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Nettle. Medicinal properties and contraindications, use leaves, seeds hair, weight loss during menstruation. Recipes of decoction, tincture, tea

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Nettle has a rich composition and is used from time immemorial in the practice of traditional medicine for the treatment of various disorders with health and disease. The spectrum of its therapeutic properties is extensive, but there are some contraindications.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Chemical composition
  • 2 Medicinal properties of nettle
  • 3 grass species
  • 4 The use of folk medicine
    • 4.1 To enhance immunity
    • 4.2 Nettles for colds
    • 4.3 In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
    • 4.4 The treatment of sciatica and rheumatism with nettles
    • 4.5 Nettles in the treatment of diabetes
  • 5 Useful properties of nettle for men
  • 6 The use of nettles for women
  • 7 Use in gynecology: the use of recipes
  • 8 Can I use nettles during pregnancy?
  • 9 How to make nettle Slimming
  • 10 The use of nettles for children
  • 11 The use of nettle in cosmetology
    • 11.1 Nettle decoction for strengthening and growth of hair
    • 11.2 Nettle mask for dandruff and hair loss
    • 11.3 Mask for oily skin with nettles
    • 11.4 Baths with nettle oily skin
    • 11.5 Bath with nettle: how to make the recipe
  • insta story viewer
  • 12 for burns
  • 13 Nettles in cooking
    • 13.1 Green salad with nuts
    • 13.2 French salad
    • 13.3 Soup
  • 14 Jam made from nettles: Home Recipe
  • 15 Collection and preparation of nettle
  • 16 Where can I buy nettle
  • 17 How to keep the nettles and the term of its validity in the home
  • 18 And contraindications to the use and possible damage
  • 19 A few interesting facts about the nettles
  • 20 Video of the beneficial properties of nettle

Chemical composition

Nettles, medicinal properties and which contraindications are one of the main subjects for numerous scientific studies in the field of pharmacology and medicine, has a unique rich composition. The plant is a natural complex of many nutrients.


  • A. carotene concentration in nettles considerably exceeds the vitamin content in fruits of sea buckthorn, carrot and sorrel. To make up for the daily requirement of vitamin A in the body, enough 20 leaves of the plant.
  • C. The amount of ascorbic acid in the stems and leaves of nettle twice those in citrus fruit.
  • B. This group is useful for the nervous system plays an important role in the metabolism at the cellular level and helps maintain the immune system.
  • E. Good for your skin, hair and nails.


  • Iron. An extremely important component of the process of hematopoiesis and normalization of hemoglobin.
  • Magnesium It participates in many chemical processes in the body, DNA synthesis and processing of glucose. Also, this chemical element necessary for the formation of inert system and connective tissue. It takes part in some of the reactions of the enzymes.
  • Copper It takes part in several important processes in the body. In particular it helps convert iron into hemoglobin and promotes the formation of certain amino acids.
  • Calcium useful for bone formation, cartilage, and to nails and teeth.
Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications

Other substances:

  • flavonoids have an effect on the activity of certain enzymes that contribute to the normalization of digestion.
  • Tannins have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Increase blood clotting.
  • Formic acid It possesses antibacterial and preservative properties.
  • ferulic acid is widely used in cosmetics, it is an antioxidant of vegetable origin.
  • volatile different disinfecting properties and beneficial effects on the body, improving its resistance to external stimuli.
  • glycosides improve circulation, help with tachycardia (increased heart rate), reduce the swelling.

Medicinal properties of nettle

Nettles and medicinal properties which contra-known for a long time, widely used for treatment of various diseases, and as a tonic.

