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Red root. Medicinal properties and contraindications for men and women. Instructions for use: tablets, tincture. The price at the pharmacy

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Red root is one of those plants that appreciate how modern pharmaceutical and traditional medicine. He has a long list of therapeutic properties: the acceleration of metabolism to the beneficial effects on the male reproductive system.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Red root (Hedysarum): Description
  • 2 The biochemical composition of plants
  • 3 Medicinal properties of red root for women
  • 4 Benefits for Men
  • 5 future wrong
  • 6 Contraindications to receiving
  • 7 Scope of red root
  • 8 Tablets: instruction dose
    • 8.1 Red root Forte capsules from domestic companies Aklen
    • 8.2 Red pill root from Evalar
  • 9 Tincture: instructions, dosage
  • 10 tea recipe, instructions for use, duration of treatment
  • 11 How to prepare a solution for microclysters
  • 12 Preparation of Hedysarum balm, the dosage regimen
  • 13 Possible side effects
  • 14 When the necessary precautions
  • 15 Whether there are analogs?
  • 16 Prices for tablets and tincture of red roots in pharmacies
  • 17 Feedback on the effectiveness of treatment
  • 18 Videos of red root, its beneficial properties and rules of application
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Red root (Hedysarum): Description

Botanists call the plant Radices hedysarae theinae, but it has a number of more mundane names: root of Hedysarum forgotten, bear / tea / blood / beloshny root, root-bear. The reason for the "bear" nicknames: when the plant was opened, it was believed that these animals eat it.

Hedysarum so named because of the shape of leaves that resemble coins, and belong to the family of legumes, although not like the usual chickpeas, beans, peas and so on. D. Most species Hedysarum grown as animal feed, but the root of the red - an exception among them, as due to the composition is used as a medicine.

Refers to a herbaceous plant, therefore with a kind it is a long (0.8 m) with the brush stem red or purple color. In fact it is much more due to a strong root that goes into the ground to a depth of 5 meters. Thanks to this part of the plant can be used as a fixative in the hilly soil areas.

The roots hold the ground, not allowing slopes deformed. At this depth in the soil layers stock a lot of water, so the form endures the heat and lack of moisture. Fruits Hedysarum forgotten - it is dry beans with a border, form flattened, the surface is both smooth and covered with fuzz or short bristles.

Red root. Medicinal properties, instructions on how to take the tablets, tincture. Contraindications and price

Distributed in Canada and the United States, North Africa, Eurasia. In the Russian Federation it more than anything in the Altai region and in southern Siberia. It was from there began to use bear roots in alternative medicine: local residents discovered the properties of plants and included it in their arsenal.

In the pharmaceutical industry is increasingly used root, although the leaves and flowers of Hedysarum also contain nutrients.

The plant tends to regenerate, so when digging the soil is left of the root. After a few years he will recover and turn into an updated complete plant ready for the new harvest. The collected materials are cleaned from the ground and dried residues. Subject to storage rules (location should be dry and saturated with oxygen) a shelf life of 3 years.

The biochemical composition of plants

Red root consists of a large number of unique substances:

  1. Flavonoids. This vegetable polyphenols (pigments) imparting color flowers, leaves and stems. There are flavonoids that have no color. These substances help in problems with the cardiovascular system, strengthening capillary walls, struggling with cramps in all parts of the body.
  2. Catechins. They are organic antioxidants, t. E. Substances neutralizing free radicals. They are removed from the body heavy metal ions, strengthen the immune system and blood vessels. Have reducing properties. Thanks to them, broths plants become rich red.
  3. Saponite. Plants with saponite are often used in medicine to deal with a wet cough as contribute to the removal of phlegm. It affects the mucous membranes of bronchus and stomach (this accelerates the absorption of nutrients), and normalize the contents of salt and water in the body.
  4. Tannins. Concentrated in the root part, have a pleasant but slightly astringent taste. The main biochemical function - binding proteins. Therapeutic effects: the fixation of diarrhea, accelerated metabolism.
  5. Estrogens. Female sex hormones. Thanks to them, red root issued during menopause.
  6. Xanthones. Class of substances that stabilize the central nervous system.
  7. Alkaloids. Vegetable organic substances with nitrogen in the molecule. They prevent the multiplication of harmful microorganisms and have a light anesthetic effect.
  8. Amino acids. The basis of proteins in the body.
  9. Vitamin C and polysaccharides.

