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Activated carbon with bloating: how to take

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Description of activated carbon

Tablets are prepared coal ash trees, coal and petroleum coke. Pharmacological drug is thoroughly cleaned, making it safe for ingestion. Coal has absorbent properties, which allow to absorb gases and toxins, but also help get rid of them completely, without a trace leading them naturally.

Enterosorbiruyuschee medicine has no effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Many doctors believe that activated carbon - a powerful drug for first aid in digestion disorders. Its effect is manifested within an hour after ingestion.

It should take into account the fact that the activated carbon is able to act only in the intestine.

These, affordable, black tablets, treat negative symptoms in the digestive system due to their adsorption properties and porous surfaces.

Flatulence activated carbon acts as follows:

  • irritation of the digestive system receptors which stimulate motility and, thereby, prevent gassing;
  • binding gas and removing them from the feces, thereby improving blood flow to the bowel and eliminate symptoms of bloating;
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  • absorption of secretions, which reduces the load on the organs associated with metabolism.
If the drink activated carbon from flatulence, it contained therein amorphous carbon begins to absorb the accumulated gases. The advantage of this formulation is that it exhibits detoxication effect except enterosorbiruyuschee properties. From the swelling activated carbon saved in just a few hours.

The causes of bloating

In a situation where swelling triggered by a pathology, not cure it, get rid of the problem of swelling impossible.

Activated carbon is able to help relieve the symptoms of excessive gas formation, caused by such factors:

  • Too much eating. As a result, the body simply can not handle the resulting excessive load. The undigested food is actively ferments in the digestive organs. Taking this into consideration, it is recommended to eat small portions, but often.
  • swallowing air. When drinking or eating, air can flow into the digestive tract, which accumulate in the intestine, leading to severe blistering.
  • Drinking highly carbonated beverages cause a short swelling.
  • Food Consumption capable fermentation run. These include legumes, flour products, raw vegetables and fruits.
  • The use of quicklime baking soda. Its regular use leads to a chemical reaction with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, because of which having strong fermentation processes and, as a result, is broken and there is a strong digestion distention stomach.

In all these cases, the activated charcoal is very efficient, it can quickly eliminate the swelling, restoring the old man a satisfactory state of health.

Symptoms and signs of bloating

Diagnose bloating can be when there are obvious symptoms.

Indicate the presence of gas in the intestines such signs:

  • distension and rumbling stomach;
  • feeling of excessive fullness of the intestine;
  • a burning sensation in the esophagus and regurgitation;
  • slight diarrhea;
  • stomach ache.

When identifying any symptoms of bloating, you need to take the activated carbon from the gas. He promptly solve the problem and eliminate the uncomfortable sensations.

Bases reception with swelling

To obtain the desired effect and get rid of bloating, be sure to adhere to the rules of admission of activated carbon and doctors' recommendations on this subject.

In case of insufficient dosage, rapid relief will not come, or may not occur at all.

When bloating drink activated carbon should be in the correct dosage, namely 1.0 g - 2.0 at a time, i.e. 4-8 tablets. To take the drug for at least 3, up to 4 times a day. There is also a recommended dosage, which stated that it is necessary to use coal 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight. Rounding, when necessary, is done in a big way. It is best to take the medication 2 hours before meals or 1 hour after it. It is not recommended to combine the use of coal with other drugsAs adsorbent blocks their action. If necessary, you need to take medication on time.

treating coal rate should be no more than 3 days. We should not take more than 3 doses per day. This is due to the fact that together with activated carbon derived toxic substances, gases, as well as some beneficial microorganisms living in the gut.

When long-term therapy with activated carbon, despite compliance with the provisions dosage may occur beriberi, a lack of minerals or bacteria overgrowth.

If required, prolonged use of drugs, it is necessary to drink parallel complexes of vitamins and minerals, as well as pharmacological agents for the restoration of intestinal microflora. They are appointed only by a physician who will take into account all the features of a patient's body and to identify factors that trigger bloating.

coal reception during pregnancy

Pregnant women often suffer bloating, as the growing uterus puts pressure on the intestines and leads to disruption of its terrain. The undigested food just roams in the body, forming a large number of gases.

Help pregnant to cope with the discomfort can activated carbon. It is the safest drug that has no effect on the fetus, since it is not absorbed into the bloodstream.

At any stage of pregnancy activated carbon is taken at a dose that is calculated as 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight of mother and minus 1 tablet. Subtract it to avoid overdose, as shall not be taken into account the weight of the fetus.

If flatulence and bloating disturb a pregnant woman too often, then she should consult with your doctor, who will appoint her to a special diet that could solve the problem.

The dose is not recommended to increase the drug, as in this case, there is a high risk of constipation, which in this period of a woman's life, and so it may be disturbed. The deterioration of the intestinal permeability may cause serious consequences.

Side effects caused by activated carbon

Some people, after taking activated charcoal, may feel the side effects.

These include:

  • difficulty in bowel movements;
  • goiter;
  • nausea;
  • rash.

When the manifestation of certain symptoms described, should immediately stop to drink activated charcoal to report symptoms to your doctor.

Contraindications to the use of

Like any other drugs that have activated carbon also has some contraindications. If you ignore them, you can trigger the development of unpleasant consequences for the organism.

By treatment with carbon pills should be abandoned if a person is suffering:

  • gastric or intestinal bleeding;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • ulcer;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Take the pill adsorbent is allowed at any age, thus it is necessary to properly calculate a single dose and take into account contraindications. Get rid of the swelling of activated carbon it is possible, moreover, can not require other drugs. It is used not only in gas formation, but also as a remedy for poisoning.

If there are any adverse reactions when using activated carbon, we must immediately stop taking it. In such cases it is desirable to consult a doctor.

Subject to all of the recommendations, the activated carbon will not bring any harm to health, and very effectively cope with its task.


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