Beneficial features:

  • Nettle is used in the treatment of hyper- or vitamin deficiencies, as it helps to establish a balance of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  • In various inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and throat disorders such as angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and rhinitis (common cold). It is recommended to drink tea and rinse.
  • Cold and flu.
    Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications
  • Broths rhizomes are used to treat a variety of oral lesions, diseases of the gum, for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis. It is also possible to carry out rinsing for prevention and disinfection of the oral mucosa.
  • Reduces inflammation of hemorrhoids.
  • Broth nettle is used for constipation and helps to improve the intestinal peristalsis and accelerate the toxins out of the body.
  • Indigestion, gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the digestive system.
  • Facilitates the symptomatic manifestations of diseases of the joints, relieves inflammation in arthritis and arthrosis.
  • Good help with radiculitis and rheumatism.
  • Nettles has a restorative effect, helps boost immunity.
  • Widely used in cosmetics, it helps cleanse the pores of the skin and strengthen hair.

grass species

In nature, there are over 50 varieties of this plant, but the most common are:

  • Searing. Stems plant straight, grooved, slightly branched, the height of which varies from 20 to 60 cm. The leaves are quite small, the length does not exceed 5 cm. They have an oval shape, sharp and serrated. The surface is covered with leaves and stems rigid stinging hairs. According to its medicinal properties and nutritional value exceeds nettle nettles.
  • nettle, also called dosage. Stem erect, height - from 60 to 140 cm. Large leaves are serrated on the edges are covered with stinging hairs. However, across sub-species of this plant with long hairs nezhguchimi.
    Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications
  • Zhabreelistnaya. Characterized massive stem, whose height is 1 m. The leaves are large enough. The surface is covered with plants burning or soft hairs.
  • dead-nettle, also known as the "blank." Used for therapeutic purposes along with other types of nettles. By the absence of stinging hairs on the surface of stems and leaves.

The use of folk medicine

About the medicinal properties of nettle has been known since the first century AD. Ancient Greek military physician, naturalist and pharmacologist Dioscorides successfully used this plant for the treatment of kidney stones disease. In the folk and traditional medicine are mainly used, the root system and leaves.

There are several ways to apply:

  • dried leaves and roots, crushed into powder;
  • fresh juice;
  • fresh stems, leaves and roots;
  • seeds;
  • dry plant.

recipes are also very diverse.

Nettle is prepared:

  • broths;
    Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications
  • tea;
  • infusion water;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • ointment with the addition of herbs powder;
  • inhalation;
  • bath with the addition of concentrated broth;
  • added to sandwiches, salads, burgers, soups, soup, green soup, rice, and used as a spice.

To enhance immunity

Nettle is used to improve the immune system. Help boost immunity almost any recipes broth, tea or infusions, since the plant has healing properties. To effectively improve the body's resistance to various types of harmful bacteria and viruses, it is recommended to regularly take a medicinal drug.

However, one should take into account the possible contraindications.

Nettle and honey. To prepare this composition need fresh nettle juice (150 g) and 300 g of honey. To stir thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. Recommended taking curative mixture during the winter and during beriberi with the advent of spring, when the body is more susceptible to various kinds of diseases.

Nettles for colds

For colds and flu symptoms like a sore throat or useful to take alcohol tincture (1 tsp 3 times a day). Alternatively remarkably suitable tea with a spoon May honey.

Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications

For the preparation of tinctures will need a 200 g of fresh stems and leaves and 1 liter of alcohol agent, strength is not more than 40 degrees. Pour and leave in a bright place for 24 hours. Then place for 7 days in a dark and cool place. For brewing tea need 1 tsp of dry leaves and finely chopped 1 cup hot water. Cook like regular tea.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Nettle is useful in high acidity, heartburn, gastritis and stomach ulcers. For the treatment of diseases of this type is recommended to use fresh leaves or roots. Fresh leaves rinse well under cool water and dry up, spread out in a ventilated area.

Then, chop, chopping finely. 150 g of raw sugar and 1 liter of cold water. Reheat over low heat, gradually bringing to a boil. Then pour into a thermos and leave for 12 hours. Take 100 ml prior to each meal for 30 minutes.

The treatment of sciatica and rheumatism with nettles

In these diseases it is recommended to make regular packs. This will require to prepare a tincture of nettles with vodka on a standard recipe. The ratio of ingredients approximately as follows: 1 liter of vodka on 50 g of crushed dry nettle leaves.

Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications

The optimal variant of the procedure: 1 times a day, preferably in the evening. Duration: 2 hours. It is also helpful to drink tea from nettle and rose hips. This allows you to normalize the functioning of the locomotor system, remove inflammation and relieve pain.