Medicinal properties of red root for women

Hedysarum forgotten useful for women of any age:

  1. Protivoonkologicheskie properties allow us to recommend red root in breast cancer.
  2. The plant outputs excess water from the body, removing the swelling.
  3. Appointed on a roll, and the omission of the uterus, uterine bleeding, cystitis, gynecological diseases of various types.
  4. Stabilizes sleep, relieves stress and irritability, including hormonal cause instability.Red root. Medicinal properties, instructions on how to take the tablets, tincture. Contraindications and price
  5. Increases sexual activity of women.
  6. It helps in situations where for a long time did not manage to conceive a child.
  7. Used in the treatment of adenomas (benign tumors) mammary glands.
  8. Tones muscles.
  9. The skin when taking root bear looks fresh and taut.
  10. Due to the increasing weight normalizes metabolism.
  11. It strengthens the immune system.
  12. There is a burst of energy.

Benefits for Men

Red root, therapeutic properties in respect of which women have already been examined, and helps men.

He is recommended for problems such as:

  • prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • infertility;
  • problems with urination;
  • pain in the pelvis;
  • cancers;
  • lack of erection.

It's all about the ability of red root influence on prostate muscles, relaxing them. He also cleans the ducts, helps normal blood flow to the sexual organs, strengthens blood vessels. Mild stimulating effect, so safe.

future wrong

The course of 2 months or more can lead to development of diseases of joints and liver, problems with the vessels due to remove toxins from their walls. To avoid other problems can not start treatment without reading contraindications.

Contraindications to receiving

Red root (its therapeutic properties described above) has a number of contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation - due to the fact that the product will enter the body of the child, which can lead to negative consequences: abortion, hypertonus or problems with allergies and digestion in newborn.
  2. Children up to age 12 years. In the period of sexual maturation of the child with the product also need to be careful.
  3. Transferred a heart attack.
  4. Idiosyncrasy.
  5. Elevated blood pressure (hypertension).
  6. Confirmed irritability - red root can be even harder to provoke the nervous system.
  7. Arrhythmia, thrombosis and other serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  8. Recently moved concussion or other damage.
  9. Renal insufficiency.
  10. Liver failure.
  11. Large stones in the kidneys (with no small danger, on the contrary, the reception recommended).
  12. Receiving antibiotics. Joint reception may reduce their effectiveness or cause allergies.

Scope of red root

The plant is used in almost all branches of medicine:

  1. Immunology. After a course of drinks red root human immune system is strengthened, the body becomes less susceptible to disease. Thanks to the substances in the composition reduces the risk of vitamin deficiency in the autumn-winter period.
  2. Neurology and psychiatry. Hedysarum forgotten helps in the fight against depression, as momentary improves mood and general emotional state. It promotes active blood circulation in the brain, thereby increasing the amount of oxygen is supplied, leave the headaches, the person feels fresh and cheerfully.
  3. Oncology. Extracts of plants are a good prevention of cancer. The plant can also help in the early stages of their education, preventing the division of cells affected.Red root. Medicinal properties, instructions on how to take the tablets, tincture. Contraindications and price
  4. Endocrinology. Substance as part of a positive effect on hormones.
  5. Cardiology. In this area, the root is used the most, as strengthens and tones all the vessels, accelerates blood moving, saturated with useful substances, in the body. Thanks to him, the blood becomes a brush, and the heart stronger.
  6. Gastroenterology. Affected and the digestive system, as under the influence of the plant there is a rapid absorption of nutrients. At the same root tea is attached with the poisoning and upset stomach, relieves stomach pain and cramps.
  7. pulmonology (The area dedicated to the respiratory system). Infusions help to clean the bronchi and lungs, soften and deduce the phlegm, relieve irritation caused by coughing. Be appointed even in bronchial asthma, pleurisy and tuberculosis.
  8. Urology. Increase muscle tone and blood circulation in the urogenital organs has a positive impact on patients attending urologist.
  9. Gynecology. The plants are very popular in this area, as it helps in case of problems with the uterus, female infertility and so on. D.
  10. General application: blood root reduces fatigue, increased body temperature and therefore will be useful in influenza, SARS and other diseases accompanied by fever.

