
Bad erection of the penis

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  • How the pathology of
  • arises Causes of the development of the disease
  • Symptoms of the problem
  • Treatment of the disease

The head does not open in men for various reasons. Pathology occurs both in adult men and in young children. If the problem occurred before the age of 12, then it is not worthwhile to sound an alarm. The average length of disclosure is 14-16 years. In newborns, the opening begins at 1 year. By the age of three, most of the boys have a head open. If the foreskin does not depart well, then the opening is slower.


How the pathology of

arises The structure of the penis of a man changes over time. In the first years of life the foreskin completely covers the head. The tissues of the prepuce fit tightly to its surface. With age, the penis grows. This affects the partial separation of the flesh from the glans penis. By age 12, in 95% of boys, the foreskin completely releases the head tissue.

Under the influence of various reasons, some boys do not have this process. Pathology causes unpleasant symptoms and adversely affects a man's mental state. The parents must follow the disclosure. If the process is slowed down or does not occur, you should contact a specialist.

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Causes of the development of the disease

The problem with the disclosure occurs in men for various reasons. Specialists identify several main factors:

  • Injury of the groin;
  • Development of infection;
  • Genetic predisposition.

Trauma occurs not through the fault of a person. Gaps and wounds lead to the formation of scar tissue on the fibrous ring of the penis. The foreskin can not retreat on its own. Treatment of such injuries must be carried out on time. After a short interval, the man reveals a hidden pathology, which requires surgical intervention.

Infection of the soft tissues of the penis is a common cause of the problem. Many mothers of boys do not pay proper attention to personal hygiene. Even an undisclosed head should be thoroughly rinsed under warm running water. Use of soap is minimized. Alkaline, included in its composition, dries the skin of the intimate zone. To wash the child, you need to use a special foam or gel. Surface washing leads to the accumulation of pathogenic microorganisms under the foreskin. Microbes cause inflammation, which leads to difficulty opening.

Genetic predisposition depends on nationality. Some people have an inherent problem, which is removed surgically. If relatives have such nationalities, then pathology can occur in children born after several generations.

Symptoms of the

Signs of pathology problem If the head does not open, then the male has accompanying symptoms. Symptoms can manifest brightly or develop slowly. In childhood, boys need to have a daily examination of the genitals. The presence of swelling on the penis or redness indicates the development of infection. Mom should immediately visit with a child of a child urologist. Specialists identify a number of signs that indicate a pathology:

  1. Problems with urination;
  2. Pain when touching the foreskin;
  3. Decreased sex drive;
  4. Development of psychological discomfort.

The foreskin, which does not depart from the head, significantly worsens the process of emptying the bladder. The liquid stream becomes uneven, the urine leaves with an interruption. When you touch the head of a man there is a lot of pain. This symptom prevents sexually mature young people from having a full sexual life. The tissues of the prepuce are very sensitive, they are permeated with a large number of nerve endings. At sexual intercourse a man can have early ejaculation, the process is accompanied by pain.

Pain syndrome leads to a decrease in interest in sexual activity. The man avoids the process of stimulation. In severe pathology, agitation leads to increased pain and bleeding. Common symptoms lead to the development of psychological trauma in men. The doctor should explain to the patient that pathology can and should be treated. With properly conducted therapy, a man completely restores his health.

Treatment of disease

Infusion of chamomile and oak bark Therapy is performed based on the stages of the disease. Pathology proceeds in four stages. The first stage is characterized by the development of a small fibrous ring, which makes it difficult to open the head. Treatment at this stage is carried out conservatively. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of personal hygiene. To reduce inflammation, you can use a bath with plant extracts. Infusion of chamomile and oak cortex will help reduce the level of inflammation, and will reduce discomfort.

In the second stage of the pathology, the man has a problem with sexual life and urination. At this stage, the disease requires medical treatment. Specialists prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants. Anti-inflammatory drugs relieve puffiness from the head tissues and reduce inflammation. Muscle relaxants are needed to relax the smooth muscles of the penis. This will help relieve the tension of the foreskin, and reduce pain.

Some patients require an additional intake of antibiotics. These medications are prescribed to patients whose disclosure is difficult due to a pathogenic microorganism. The malicious microbe causes disease not only of the head, but of the entire genitourinary system. Destroy the bacteria can be by exposure to antibiotics. The drug must be selected in laboratory conditions by sowing. It is forbidden to take such substances on your own.

In the third and fourth stage, the problem can be removed surgically. The most famous operation is circumcision. With this method, the tissues of the foreskin are completely removed. After the operation, the man must timely wash out.

If the head of the boy does not open, then you need to visit a specialist. It will help to identify the causes and prescribe the necessary treatment.
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