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Linden blossom. Medicinal properties and contraindications for children, women during pregnancy. How useful, as a brew for weight loss, cough

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One of the most useful trees is considered a linden. As a medicinal ingredient in folk medicine used the bark of this tree, the leaves and flowers. Linden blossom, thanks to its curative properties, is widely used for medicinal and preventive purposes, in addition has a pleasant sweet flavor.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Chemical composition
  • 2 Beneficial features
  • 3 Indications
  • 4 Benefits for Men
  • 5 For women
  • 6 Pregnancy and breast-feeding
  • 7 For children
  • 8 Brewing linden blossom
  • 9 Cough and cold treatment
  • 10 with angina
  • 11 To soothe the nervous system
  • 12 cystitis
  • 13 For the treatment of kidney
  • 14 Headaches
  • 15 In diseases of the joints
  • 16 If you have problems with the stomach
  • 17 In diabetes
  • 18 cholesterol
  • 19 For treatment of burns and wounds
  • 20 To strengthen the immune system
  • 21 Used in cosmetics
  • 22 Lime Blossom Slimming
  • 23 Lime broom for bath
  • 24 Contraindications
  • 25 Possible risk of harm and side effects
  • 26 Collection and Storage
  • 27 Video of lime blossom, its beneficial properties and rules of application

Chemical composition

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Flowers of linden tree contain a variety of nutrients.

Among the most famous:

  • carotene - vitamin, improves vision, strengthens tooth enamel and saturating the skin cells with oxygen;
  • natural antioxidants - substances that prevent cell aging;
  • flavonoids - anticancer elements to protect against damage the cellular structure;
  • vitamin C - vitamin C known antipyretic properties;
  • acetylsalicylic acid - natural analogue of aspirin;
  • polysaccharides - Connection of glucose, helping to recuperate after physical and mental stress;
  • natural sugars;
  • volatile - essential oils having antibacterial properties;
  • saponins - substances with a pronounced expectorant action and stimulation of the respiratory tract;
  • tannins - their action is directed at the removal of inflammation;
  • iron - preventive agent against anemia, participating in the transportation of oxygen to vital organs and tissues;
  • magnesium - an active element necessary for the maintenance of the nervous system and the health of hair and nails;
  • potassium - an essential element for the heart;
  • calcium - a mineral needed for strong bones and teeth.
Linden blossom. Medicinal properties for children, women during pregnancy. What is useful is brewing, contraindications

Nectar lime blossom contains up to 20% of essential oils possessing sedative effect on the nervous system and relieve tension. Essential oil limes used as an aphrodisiac. Linden honey is extracted from inflorescences lime, it contains more than 30% organic glucose. It is useful for diabetics, as it reduces the concentration of saccharin in the blood.

Beneficial features

Lime Blossom (medicinal properties will be described in this section) has a health-improving effect on the entire organism.

The main medicinal properties of flowers and nectar:

  • reduced inflammation;
  • and outputting neutralize pathogens, viruses and bacteria;
  • relieve stress relax;
  • improving skin condition;
  • They have a diuretic effect, withdrawn water;
  • act as antipyretic;
  • treat insomnia;
  • relieve burn pain;
  • contribute to hemorrhoids treatment;
  • treat menstrual disorders;
  • outputted toxic substances from the body;
  • treat gum disease;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • relieve headaches;
  • outputted from lung sputum;
  • improve overall health for colds;
  • linden aroma relieves stiffness and increases libido;
  • treat skin diseases;
  • promote rapid healing of wounds and ulcers.


Lime Blossom (medicinal properties of flowers and their use are described below) makes the following diseases:

  • insomnia, chronic fatigue, depression;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • fever;
  • colds;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • sore throat;
  • varicose veins;
  • high blood pressure;
  • prostatitis;
  • poisoning, diarrhea;
  • skin ulcers, inflammation, wound;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes;
  • cystitis;
  • kidney pathology.

Benefits for Men

Linden blossom, medicinal properties which can act as an aphrodisiac, it helps men to:

  • get rid of prostatitis;
  • relieve fatigue and nervous tension, especially at the end of the day;
  • sexual activity.
Linden blossom. Medicinal properties for children, women during pregnancy. What is useful is brewing, contraindications
The figure lists the medicinal properties of lime blossom.