Tablets: instruction dose

Medicinal properties of red roots were seen not only in alternative medicine. Drugs are available to him known pharmaceutical companies such as Evalar.

Red root Forte capsules from domestic companies Aklen

The pack contains 15 capsules of 0.5 grams The main part of the mass - a powder Hedysarum also composed manufacturer specifies E470 (fatty acids) and E551 (silicon dioxide). Upon designation means it is a dietary supplement (dietary supplement) and used as a supplement during the meal: 1 pc. 3 times a day. The course lasts no more than 2 months and can be played after the break.

Stored in a dry and dark place, not in the heat (25 ° C). Available without prescription.

Red pill root from Evalar

In package 60 tablets consisting of red root, zinc oxide, and vitamin E. It is recommended as a means to maintain potency, but can be used in the treatment of serious diseases of the urinary, genital, respiratory systems. Take 1 pc. 2 times / day with food. The course lasts 30 days, it can be repeated after 10 days.

Tincture: instructions, dosage

Practiced by an infusion of red root. Pharmacy option - tincture Effeks from the company Evalar. Available in 100 ml glass bottle, it consists of a root Hedysarum forgotten, herbs avian smartweed (it chives) and 40% ethanol.

Red root. Medicinal properties, instructions on how to take the tablets, tincture. Contraindications and price

The indication for use is chronic prostatitis. Available without prescription and stored 2 years at temperatures up to 25 ° C. Hour Scheme 1 h. l. drug mixed with 100 ml of drink and drinking water for 0.5 hours before a meal, repeated 3 times a day. The duration of treatment of 28 days.

Red root tincture Plus from the Russian company Narine. The release form - glass packaging volume of 100 ml, the manufacturer in the instructions refers to the causes of urologic applications. In composition and method of reception does not differ from the previous embodiment. Not recommended to minors.

What is needed for the production of liqueurs at home:

  • root dry - 25 g;
  • Vodka - ¼ l.

Preparation and reception:

  1. The root crush (when not taken powder) filled into the glass jar and pour vodka.
  2. Close tank lid and wrap a thick cloth to protect it from external influences.
  3. Placed in a dark room for 10 days, shaking daily.
  4. Ready infusion filter and then continue to be stored in a dark and dry place.
  5. Drink 0.5 hours. l. 3 times a day for 3 weeks. The infusion can be added to drinks. Re-appointment is allowed after 1-2 weeks.

tea recipe, instructions for use, duration of treatment

Red root, healing properties are so diverse, it can be used to prepare a delicious rich tea.

Need to:

  • 0.5 liters of boiling hot water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped or grated root of the plant;
  • honey, milk, cream - to taste.
Red root. Medicinal properties, instructions on how to take the tablets, tincture. Contraindications and price

How to cook:

  1. Root fill in a thermos or other utensils, retains heat well.
  2. Pour boiling water and leave for 45 minutes.
  3. Drink tea during the day with the addition of milk products and / or honey.

The drink is the prevention and treatment in addition to SARS, helps with diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems, facilitates headaches, useful in epilepsy. It is best to brew this tea in spring and autumn, when the immune system is weakened.

Limitations on the duration of the reception there.

How to prepare a solution for microclysters

Microclysters suitable as a treatment for acute prostatitis and BPH in male and myoma / uterine fibroids in women's. Also used to return potency. The procedure is done twice: once after waking up and before going to bed. Tool administration - rubber medical pear, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Stages of the procedure:

  1. 1 h. l. dry root pour into 1 tbsp. just prokipyachonnoy water, stir.
  2. Pour into a thermos and leave for 12 hours.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth, root remnants discarded.
  4. Before enema bulb carefully boiled to not fall into the microbes.
  5. Bring the solution to body temperature, if it is hot, then cool down, otherwise heated in a water bath.
  6. Pear type in item 0.5. fluid and administered to the patient, then give him lie down for a while.

Mikroklizm course - 12 days.

Preparation of Hedysarum balm, the dosage regimen

Balm preparing tinctures not difficult and is used under the same diseases as well as in the neuroses and problems with the digestive tract.

