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Omeprazole and Fosfalyugel: Is it possible at the same time and that it is better

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Compatibility of omeprazole and Fosfalyugel interested in most patients who have problems with the stomach on the background of increased acidity. Omeprazole - a gelatin capsule containing granules within the active substance. They begin to work within 30 minutes after admission. Apply the medicine may be in combination with Fosfalyugel, as well as drug-De-nol, which is prescribed for ulcers and gastritis.

Fosfalyugel - gel is a tool that has the taste of orange. The action of the drug is directed to the neutralization of excess acid has precipitated, and the adsorption of gases and enveloping the stomach wall that protects it from the aggressive effects. Also, the drug relieves heartburn. A valuable feature of the drug is that it leads to alkalization of gastric juice, and only recovers its acidity to normal.

Often doctors recommend while taking omeprazole and Fosfalyugel, with an interval of 3 hours. The drugs complement each other and speeds up recovery. Comparison of omeprazole and Fosfalyugel presented below, allows you to choose the best means for themselves.

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Features reception omeprazole

Best before receiving the drug to visit a doctor who prescribed as the medicament is administered in a particular case. If this is not possible, it is necessary to adhere to official instructions to the drug. Take medicine for gastritis should be before or during 1 capsule of 20 mg for breakfast and dinner. The duration of treatment is 45 days. It is important to remember that it is impossible to divide the capsule 2 times, buying a vehicle with a dosage of 40 mg.

Side effects of drug administration are:

  • Nausea, vomiting, sometimes reaching up;
  • flatulence;
  • blurred vision;
  • depression.

The negative consequences of the use of medications and have very rarely and usually only at the wrong reception means. The drug is well tolerated by most patients.

Contraindications to omeprazole treatment are pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as intolerance to the drug.

Features reception Fosfalyugel

Since Fosfalyugel quickly creates a protective film on the walls of the stomach, its action begins within a few minutes after application. It is well relieves pain and heartburn. The active substances in the composition of agents are aluminum phosphate, agar, pectin and sorbitol. Disorders in the digestive process does not occur on the drug. Indications for use of means of all the problems associated with the acidity of the stomach.

With the ability to normalize the acidity of gastric juice, the result of the treatment is preserved for a long time. How to use the medicine must indicate the doctor.

Taking the drug through 2 hours after eating 1 sachet.

Side effects from taking the drug can only appear in bedridden patients. They have a risk because Fosfalyugel constipation. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to give them during treatment drink plenty of water.

Contraindications to the use of a medicament are only intolerance composition and kidney problems. As is the case with omeprazole Fosfalyugel best made by a physician.

Analogs of omeprazole and Fosfalyugel

The most common of omeprazole analogues - it Omez and Nolpaza. Fosfalyugel if necessary can replace drugs Maalox and Almagell. The price is about the same funds. Are these drugs to the shielding.

All medications should be taken the course, and only if you know exactly what it is they need. When there is doubt that the problem with the stomach can be eliminated by these drugs, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

What better Fosfalyugel or omeprazole in the case decided by the attending physician. It evaluates the characteristics of the patient, and the presence of contraindications it to first and second drug and assigns required. It may also be recommended to drink preparations together.


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