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Activated carbon from nausea: how to receive help or not

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Tablet Activated charcoal is a porous carbon, any excipients in the composition of the sorbent is not included. In this article, we will discuss exactly how you need to take coal from nausea and it always possible to use this sorbent to effectively eliminate nausea and vomiting.

The main causes of nausea

For effective treatment of any disease it is necessary to find out the cause, and nausea is not an exception. It always is a signal of a pathological process in the body and does not appear by itself.

The most common causes of nausea and retching:

  • food poisoning;
  • gastrointestinal tract diseases (gastroesophageal reflux, intestinal infection, gastric ulcer, Crohn's disease, hepatitis, cancer, pancreas or stomach, celiac disease, gastric hyperacidity);
  • intoxication on the background chemical poisoning;
  • toxemia of pregnancy;
  • seasickness;
  • CNS diseases (hydrocephalus, migraine, encephalitis, meningitis, meningioma, malignant brain tumor);
  • heart disease (heart attack, heart failure);
  • Ingestion of foreign objects;
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  • side effects receive various medications, including anesthetics and muscle relaxants;
  • psychiatric disorders (major depression, anxiety disorder);
  • eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia);
  • Solar and heat stroke.

As can be seen, many acute and chronic diseases, and not only the digestive system, accompanied by nausea. Infections of the gastrointestinal tract and food poisoning are most often the cause of the unpleasant sensations. Poisoning, in addition to nausea, vomiting, and usually accompanied by severe pain in the stomach area.

Neurological disorders and severe diseases of the digestive system is marked chronic nausea, which is sometimes accompanied by vomiting.

Coal helps with nausea

Tablet of activated charcoal has numerous fine pores, which gets the toxins as they move along the gastrointestinal tract of the drug. Toxins, poisons and harmful bacteria retained drug prior to its removal from the body by natural means. If nausea is caused by intoxication, the activated charcoal is one of the best ways to deal with it - is natural and completely drug has a minimum of contraindications. Due to the safety of the drug for nausea and vomiting Activated charcoal can be taken by pregnant women and children.

How to take coal from nausea

If poisoning

Activated charcoal helps with nausea caused by alcohol poisoning, poor quality of food and drugs. You need to take the drug three times a day, drinking boiled water. The number of tablets of one tablet for children and adults determined body weight: 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight.

The course of treatment for poisoning is usually 3-5 days. At this time, it is important not only to take the coal, but also to follow a diet that includes a waiver of all products, can irritate the stomach (alcohol, spices, sodas, fried and fatty food) and abundant drink. receiving probiotics may be required after treatment to restore the intestinal microflora

In the case of acute intoxication, activated charcoal can be used for gastric lavage. To this must be taken during the day 20 g of activated carbon, drinking tablets unheated 250ml boiled water.

Activated charcoal for 1.5 hours before the alcohol in an amount of one tablet per 10 kg weight It will help reduce the negative effect of ethanol on the liver and greatly facilitate the hangover symptoms.

Intestinal infections

Many people, knowing in his intestinal infection, nausea begin to drink activated charcoal. Despite the fact that this drug is excreted from the body toxins effectively, using it is not always appropriate in intestinal infection.

Coal has no antibacterial properties, and together with part of the pathogenic bacteria bring the body of nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, as well as liquid. This may worsen the patient's condition and lead to overgrowth, dehydration, weight loss painful. That is why in suspected intestinal infection need to consult a gastroenterologist before taking any medications.

Intestinal infections are often prescribed antibiotics, which effectively fight bacteria, and coal and other sorbents can be taken only with a doctor's permission. The activated carbon drastically reduces the effectiveness of other drugs, so it can take only after 2 hours after administration of the antibiotic, and only in said doctor dosage.

Is it always Activated carbon is effective for nausea

Activated carbon is not a cure for nausea and vomiting. This sorbent is very good, if nausea caused food poisoning, drug intoxication, some chemicals (methyl alcohol, silicates, etc.). Activated carbon for nausea caused by alcohol poisoning, is also effective.

Often pregnant women with the appearance of nausea activated carbon, based on the fact that this drug contains only natural ingredients and will not harm the fetus. However, as nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy lines are not caused by intoxication, and the general stress of the body on the background of hormonal changes, coal does not resolve the toxicity symptoms.

In diseases of the central nervous system, heart disease, mental disorders, and gastroesophageal reflux disease, dyspepsia, neoplasms of the stomach and pancreas, reception ehnterosorbentov not eliminate the unpleasant symptoms such as the nausea and vomiting.

Moreover, in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract administration of activated charcoal may do more harm than good. For example, take the coal, you should not gastric ulcers and stomach bleeding. This also applies to hit the body of acids, alkalis and salts of prussic acid (cyanide) - when poisoning by these substances can not accept any chelators, including Activated coal.

That is why before starting to treat nausea coal, it is necessary to ascertain the cause of poor health.

Activated carbon with vomiting

People often try to get rid of vomiting with activated carbon, knowing that it quickly eliminates the symptoms of intoxication. However, if vomiting is not caused by poisoning, take Activated charcoal does not make sense. The cause of vomiting can be a neurological disorder (migraine, motion sickness, hydrocephalus), gastrointestinal disease (peritonitis, appendicitis, gastroenteritis), bulimia, or just a lot of stress.

One of the possible causes of vomiting in young children - Ingestion of foreign object. Then is it possible to take in vomiting Activated charcoal solves a doctor. Usually, if the object is small and is not acute (button, stone fruit), appointed by the reception of sorbents, and the foreign body comes out of the body within 1-2 days. If a child has swallowed a sharp object, as a rule, carried out surgery.

If the cause of vomiting was exactly poisoning, take Activated carbon is necessary to 3 times a day, drinking boiled water. Dosage - 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight. You need to take pills in the form of a suspension of (chopped), and only when there is no retching.

With frequent vomiting in children should postpone receiving enterosorbents, including coal, until vomiting stops. Firstly, the drug will be released from the body without fulfilling its direct function - detoxification. Secondly, the child can choke a suspension of activated charcoal.

Precautions and contraindications

  • In gastric ulcer and gastric bleeding forbidden to drink activated charcoal. Even crushed tablet formulation have little abrasive action that can lead to increased pain in these diseases. To eliminate the nausea can use softer sorbents, for example, based on lignin.
  • Activated charcoal is rarely causes allergic reactions and has virtually no side effects, because many people are taking it regularly for chronic nausea and retching. Take coal can be no more than 14 consecutive days, observing the dosage, as this drug along with the toxins out of the body vitamins, proteins and minerals. Activated charcoal for a long time to eliminate nausea, weight loss or purification of the body can lead to vitamin deficiency, goiter, diarrhea, and the opposite effect - enhancement nausea.
  • If nausea is caused by poisoning of acid, alkali or cyanide, is contraindicated to carry out gastric lavage with activated charcoal. Also in this case, do not induce vomiting. Before arrival of "first" victim can give water only in small quantities or milk. When cyanide poisoning has a beneficial effect of glucose and sucrose in water.


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