Prostatitis inflorescence made to burn, and then mix the ashes with tea and coffee and use within 3 weeks. Another way to use - brewing a concentrated broth with honey lime linden. Drinking hot drink is recommended in the evening 2 weeks.

To relieve nervous tension and enhance sexual desire, it is recommended to drink strong lime tea with honey, vanilla, cinnamon and spices. It promotes stimulation and sperm production, recovery and elimination of erectile sexual dysfunction. It restores potency and linden tea with fresh ground ginger root.

For women

Lime color helps with the following female diseases:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • inflammation of the external genital organs;
  • decreased libido;
  • cystitis;
  • menopause;
  • overweight;
  • brittle hair and nails;
  • skin diseases.

Tea made from linden inflorescences is used for painful menstruation, massive blood loss, inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs.

Flowers are filled with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 1 (v. l. a glass of water), to insist and drink 2 times a day in the morning and evening hours. Analgesic effect enhances syrup menthol added into the beaker with beverage.

Achieve sweatshop and antibacterial effect in inflammatory diseases will help in adding lime broth 1 tbsp. l. grated fresh ginger root, combined with crushed chillies.

When used cystitis linden tea with sage, eucalyptus pharmacy, flower honey, cinnamon and lemon rind. This drink drives water from the body, neutralizes pathogens, detoxifies and relieves inflammation. It is recommended to drink in the morning and evening after meals for a week.

Improve sex drive helps strong decoction of lime blossom honey of lime and lemon juice. To do this, 3 tablespoons of dried flowers poured a strong boiling water, strain and cool. Then, the glass adds a third strong broth with 1 tbsp. l. honey and the same amount of lemon juice. Strengthens the exciting effect of cinnamon, chili pepper and the cream added to the broth.

Linden blossom, medicinal properties which slimming opened recently, helping to reduce weight. For weight loss is a decoction with honey and grated ginger. It is taken to the main reception morning meal and before bedtime for 2 weeks.

Lime beverage reduces appetite, has a pronounced effect diaphoretic, promotes intense slimming. Nutritionists recommend eating ginger-lime beverage for 20 minutes. to fitness activities. It enhances fat burning and promotes excretion of excess fluid, toxins and poisons.

Linden blossom. Medicinal properties for children, women during pregnancy. What is useful is brewing, contraindications

To improve the condition of the skin is recommended to freeze lime broth in the freezer each morning and wipe the face with ice daily. The treatment improves the condition of the skin, promotes natural skin toning and tightening facial contours.

Improve the condition of hair helps to rinse their decoction of lime. Mask with yolk, honey, linden broth and 1 hour. l. mandarin oil nourishes dry hair, fills them with moisture. Oily to Combination Hair suitable mask with lime broth and lemon juice - it treats posechennye ends and makes hair shine.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

During pregnancy, linden blossom useful to use:

  • it prevents and treats colds without harm to the child;
  • at cold temperature reduces the body without side effects;
  • relieves at a toxicosis;
  • It reduces heartburn and normalizes bowel function;
  • treating insomnia, mood stabilization promotes;
  • It has the general sedative effect.

During lactation broth lime color amount of milk increases and prevents the formation of edema. But it can be drunk without allergies. Lime broth helps to restore the milk, if it was to deteriorate or disappear and prolongs the period of lactation.

For children

Linden blossom essential for children with hyperactivity, cough, cold, sore throat and stomatitis. In the absence of contraindications broth inflorescences limes used with 4 years. For the treatment of colds for children from 4 months, appointed broth inflorescences in a dosage of 1 tablespoon. l. dried flowers per liter of boiling water. When fevers concentration lime blossom increased by 2 times.

Infants need to give him a teaspoon every 2 hours, for children from one year to 3 years - for half a glass, over 3 years - on glass during the day. The temperature of the broth should not exceed 50 degrees, so that the nutrients are not destroyed. When drug allergy lime color is appointed for 5 days. If the treatment of the common cold include antibiotics, the dosage is reduced broth.

