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Izoprinozin or Acyclovir: which is better, and whether it is possible at the same time

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The drugs

Funds to help fight the herpes virus type 1 and 2. The active substance preparations are able to penetrate into the DNA of pathogenic cells, whereby the virus loses its ability to reproduce.

Take Isoprinosine or Acyclovir, says expert after the survey. They have low toxicity, and the active substance is included in their composition, completely eliminated from the body within 3-4 hours. Due to the effects of the components of the virus cells over time completely lose their ability to reproduce and spread, increases the synthesis of interferon.

Preparation Isoprinosine has the following effect on the body:

  • Reduces viral load in the body;
  • Increases remission;
  • Inhibits inflammatory processes, enhancing the production of interferon-alpha;
  • It contributes to the rapid recovery of the body.

The drug has a high safety profile and its use is completely absent the likelihood of developing complications. Both tools are available in tablet form.

differences drugs

Comparison of Acyclovir and izoprinozin showed that, despite the similar effect, means have a number of differences:

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  • Acyclovir - a powerful antiviral medication that is recommended to take in conjunction with immunostimulatory agents. Izoprinozin, in turn, not only has a detrimental effect on the virus, but also activates the body's immune system;
  • The course of treatment using means also differs. The duration of treatment with acyclovir is no more than 10 days for adults and up to 7 days for children. Izoprinozin should be taken in three stages, each of which is held under the supervision of a specialist;
  • Side effects. Acyclovir has minimal side effects, among which note headache, nausea, diarrhea and drowsiness. When using izoprinozin may occur and dizziness. Allergic reaction means the active substances is manifested in the case of hypersensitivity. In this case, the administration of drugs should be discontinued.

It should be noted that Acyclovir is also available in the form of ointments for external use, thus reducing the treatment period. Most often prescribed for extensive lesions of the skin.

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Acyclovir - an antiviral drug that has a pronounced effect. But in order to shorten the period of treatment, it is recommended to use immunomodulatory agents.

If taken at the same time Isoprinosine and Acyclovir, especially in severe disease, recovery will come faster. Due to different effects on the body, they reinforce each other. But before you take drugs, you should consult with a specialist.

Acyclovir and its analogs are not the cure for all types of the virus. After the survey and the study analyzes the results of zidovudine can be shown, which also relates to antiviral drugs. It is worth remembering that all drugs should be appointed by the attending physician, who determine the course of treatment and the dosage according to the type of disease and the severity of its course.


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