Nettles in the treatment of diabetes

Useful components are part of the miracle plant, help to normalize blood glucose levels. In the initial stages of the disease as soon as possible recovery. In more complex cases, the drug based on nettle should be only an aid, in combination with other therapies, which should be arranged with the endocrinologist or therapist.

The infusion is prepared as follows:

  • crushed dried leaves, stems and rhizomes - 4 tbsp .;
  • water - 500 ml.
Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications

Plant driven to pour boiling water in a thermos and leave for 3 hr. Drink 3 times daily with 100 ml before meals. Duration of treatment - 15 days. Then a break for 7 days. The best option - a five-fold repetition of two-week courses of treatment and weekly breaks.

Useful properties of nettle for men

Tools based on nettle well help in many diseases in men, as well as increase the potency. following recipe is widely used among the people. Nettle rhizomes wash and chop. Pour vodka in a ratio of 2 tablespoons raw material to 1 liter. Taken once a day for 25 drops.

Also known recipe for which you need the seeds. 4 tablespoons seeds pour 450 ml of red wine. Boil simmered for 5 minutes. Drink 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

The use of nettles for women

Regular consumption of nettle helps in some diseases, normalizes the menstrual cycle and reduces pain and cramps during menstruation, stabilizes hormones, boosts the immune system, it helps to recover faster after delivery.

Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications
Nettle - its medicinal properties to help cope with pain in the uterine region.

Decoctions and infusions of nettle great help for bleeding, heavy menstruation and spasmodic pain in the uterus and appendages.

Use in gynecology: the use of recipes

Miracle plant helps to overcome numerous diseases and disorders of the genitourinary system of female work. When erosion (and other diseases) of the cervix is ​​recommended douching and baths. To prepare the tools needed 1 tablespoon dry finely chopped raw material and 200 ml of boiled water filtered.

The procedure is recommended once a day, preferably in the evening.

For the treatment vaginitis recommended broth based nettle, chamomile and St. John's wort. All components are taken in equal parts (1 tsp) and filled in a glass of water. Cooking on a steam bath for 15 minutes. Means to cool and pour into a container with a spray. Such a method is a good alternative tub.

Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications

When menopausal disorders is recommended to drink nettle tea three times a day. This will help to alleviate the symptoms and keep the body young longer.

Can I use nettles during pregnancy?

Nettles, medicinal properties and which contraindications sometimes become the subject of discussion and debate of experts in the field of medicine, and is used during pregnancy. It is thought that during pregnancy and lactation period, allowed to compositions, containing nettles, but only in case of absence of contraindications or individual intolerance.

Before the use of any funds should consult a gynecologist.

In some cases, a decoction of nettles is useful to take even in the last weeks of pregnancy to prevent preterm birth and prepare the body for upcoming tests. To prepare the drug will need 1 tsp crushed root of the plant on 1 glass of water. Cooking on a water bath for 10 minutes. Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day.

How to make nettle Slimming

Useful substances contained in the nettles, it's great to help with weight loss. However, it should be borne in mind that the infusions and tea are only aids, does not negate the other important components, such as feasible exercise, proper diet and sleep.

Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications

Diet recommended to regularly drink tea from nettle. It can also be combined with other useful plants: wild rose, leaves, currants and raspberries. Brewing tea in a conventional manner follows: approximately 1 teaspoon dry finely chopped raw material to 1 cup water. Drink 2 to 4 times a day.

The nutrients contained in the composition of the nettle, to help flush toxins and fat from the body. Moreover, this agent improves metabolism and normalizes the body.

The use of nettles for children

This plant is very useful for children. Applicable for different diseases: colds, flu, digestion disorders, as well as to improve immunity. However, some versions of the preparation of medicinal formulations for children are unacceptable, namely, alcoholic tinctures, concentrated juice of fresh nettle and strong decoction.

Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications

Tincture on vodka contraindicated, and concentrated means recommended to dilute with water. In addition, it is not desirable to give money on the basis of nettles for children up to 3 years, since the fragile body of a little child is more susceptible to allergic reactions.