When stomatitis, inflammation of the oral cavity after rinsing helps dentifrice two times during the day. When hyperactivity lime broth is mixed with black tea, lemon and honey and used at bedtime.

Brewing linden blossom

To the broth turned out not only delicious, but also brought benefits, experts recommend:

  • use fresh or dried inflorescence linden, no longer collected a year ago;
  • collect linden blossom away from the roads, landfills and contaminated air;
  • water for infusion lime blossom heated no more than 80 degrees, so that the broth is not lost nutritional properties;
  • eat drink during the days after the infusion;
  • lime drink the broth cool, but not hot.
Linden blossom. Medicinal properties for children, women during pregnancy. What is useful is brewing, contraindications

Lime Blossom brewed in a glass container. The optimum dosage - 2 tbsp. l. flowers to 1 cup of hot water. The highest concentration of nutrients broth reached 30 minutes after the infusion. He used to heat, cool or cold.

Cough and cold treatment

When inflammation of the respiratory tract, particularly of bronchitis, cough and severe inflammation of the lungs lime broth acts as an anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and temperature reducing means. He brings phlegm from the lungs and reduces fever.

Lime is used as a decoction of lime tea.

Classical dosage - 2 tbsp. l. linden flowers on a glass of water. Highly concentrated beverage is diluted with water and used with the addition of lemon juice and liquid honey. This fortified beverage fatigue facilitates fever, reduces the temperature and outputs the sputum from the lungs and excess fluid from the body.

To enhance the antipyretic effect in lime tea add 1 ct. l. fresh or candied raspberries and slice of lime. When coughing broth inflorescences limes used in pure form without honey and lemon. It facilitates coughing, bronchi and clears the lungs, relieves pain has immunomodulatory effects.

with angina

With angina applied gargling with a concentrated decoction of linden flowers and drinking warm tea flower. Reduce inflammation, soreness of the throat helps gargling decoction of lime color. The drink is prepared in a dosage of 3 tbsp. l. dried flowers per cup of water. Decoction is filtered, diluted with warm boiled water. Rinsing is carried out 3 times a day.

Linden tea is used as an antipyretic agent for angina. Dosage - 2 cl. l. on glass moderately hot water. The beverage is brewed for 30 minutes, then cast into a third beaker, topped with warm water. To enhance antipyretic and diaphoretic effect in cup 1 is added spoon raspberry jam or chokeberry.

To soothe the nervous system

To remove the stress condition, we recommend the use of lime beverage prepared by the following recipe.

Linden blossom. Medicinal properties for children, women during pregnancy. What is useful is brewing, contraindications

For it will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. Dry linden flower;
  • glass of water;
  • 1 h. l. May lime or honey;
  • some vanilla sugar pellets;
  • 2 circle orange;
  • 50 oz. vanilla ice cream or cream.

Flowers poured boiling water and infuse for an hour. Then the broth is filtered. In a glass of warm water is poured third broth, then added honey, vanilla and orange cream. The beverage has a relaxing effect. It is recommended to use it before going to bed or after stressful situations.


Lime broth in classical dosage form used in the cold in the morning 20 minutes before the main meals for 2 weeks. Inflammatory effect enhances fresh cranberry juice added in the drink and lemon juice.

For the treatment of kidney

When kidney disease is recommended to use lime broth for a month. Drink it in the morning before meals for a month. To the broth had the most beneficial effect, it is recommended to drink it hot or warm form. The effect is noticeable already after 5 days of active use.


To facilitate the production of a headache the next recommended lime beverage.

The main components:

  • 2 tbsp. l. pharmacy dry flowers;
  • cup of hot water;
  • half art. l. Liquid flower honey;
  • 5 drops of menthol oil;
  • 5 drops of lavender oil and mandarin or tangerine 3 slices sweet.
Linden blossom. Medicinal properties for children, women during pregnancy. What is useful is brewing, contraindications

Lime broth is brewed, and is cooled infused for 30 min. Then filter and add honey and oil in it. The drink is recommended for use in the second half of the day, especially before bedtime. When used regularly, it relieves headaches and improves overall health.

