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How and how much to drink Acyclovir herpes

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The herpes virus is diagnosed in the majority of the inhabitants of the planet, although shown only in those who have a weak immune system. For its treatment of special means applied. Each person needs to know how to drink Acyclovir herpes. Proper use of drugs will enable faster to get rid of the manifestations of the pathology. Fully recover from the virus so the drug does not work, because it is most effective in the mild form of the disease.

What is a formulation and when applied

acyclovir - this is an antiviral drug that fights infections of the mucous membranes and skin. That can be purchased in the form of ointments or tablets. It is better to use them at the same time to ensure maximum impact.

Due to the fact that the main active ingredient is incorporated into the DNA of the herpes virus, it ceases to reproduce. This can significantly reduce the amount in the body. Acyclovir is effective for treating mild to moderate disease severity. Severe forms of herpes require stronger medication adherence.

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The drug can cause side effects: violation of the chair, drowsiness, headache, loss of appetite, so the process of the fight against herpes are under constant medical supervision.

How to treat herpes labialis

Sores and rashes on the lips can cause herpes simplex virus of the first type. Tablets and ointment allows halt the spread of disease. virus activity is suppressed. Infection will take a few days, if you start treatment at the right time. And in this period should practice good hygiene. Kissing children or other family members, close friends is not necessary, so that the infection is not passed on.

Dosage as follows:

  • Pills. Their drink 4 times a day, 200-400 mg for a week. If necessary, your doctor may prolong the course of therapy $
  • Ointment. It is applied to a thin layer over the affected area. Number of treatments - 6 times a day. Means of quickly absorbed by the skin, is easy to use.

Acyclovir treatment lasts a minimum of 5 days. If during this time the affected areas do not appear sores, herpes therapy is ongoing. Particular attention is paid to children. Newborn baby tablets are contraindicated in general.

For children in other age groups, the dosage is as follows:

  • From 3 months to 3 years old: poltabletki to 5 times a day;
  • 3-12 years: the medicine is taken at the rate of 250 mg / kg;
  • Older than 12 years: Acyclovir dosage in this case is the same as in adults.

Use a pill against herpes to treat young children need pre-dissolving them in a small amount of saline. Dosage Acyclovir herpes lips may vary depending on the disease and the effectiveness of therapy.

Especially the treatment of genital herpes

Genital herpes is not only for men but also for women. It provokes the virus of the second type. Affects mucous membranes of the genitals. Application only ointment Acyclovir will not give a positive effect. There needed only pills.

Genital herpes is characterized by the appearance of the rash and sores on mucous membranes, itching. He is harder to treat. The patient feels discomfort, because the rash elements are interconnected, and the bubbles burst, leaving weeping wounds.

This type of herpes is treated pills. The dosage is 400 mg. Number of rounds in a day - 3. Have treated up to 10 days. This scheme is effective in the event of the primary symptoms.

Features of use of the ointment

The ointment is administered to a patient in addition to eliminating the external manifestations on the lips or in other places. It provides enhancement pills effect in the treatment of herpes. But it helps Acyclovir in the form of ointments only at the initial stage of disease development. As soon as possible it should be used if there was an itch or swelling on the lip. In some cases, the timely use can prevent the development of painful blisters.

To get rid of herpes manifestations, should be applied ointment on the affected area several times a day. Symptoms are usually held on the 5-7th day. Acyclovir is applied not with bare hands, and with a cotton swab. This prevents the spread of infection.

Before using the ointment the wound site is rinsed with warm water. The inner surface of the mouth is not treated. When using the ointment should avoid it falling into his eyes.

Terms of use of tablets

Take Acyclovir herpes should be in accordance with the doctor's appointment. The product has a low bioavailability, so the infection control necessary additional funds. Due to the drug fails to reduce the frequency of relapses. In this way it is possible to eliminate damage to the mucosa. Ointment Acyclovir in this case, is rarely used.

Use of the drug is necessary, subject to such rules:

  • Tablets carefully washed down with plenty of water. It is revised drinking regime in general. Eat a lot of liquid is necessary to help the kidneys get rid of the consequences of receiving acyclovir;
  • You may not use the medication on an empty stomach. The tablet is drunk either directly during the meal or after it;
  • it is not recommended to change the treatment regimen or dosage Acyclovir alone. The course of treatment should be continued until the end, even if the external symptoms did not appear. Otherwise, the disease manifested with renewed vigor;
  • Do not take 2 tablets Acyclovir in a row, if the drug has been passed;
  • During therapy should additionally take a multivitamin complexes for strengthening the immune system;
  • With frequent relapses Acyclovir dosage is increased;
  • At the time of treatment should abandon the use of alcohol as the drug can cause drowsiness and alcohol only reinforce it. And the patient may temporarily worsen vision;
  • During therapy it is important to constantly monitor their own health. Acyclovir is taken into account the compatibility with other tools. For example, it can not be taken in combination with probenecid, and drugs have toxic effects on the kidneys.

When acyclovir for herpes treatment is necessary to remember that it enters the systemic circulation and may cause side effects. These include: allergic reaction, headache and dizziness, disorders of the chair and the work the gastrointestinal tract. Some patients Acyclovir pills can cause low back pain, epistaxis, contribute to the emergence of edema, sleepiness development.

Acyclovir tablets need to drink 5-10 days. Everything depends on the severity of the disease. They are also used to deal with shingles.

Application of Acyclovir for the prevention of relapses

Acyclovir with frequent herpes helps to reduce the number of relapses. In addition to receiving medication in the prescribed dose of prevention specialist provides for compliance with the recommendations of the doctors:

  • Better to be vaccinated against the herpes virus to prevent its activation;
  • In combination with other antivirals acyclovir can be used;
  • To prevent a recurrence of the disease and its spread, should strictly observe hygienic rules. It is necessary to use only individual towels;
  • When lowered immunity is required to avoid direct contact with people who have symptoms of herpes visible;
  • It is important to regularly maintain and strengthen the body's defenses by means of multivitamin supplements. As with the active form of herpes and in remission need to eat right, eat fresh vegetables and fruits. Regularly walk in the fresh air, to engage in light sports.

Drink acyclovir in herpes on lips or genitals need for instructions. Self-change scheme of therapy is prohibited. When used properly, means herpetic wounds heal quickly, the new centers do not develop, and the unpleasant symptoms quickly go.

After therapy, the infection goes away for a long time in the sleeping form. But any reduction in immunity contributes to its re-awakening. For people with a deficiency of the body's defenses against the herpes acyclovir ineffective.


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