84% of study participants suffering from constipation.

5. Diarrhea

Per day drink 500 ml of the broth from the roots Ziziphi parts before meals for 1 hr. Broth is prepared every morning.

6. sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, restlessness

Chinese medicine recommends jujube drugs like uspokaivayushie and treating insomnia. Jujube alkaloids on action similar to Valium.

  • 1 tbsp drink alcohol tincture 3 times daily for 7 days. After 4 weeks, repeat the course.
  • ½ st. tea from the fruit, brewed in the usual way, drink before bedtime.

When depression and nervous tension Dried fruits are with you and eat a few pieces of the whole day.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply

7. Colds, bronchitis

Infusion of leaves when coughing: 50 ml 3 times per day. Take a week.

0.5 liters of broth Ziziphi dried pitted drink per day for colds and coughs.

8. skin diseases

Dermatitis, psoriasis, scars, scars, ulcers, abscesses. Fresh leaves are ground in a slurry and applied to the wound, are also preparing an ointment. Decoction of the bark make compresses and lotions;

9. blepharitis

Broth from the bark of washed eyes.

10. Anemia, vitamin deficiency, reduced immunity

Ascorbic acid and iron is reduced hematopoietic function, enrich the blood with oxygen. It is useful to have a fresh or slightly dried fruits. Of dried fruit compote cook who drink a glass 3 times a day.

11. Excess weight

Fruits are low in calories, rich in nutrients, vitamins, can replace the sweetness of those who can not abandon them. Compote of Jujube sweet even without the addition of sugar. From the fruit can make delicious sweets: remove the seeds, grind in a blender, roll balls, roll in coconut flakes.

12. Diabetes type 1 and 2

Fruits contain keomertillin - natural insulin. Clinical trials have shown that after a week of use glasses of fresh fruit per day, the level of sugar in the expert group came back to normal. Doctors recommend eating fresh fruits, as dried sugar content is higher and the dose should be reduced by half - 150g fresh or dried jujube 80g per day, can be in the form of decoction. The dose should not be exceeded.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply

13. diseases of the digestive tract

Daily intake of 15-20 fruit cleanses the digestive tract of toxins, reduces the risk of gastric ulcers.

14. Osteoporosis

With the prophylactic and therapeutic purposes jujube use in the acceptable daily dose of 2-3 months.

Recipes funds from Jujube

Jujube cures many diseases because of their useful properties, most importantly the right to prepare and apply the drug, taking into account contraindications.

  1. The aqueous extract of dried fruits: 1 kg Ziziphi rinse, pour 2 liters of boiling water, close, insulate and leave for 10-12 hours. Infusion merge and begin to take, and in fruit again pour 0.5 l of boiling water, close, press 2 hour to obtain a new portion. Infusion take at elevated ad 250 ml in the morning and evening. Berries are eaten separately.
  2. Infusion: 20g Ziziphi add 0.5 liters of water, to keep a pair of 30 min., Then cooled infusion add water instead vykipevshey. 100 ml of infusion drink before the meal is not less than 2 weeks for the treatment of hypertension. At cold and high temperature - 100 ml and recovered.
  3. Compote: 10 pieces of chopped dried fruit boil for 20 minutes. In 0.5 liters of water, cover, brew 50-60 min.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply
  4. Tea: in boiling water (1 liter) 10-15 throw dry fruit pieces, boiled 15 min.
  5. Broth: 10 fetuses minced, add thereto 500 mL of boiling water, brew.
  6. Tincture of seed: 100 g of crushed seeds, add to boiling water (0.5L), boil for 10 minutes. Cooled infusion mixed with 200 ml of 96% alcohol, close, left overnight. Morning poured into the container with a lid, put into the refrigerator. Tincture soothes with nervousness, depression, menopausal syndrome, insomnia cures. Infusion is contraindicated in pregnant women.
  7. A decoction of the bark: 250 ml of water take 1 tbsp. l. Crushed material, put on fire, boil for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and leave to infuse for 2 hours. Filtered broth rinse hair, treat burns, wounds, inflammation.
  8. A decoction of the roots: 20 g of raw crushed, pour boiling water (500 ml), boiled for 30 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and pour water to 500 ml.
  9. The infusion of fresh leaves: 250 ml of cold water take 15 g of leaves, put in a water bath for half an hour.
  10. Decoction of dried leaves: Raw crushed in boiling water (0.5L) Pour 1 tbsp. l. Leaves, remove from the heat, close, insist to cool.
  11. Tea for insomnia: 2 tbsp. l. Leaves of sugar and 1 liter of boiling water, brew under cover 10 min., Add 2 tbsp. l. sugar.
  12. Ointment: Jujube fresh leaves and olive oil mixed 1: 5, put in a water bath, warm (do not boil), remove the sediment, strain.
  13. Ointment: minced 1 tbsp. l. Leaves, pour boiling water (250 ml), infuse, cool, filter. 3 tbsp. l. Infusion mixed with 100 ml of coconut oil.
  14. Porridge (Zao-zhenmi chou): Jujube seeds 30 grams, 50 grams of rice round, honey. Bone chop, add up in a bag of cheesecloth. Figure fall asleep in a ceramic pot, add water, put the bag and cook until cooked in the oven. After cooling porridge sack seeds throw, you add 1 tbsp. l. Honey. There are 30 minutes. Before bedtime for insomnia, neurasthenia, sweating, palpitations.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to applyJujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply
  15. Soup with pumpkin: 10 pieces of dried fruit and fresh ginger, add water, boil, add 200 g of pumpkin puree and cook up condition, can be added sugar or salt.
  16. Compote "opohmelin": 50 pieces Ziziphi incision, pour 2 liters of boiling water, close the press 15 min., Then boil, add 1-2 tbsp. l of sugar and citric acid pinch. Cool under the hood. Compote helps with hangover, any intoxication.