In diseases of the joints

A decoction of lime-tree is used to treat diseases of the joints. To remove the pain, cold broth soaked bandage or linen cloth and turn it into the joints for an hour. The procedure is done 2 times a day, morning and evening during the week.

If you have problems with the stomach

When poisoning, gastritis with high acidity is recommended to drink a cold decoction of lime color, brewed in the classic dosage (2 tbsp. l. colors on 1 stack. cold water). When poisoning it acts as an absorbent, removing discomfort. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is recommended to drink slow sips of cold broth of lime blossom.

In diabetes

Unconcentrated broth lime blossom (1 ff. l. colors to 0.5 liters. water) is used for lowering blood sugar concentration. Decoction is drunk throughout the day and relieves diabetes.


To reduce cholesterol is recommended to drink a decoction of lime with the addition of mint and lemon. He cleans the blood vessels and reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. For blood purification recommended drink with lemon and apple (or garnet) natural fresh juice.

For treatment of burns and wounds

To remove pain recommended soaking wounds wool, linen or cotton cloth dampened broth lime color. To avoid getting particles plants in the wound area, the wound is treated carefully strained lime mortar.

To strengthen the immune system

In the season of colds and general strengthening of immunity doctors recommended the preparation of the next drink:

  • 1 stack. strong lime broth;
  • Art. l. fresh lemon juice;
  • pinch of ground cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. grated ginger;
  • 1 h. l. Liquid flower honey.

Components are mixed, heated to a boil condition and used in the form of heat. Enhances the antibacterial effect of raspberry juice or cranberry added to the drink. It is recommended to consume a drink with a decoction of lime-tree in the season of colds or lowered immunity.

Used in cosmetics

Broth lime color used in cosmetology as a wound-healing agent. With him do facials, hair rinse compositions and masks. Ice from the broth linden tones the skin, removes inflammation and tightens pores. Wiping ice broth of lime or recommended for oily skin prone to acne.

Hair propoloschennye broth linden chamomile acquire softness and shine. Regular use of the rinse prevents hair breakage and removes fat.

Lime Blossom Slimming

Lime Blossom at regular application promotes weight loss. To achieve the effect, it is recommended to use lime broth for a month. It is brewed at a dosage of 5 items. l. flowers per liter of water. The drink is cooled and used in the morning before meals for 3 days, then re-sealed in new colors.

During the month of lime broth cleanses the intestines, stomach, removes toxins and fatty deposits. The effect is amplified if a glass of broth add a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger and drink a drink for 20 minutes before the morning run or a visit to the gym.

Lime broom for bath

Broom of lime is refreshing the skin, it helps to cleanse the pores. He did from the young branches of the tree in the period of flowering (May to July). Broom dried on straw about the draft. After that is used for 3 years. Prior steaming it was rinsed with cold water and used carefully, because it is very easy to damage. park the time - 20 minutes.


Lipa and its broths, leaves and flowers have contra-indications:

  • heart failure;
  • allergic reaction;
  • decreased vision.
Linden blossom. Medicinal properties for children, women during pregnancy. What is useful is brewing, contraindications

Infants is recommended to use lime color first on a teaspoon to check the body for allergies.

Possible risk of harm and side effects

Lime color not only has medicinal properties, but also can harm the body.

When improper dosage, the following side effects:

  • rash;
  • heartache;
  • hives;
  • stimulation of the nervous system, anxiety.

Collection and Storage

Lipa is collected in the flowering period (from May to July, depending on the region). Flowers are going away from landfills, traces of contaminated sites. Immediately after collection, they are dried in the sun and stored in a plastic bag or cardboard box in a dark place for a year. The storage place should be dry and well ventilated. Broth is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Lime color is not only pleasant to the taste, but also useful. Medicinal properties it can replace antibiotics and antipyretics those who suffer from drug allergy. It strengthens the immune system and fights infections. Therefore, it is desirable to have a medicine cabinet all who are prone to or suffers colds inflammatory diseases of the kidney or cystitis.

Video of lime blossom, its beneficial properties and rules of application

Lime tea recipe:

Medicinal properties of lime blossom:

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