Diet On Charcoal
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Diet and Activated Carbon: slimming recipes

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The advantages of a diet

Lose weight on activated carbon is very simple, thanks to the properties of the drug. Coal serves as a filter. He has a porous structure, and when released into the gastrointestinal tract sucks a fat, carbohydrates, toxins. Tablets are not absorbed, and excreted in the feces in unmodified. Because of this stool painted in black.

The advantages of using a sorbent for getting rid of superfluous kgs:

  • During the diet no restrictions on foods and dishes. That is, you can eat whatever you want, because Activated carbon is still a will absorb the excess fat, not allowing them to learn.
  • Pills not only promote weight loss, but also to normalize the intracellular metabolism that is positive on the whole organism.
  • In just a few days you can throw two - five kilograms, depending on the individual and the approach to the diet.

In the diet the main thing - a sound approach. To kilograms not returned and not have any adverse reactions previously necessary to consult with the gastroenterologist and nutritionist. It is also recommended to follow the rules of nutrition and exercise, as exercise promote rapid weight loss.

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diet options

Diet activated carbon has a number of variations:

  • You can receive activated charcoal in the morning 7-10 tablets half an hour before breakfast. Such a method will throw a few kilos for 5-7 days, no refund. Activated carbon for such a reception will operate throughout the day and absorb excess fat, regardless of the quantity and quality of food.
  • Before each meal consumed 2 tablets Activated charcoal. Thus it is possible to improve metabolism and thereby improve operation of the stomach and the weight does not return in the future.
  • To take 10 pills a day for 3-4 pieces, regardless of meals.
It is important to note that the effect will come faster and last longer if you combine coal reception with proper nutrition and physical activity. If accustom the body to proper diet, the weight can be controlled and without special diets, drugs, dietary supplements, etc.


Before you start losing weight on activated carbon, should be familiar with a number of contraindications:

  • inadmissible use of sorbents in peptic ulcer and internal bleeding;
  • You can not use activated charcoal for chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and oxygen starvation;
  • It is forbidden to go on a diet to anyone under 18 years of age;
  • you can not lose weight in such a way during the childbearing and breastfeeding;
  • can not be combined activated charcoal and other dietary supplements tablets come slimming example Reduxine or herbal tea "Flying swallow".

In the presence of such factors from the diet on the corner is to give, not to cause health complications.

It is important to note that activated carbon adsorbs not only toxins, but also nutrients, metals, vitamins, trace elements, which are necessary for many vital processes. That's why you can not take this medication more than 14 days.

Sample menu

Diet can be 2-3-5, or 1-2-day-week. Diet one chooses to your liking.

The main thing to remember a few rules:

  • Alcohol is to refuse, because the work Activated charcoal will focus on the absorption of ethyl alcohol, and fat will absorb less. Due to this, dety efficiency decreases.
  • To achieve maximum results, it is not recommended to eat sweet, flour, fried and fatty. Bread loaves recommended to replace the cereal.
  • Eat better 6-7 times a day in small portions. As snacks use fruits and vegetables rather than sandwiches.

Tentative menu on a three-day diet:

1 day

  • Breakfast: bulgur, rice, buckwheat and oatmeal with vegetables and 100 grams. cooked or roasted meat;
  • Snack: yoghurt or kefir + peanuts, raisins or dried apricots;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with meat or fish, bread;
  • Snack: 200 gr. cod, vegetables;
  • Dinner: hard-boiled egg.

day 2

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk and honey;
  • Snack: 200 gr. curd banana, raisin, apple, or nuts;
  • Lunch: 100 g. mascarons durum, vegetables or vegetable salad;
  • Snack: boiled buckwheat, and 100 grams. fish fillets (boiled, baked, grilled);
  • Dinner: 100 gr. shrimp or 150 c. boiled meat.

day 3

  • Breakfast: boiled rice, 200 grams, 70 grams.. hard cheese, boiled eggs 2;
  • Snack: a banana or yogurt;
  • Lunch: 150 c. boiled meat, vegetable salad;
  • Snack: 150 c. curd + berries or apple (pear, plum - to your taste);
  • Dinner: Baked or boiled fish, vegetables.

On the day you need to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water, coffee is better to refuse to drink recommended green tea with honey. bee-based products contribute to weight loss, because it improves metabolism.

disadvantages diet

In addition to the benefits of a diet with activated carbon has some drawbacks:

  • tablet displays not only harmful, but also useful substances;
  • diet with activated carbon does not fit all;
  • Coal has a fastening action, may therefore arise constipation;
  • intolerance to the components of the formulation may be an allergic reaction (itching, rash);
  • as a result of reception of tablets cal becomes black;
  • You can not use more than 2 weeks;
  • lose weight can be a minor, no more than 5 kg.

As a result, we note that the activated charcoal in the diet is an effective tool for rapid detoxification that helps to speed up metabolism and weight loss. Doctors do not always welcome such a method, but still before using sorbent need to consult with experts, so as not to harm health.


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