Jujube in cosmetology

Mask for rejuvenation: 100 g of fresh pulp Ziziphi chop, add cream (20 g), honey (1chayn.l). Hold on the face 20 min., Then rinse. Impose a mask in the evenings 3 times a week for a month. Effect - the skin is cleansed, wrinkles are smoothed.

An ointment for acne, inflammation of the 3 tablespoons minced fresh leaves, pour 3 tablespoons olive oil, put in a water bath and bring to a boil. Cool, insist 10 days. Ointment stored in a cool place to use for 10 days.

A decoction of the leaves in acne: dry leaves brewed in the usual way (1st. l glass of water), infuse half an hour to filter. Store in the refrigerator, wipe the skin instead of lotion in the morning and in the evening 10-14 days.

A decoction of the roots for hair growth in children and adults: in the crushed roots (20g) pour water (500ml), put in a water bath and cook, stirring occasionally, 30 minutes. The cooled broth is filtered and pour water to 500 ml. Rub into the scalp after shampooing daily at bedtime for 30 days.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply

Rinse from the dried leaves of: 5 Art. l. make 1 liter of boiling water, brew 60min, filtered. Rinse clean hair decoction a day 1 month, letting dry in the head.

Oil for the growth and strengthening of hair: Mix the same amount of Jujube oil, rosemary, mint, olive oil, add a few drops of vitamin E. Apply to the hair and scalp for 2 hours before washing, use 21 days.

Damage contraindications


  • allergy;
  • of seed preparations pregnant (increases tone of the uterus);
  • children's age (5 years);
  • hypotension, low blood pressure;
  • helminthiasis;


  1. Jujube, useful properties and contraindications which are well known, can not be taken uncontrollably. The daily amount of fruit should not exceed 80 g for adults, or maybe drop in blood pressure, headache, and malaise.
  2. In diabetes, obesity jujube can not be eaten in unlimited quantities, otherwise it will provoke a rise in blood sugar.
  3. With care to use for people whose profession requires concentration (drivers, pilots). The use of large quantities of fruit lead to drowsiness, lethargy.Jujube. Useful properties and contraindications. Recipes, where to buy, photos, how to apply
  4. Gastritis, gastric ulcer and intestinal fruits can not be eaten with the skin, which can damage the walls of the digestive organs.

Where to buy and how to store jujube

Buy fruits can be in store in the department, which sells dried fruits in bulk or packaged. Manufacture: China, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Russia. Price from 400 to 1200 rubles. per kilogram. Jujube can be purchased on the market. In the Crimea and the Caucasus, local produce in season costs from 150 rubles. per 1 kg of fresh fruit.

When buying pay attention to quality: ripe fruit are smooth, with a whole skin, a pleasant smell. The broken skin is, the smell of fermentation, loose texture - a sign of poor-quality fruit. Unscrupulous sellers give out for jujube Dzhida (sucker silver, Armenian date), the fruits of which are very similar in appearance jujube.

Storage: Fresh fruits stored in the refrigerator up to 2 months. They can be frozen, and dry after washing. Dried jujube stored in paper bags or glass jars with lids for 1 year. The fruits should be carefully examined, remove damaged or affected by pests.

Prerabotka: drying - fruit wash, remove bone, dried in an oven at 60 ° C for 5-6 hours. You can cook the jam, jam, fruit in its own juice or compote. Green fruits can marinate. The taste they resemble olives.

Jujube is not very well known in Russia, and is perceived as exotic. But its therapeutic action deserves no less attention than the popular medicinal plants, whose useful properties and contraindications know everything.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of jujube

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