The use of nettle in cosmetology

Nettles, medicinal properties and which contraindications are the subject of much research in the field of medicine and the pharmaceutical industry, also widely used in cosmetology. It has a deodorant and a disinfectant.

It eliminates harmful microflora, because it contained phytoncides and vitamin C. And also resumes structure damaged skin, accelerating the healing process and recovery treatment of acne.

Nettle decoction for strengthening and growth of hair

Nettle - one of the best remedies for hair care. It enriches the skin with nutrients, strengthens the hair structure, stimulates dormant follicles and accelerates the growth process. Hair get healthy shine, thickness and softness. Most often it recommended for greasy or normal type.

Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications

To strengthen the hair is recommended to prepare the following composition:

  • The crushed plant - 100 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp

All components mix and boil on low heat for 30 minutes. Apply the remedy in each shampooing, carefully rubbing the skin and distributing hair. Then continue normal washing procedure with shampoo and rinse thoroughly.

Nettle mask for dandruff and hair loss

One of the easiest methods to help you get rid of dandruff and prevent its occurrence in the future - is rubbing diluted juice of fresh nettle in the scalp.

In addition, well it helps the following recipe: packaging the dried shredded leaf volume filled with 500 g of water (500 mL). Cooking in a water bath for 20 minutes. After that, apply a hair rinse and rubbed into the scalp means.

Mask for oily skin with nettles

Nettles helps to eliminate excessive oiliness of the skin, normalize sebaceous glands and improve the appearance. Excessive sebum creates a favorable environment for the breeding of various harmful microorganisms. One of the easiest methods to reduce the oiliness of the skin - regularly wipe the face with a cotton pad soaked in the broth of nettles.

Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications

In addition, you can prepare the following mask:

  • to prepare a decoction of nettle (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water);
  • drain and cool;
  • take a few tablespoons of white or blue clay;
  • gradually mix the two components until a creamy mass;
  • add a few drops of lemon juice.

The finished mask applied to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. After that, rinse well with cool water.

Baths with nettle oily skin

Bath with a decoction of the leaves and roots of the nettle to help speed up the healing of minor wounds, acne and sores on the skin, reduce the secretion of glands and eliminate excessive fat, and help improve body tone.

Bath with nettle: how to make the recipe

There are a variety of means for preparing baths. One of the most common recipe is as follows: 300 g of dry plants sugar and 1 liter of water and boil for 20 minutes. Received means pass through a gauze fabric and pour into the tub. Duration of treatment was 20 minutes.

Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications

The water temperature should not exceed body temperature, in other nutrients is absorbed through the skin. Before the procedure, you need to take a shower.

for burns

The plant is great help for burns, reduces inflammation and accelerates the renewal of damaged skin. For this recipe it is recommended to apply the nettle.

Chopped leaves (4 tablespoons) sugar 1 cup well heated water (approximately 60-80˚S), leave for 2 h. Then cool and treating the affected skin areas. To do this, it is best to moisten a gauze cloth to prepare the broth and attach it to the burnt areas.

Nettles in cooking

The use of nettle leaves in cooking quite multifaceted. There are many recipes soup, pickle, soups and salad with the addition of nettle. In addition, it is great with rice, buckwheat, potatoes, meat and fish dishes. It is also widely used as a seasoning.

Green salad with nuts


  • fresh green leaves - 400 g;
  • parsley and dill - a few sprigs;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
    Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications
  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • spices, salt;
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tbsp .;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp

All ingredients are green wash and finely chop. Grind the walnuts, garlic, rub. All the mix, add seasoning if desired, season with salt. At the final stage, sprinkle with lemon juice and add a little oil.

French salad


  • nettle (fresh leaves) - 200 g;
  • green onion - 80 g;
  • radish - 100 g;
  • lemon;
  • sunflower or olive oil;
  • olives for decoration;
    Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications
  • salt, black pepper.

Grind the green components of a sharp knife. Pound in a mortar. Cut the radishes into thin slices. To prepare spicy sauce mix the olive oil with a little lemon juice, rub a bit of zest and chopped olives. Then add salt and black pepper to taste. All components combine and season sauce.



