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Acyclovir or Kagocel: which is better, and whether it is possible at the same time

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Antiviral agents have a major thing in common: they are used to treat infections caused by a virus. These drugs are Acyclovir and Kagocel. In order to obtain maximum efficiency, we would like to know what is best Acyclovir or Kagocel. We will try to figure it out. For comparison medicines find out their properties.

mechanism of Action

Despite the fact that both drugs have antiviral activity, they have a different mechanism of action. Acyclovir, embedding into viral DNA of cells being blocked further replication. Kagocel completely different way affected. During exposure to the active substance increases the production of interferon in all cells that are involved in the fight against the virus. That is, it increases the activity of the immune defense. It is not only an antiviral agent, but also has immunomodulatory properties.


Indications for use of both drugs are somewhat different. Acyclovir is used to treat herpes infections and diseases caused by cytomegalovirus and varicella-zoster virus. Kagocel used not only for the treatment of viral diseases caused by the herpes virus strain and the like, but also for preventive therapy during the seasonal incidence of acute respiratory viral infections (ARI) and flu.

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However, despite the differences in the mechanism of action and indications simultaneously receive Kagocel and acyclovir and other antiviral drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor.

use method

Acyclovir is available in the form of several dosage forms, in particular in the form of ointments (including for use in ophthalmology), injection, and tablets, which increases the possibility of application. For example, with the usual manifestations of herpes labial forms (precipitation in the mouth), for relieving symptoms, and relief of discomfort it is sufficient to use the ointment. Whereas Kagocel only released in the form of tablets for oral use.

The standard duration of the therapeutic course for the drugs - about five days.

However, taken together Acyclovir and Kagocel possible using different dosage forms: relief symptomatology use external means Acyclovir and to enhance immunity to hold oral therapy Kagocel. Also, the doctor may prescribe a different instruction for treatment and replace Kagocel other analogues exhibiting antiviral properties and belonging to the group of immunomodulators. Such means may include:

  • Arbidol;
  • tsikloferon;
  • Ingavirin.

cost of

If you compare the cost of these two drugs, the unique palm is acyclovir. It is much cheaper and, because of this, available for almost all patients. While the price of Kagocel much higher and stronger hit on the wallet of the consumer.

Which means better

An objective assessment of the effectiveness of drugs acyclovir and Kagocel could serve as responses of patients and physicians who use these medicines. However, these two drugs are several different range of indications. Kagocel more indicated for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections character, and Acyclovir is most often used for the treatment and relief of symptoms in diseases caused by virus Herpes.

In some situations, to speed recovery and avoid severe postherpetic complications, doctors recommend a treatment regimen at which you want to drink with acyclovir Kagocel.


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