Treatment With Acyclovir Herpes Angina
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Acyclovir for sore throat in children and adults: the dosage instructions on how to apply

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Herpangina - is an infection with an acute course, is manifested by pain in the throat, a sharp rise of temperature and precipitations in the form of herpes. Is it possible to give patients Acyclovir with angina, and why? Let's talk details.

Herpangina - it

Herpes or herpes sore throat - infectious process on the back of the throat caused by enterovirus (coxsackie viruses, or echoviruses serovars). Accordingly, the herpes viruses have nothing to do with it. So called disease is a simple reason: the bubbles appear in the throat, is very similar to the herpes sores.

Clinical manifestations gerpanginy little different from other types of the disease:

  • Sore throat when swallowing;
  • Increased body temperature, up to a fever;
  • Weakness, dizziness;
  • Loss of appetite.

Do Acyclovir help with herpes angina

Opinion that Acyclovir cure Herpangina - mistaken. It can not be considered an effective means of treatment of the disease, despite the fact that this is an antiviral agent. The outer form of the drug (ointments and creams) used in the throat can not and ineffective pills and injections.

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Low efficiency of the drug in herpetic angina is explained easily: the drug effectively acts on the herpesviruses and enteroviruses in respect of its action does not provide sufficient effect. Therefore, successful treatment of angina Acyclovir - no more than a myth. This requires other medications.

Deciding Whether to Use Acyclovir with herpes angina? Despite the fact that the drug is ineffective against enteroviruses, do not forget about it.

An antiviral agent provides ancillary therapeutic action in the body:

  • Enhances Interferon synthesis (anti-inflammatory protein), which reduces the susceptibility of the human organism to infectious agents;
  • It spurs the immune system and accelerates the regenerative cells of the resources;
  • It facilitates and accelerates the disease convalescence period (recovery).

The point of reception of medicines available. Acyclovir does not act directly on the pathogens of herpes anginaBut it has an auxiliary effect of the body. Therefore it is possible to take the drug in tablet form as an adjuvant therapy.

Does Acyclovir with herpes sore throat in children? Gerpangina in childhood is not dangerous. Virtually all cases of the disease ends in recovery. But sometimes complicated for meningitis or encephalitis. To avoid complications, it is necessary to competently approach the issue of the treatment.

Acyclovir treat herpes sore throat in children is not worth it. Particularly tablets. Proper use it will not do, and can do much harm. Use of drugs is justified only when the disease has taken shape and requires heavy supporting antiviral therapy.

During illness and the child, and an adult in need of the treatment of the following:

  • Admission interferons;
  • Processing antiseptic throat;
  • Antipyretic drugs;
  • Support water balance (drink plenty of clean warm fluids);
  • Regular wet cleaning and airing.

If there is a risk of complications, doctors recommend give the child Acyclovir tablets for prevention. Acyclovir dosage for children with angina is determined individually specialist. But drug abuse is not necessary, so as not to cause side effects: nausea, itching, dizziness, allergic reactions.

Whether to give the child when gerpangine Acyclovir?

Table №1 «For and against the use of Acyclovir with gerpangine".

Arguments "for"

"AGAINST" argument


The drug has immunomodulatory effect.

The drug has no effect on the viruses that cause herpes angina, respectively, had little effect on the infectious process.


Provokes the synthesis of interferon and blocks DNA strand viruses in cells, leading to his death. Thus the preparation has no effect on DNA synthesis in human cells, which makes it safe for use.

Tablets and solution can cause complications and side effects to the child's body (vomiting, allergic reactions, neurological disorders).


Facilitates the child's condition, to carry out prevention of complications and speed recovery.

Long course of reception of Acyclovir - a heavy load on the body, especially the kidneys. When improper drug therapy can provoke renal failure.

Every parent has to determine for itself whether or not to give the child Acyclovir from angina. The right choice will help him: expert recommendations, their own experience and judgment. But before you opt for one or another means of gerpanginy, you must carefully examine all the features of the drug. Only such an approach to therapy will allow to cure the patient effectively.


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