What you need:

  • red root - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • Propolis - 30g;
  • alcohol or vodka - 500 ml.


  1. Root and propolis mix and pour alcohol, shake.
  2. 10 days left in the dark and cool, shake the container with daily balm.
  3. Preparedness strain.
  4. Take 30 drops three times a day for 0.5 hours before meals for a month. Repeated reception is possible only after 60 days.
Red root. Medicinal properties, instructions on how to take the tablets, tincture. Contraindications and price

Another recipe is suitable for respiratory diseases of varying severity:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. root powder sugar and 1 liter of hot water.
  2. Infuse 0.5 days in the container, retaining heat.
  3. Strain.
  4. Divided into 3 parts and take each before a meal every day for a month.

If there is no time to prepare, the balm of Hedysarum can be bought or ordered at the pharmacy. Effective and most popular products in the Russian market is the balsam "Altai" from producer Altai-Seligor.

Its composition is much richer than that of the means of own cooking:

  • mineral water;
  • briar;
  • pantogematogen;
  • Hedysarum forgotten;
  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • calamus root portion;
  • Pine nuts;
  • saxifrage;
  • strawberry leaves;
  • juniper;
  • aronia extract;
  • bird cherry berries;
  • Birch buds;
  • lemon acid;
  • natural dye.

Produced in a glass vial volume 0.25 liter. It takes 1-2 hours. l. 1 times a day with meals. Allowed to add balm tea, juice or other beverage.

Possible side effects

Subject to the rules of admission and no contra side effects are absent.

When the necessary precautions

There are situations where the use of red root is not contraindicated, but is undesirable because of some nuances:

  1. In adolescence, the plant will not harm the body of the child, but it can cause the appearance of acne on the face, create a surplus of energy.
  2. Because of the excitatory properties of teas and infusions with a bear root is not recommended to drink at night to avoid problems with falling asleep. People with insomnia or for people prone to nervous breakdowns and hysteria, and you should consider before taking.
  3. Because of the anchoring effect at the time of treatment is better to eat more vegetables and fruit, otherwise there will be constipation. For the same reason, from the reception should refrain elderly people prone to constipation.
  4. During the treatment should refrain from alcohol. Despite the fact that salves and tinctures contain alcohol, the additional use of alcohol will worsen the result of the course, although there are no side effects at the same time does not appear.

Whether there are analogs?

Red root, medicinal properties which affect all systems of the human body, there is absolutely unique, because in nature it is impossible to find identical plants. But there are some medications and dietary supplements that help in the treatment of the same diseases as tick trefoil.

Red root. Medicinal properties, instructions on how to take the tablets, tincture. Contraindications and price
The figure lists the medicinal properties of red root.
  1. For the male urogenital system: Vitaprost candles and tablets; suckable tablets Afala; Prostanom in various forms of release; candles and vials Prostatilen.
  2. For the water-salt balance: dragees Kanefron
  3. To increase the potency: Super P-force, and capsules Furunbao Vimaks tablets Speman for injections into the muscle Tentex solution.
  4. Cystitis: Tsiston.

Prices for tablets and tincture of red roots in pharmacies

The average price at the expense of the red root:

release Form Cost, rub.
Tablets from EVALAR (60 pcs.) 420
Aklen capsules (15 pcs.) 150
Red root tincture Effeks from EVALAR (100 ml) 180
A stack of dry plants (30 g) 113
Herb Red Root Plus (100 ml) 123

Feedback on the effectiveness of treatment

98% of patients, review, noted positive results in a given area: by simply increasing the tone and vigor to the removal of disease symptoms. Men say that the root is really affect the potency, but gives no immediate effect on 1 night, and slowly but qualitatively solve the problem.

Red root. Medicinal properties, instructions on how to take the tablets, tincture. Contraindications and price

In healthy men in this respect there is vigor and increased sexual attraction to the partner. funds are often based on plants purchased for prevention of prostatitis and so on. d. After it buyers no signs of disease or the side effects.

Red root is not in vain for a long time used the Altai people. Its properties affect the entire body, providing a therapeutic effect. Means you can cook with it or buy in any case it does not need a lot of money, but the effect will last for a long time.

Videos of red root, its beneficial properties and rules of application

The benefits of red root:

Indications for use:

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