  • potato - 2;
  • onion - 1;
  • carrots - 1;
  • Nettle - 120 g;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp .;
  • dill and parsley - a few sprigs;
  • lemon juice;
  • vegetable oil.

Peel the potatoes and cut into quarters. Pour into a container with 500 ml of water, heat and salt. Boil the potatoes, then remove and mash, gradually mixing with thick sour cream. Broth not pour out. Add broth finished mass. Onion and carrots cut into small pieces and cook until ready in the pan, greased with vegetable oil. Add to capacity with potatoes.

Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications

Prepare green ingredients: carefully rinse, chop, add to the soup. Boil 10 minutes. At the final stage, add the lemon juice and any spices if desired.

Jam made from nettles: Home Recipe

Required to make jams and fresh nettle leaves.


  1. Glass leaf pour boiling water and drained.
  2. Leaves cool slightly and repeat the same thing.
  3. To spread out the nettles on the board for cutting and grind.
  4. Warm 120 g of honey and mixed with finely chopped leaves.
  5. Boil for 2 minutes.
  6. Add a little lemon juice.

Jam is ready! It has a pleasant aroma and extraordinary taste.

Collection and preparation of nettle

Collection of medicinal plants requires compliance with certain rules:

  • Collecting plants must be made exclusively in the flowering period. This happens in the summer - from June to August.
  • Collect roots and leaves needed in dry and sunny weather. It is advisable to do it in the daytime or evening when the dew has evaporated.
  • Collect plants recommended in the distance from roads and factories. It is best to search for grass in ecologically clean areas, outside the city or in the countryside.
  • The process of collecting used garden shears, a sickle or scythe.
    Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications
  • The seeds should be collected when the plants mature. The stem is cut at the level of the seed, and then dried for several days. After threshing the seeds are dried again.

Where can I buy nettle

Buy ready-made collection of nettle can be in any pharmacy. The average cost of dry leaves from 50 to 100 rubles. (Packing 50g). Tea made from the leaves of nettle costs 40-50 p. (Packing 20 bags).

How to keep the nettles and the term of its validity in the home

The collected grass and nettle rhizomes should be dry, previously spread out in a dry and well-ventilated place.

As an alternative method suitable artificial drying at temperatures 40-50˚S.

This blank can retain their healing properties for two years. Keep the plant should be in a dry dark place in tightly closed containers.

And contraindications to the use and possible damage

Despite the many useful and healing properties in the treatment of a decoction of nettles, and you need to consider some of the possible contraindications.

They are as follows:

  • PIS;
  • pregnancy;
  • high degree of blood clotting;
  • thrombophlebitis;
    Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications
  • allergy.

A few interesting facts about the nettles


  • In ancient times, our ancestors believed in the magical properties of nettles. They made all kinds of amulets and charms. It was believed that this plant is able to awaken and strengthen a man many positive character qualities such as courage, commitment, sincerity, courage.
  • It is also believed that this plant is able to protect the house from evil spirits, so if the nettle was grown close to home, it is never destroyed.
  • In ancient times, people born belief that nettle grows in the place of death of the damned people or those who have committed a grave sin.
  • In the UK, preparing nettle wine. Its taste is different torpkostyu and low bitter tone.
  • Nettle extract food coloring green. Also it can be used to color eggs for Easter.
  • the fabric can be made from nettle stalks fibers, whose properties are not inferior to the linen matter. During the war, German soldiers made clothes from such material.
    Nettle. Medicinal properties, the use of leaves, seeds. Recipes of decoction, tincture and tea. The use of and contraindications
  • This idea has been displayed in the famous Andersen's fairy tale "The Wild Swans", where for the salvation of their brothers, under the influence of evil spells, Elisa had to sew their garments nettle stalks.
  • In some countries, the Far East, this plant is the raw material for the production of the best types of paper. If such a paper is passed bleaching process, it has a brownish-greenish tint.

Nettle - a multivitamin plant with medicinal properties. However, before proceeding to the use of medicinal concoctions should learn about contraindications, not to accidentally harm their health.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the beneficial properties of nettle

Useful properties of nettle and contraindications:

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