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Rescuer. Instructions for use. 911 ointment, cream, children balm, shower gel. Properties, how to apply for adults and children

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Rescue Balm - a tool that helps to eliminate pain and has a healing effect on skin tissue. Instructions for use, properties and contraindications are described in the article.

The content of the article:

  • 1 species means
  • 2 Rescuer Forte ointment and balm: differences
  • 3 the drug
  • 4 Properties and action of the drug
  • 5 In some cases, apply balm
  • 6 Contraindications and side effects
  • 7 Instructions for use
  • 8 Balm for children. instruction
  • 9 This shows a series of 911
  • 10 Contraindications and side effects
  • 11 Forms of preparation 911
  • 12 Video of Rescue preparation, its efficiency and application rules

species means

Rescue Balm has several modifications:

  • Rescuer.
  • Children's rescuer.
  • Rescuer Forte.
  • Lifeguard Spray.

Rescuer Forte ointment and balm: differences

Rescuer balm and ointment Rescuer Forte have much in common, but there are a number of distinctive points between them:

  • Lifeguard (instruction on the application of balm is considered in the article) does not have a warming effect, and ointment Rescuer Forte - a kind termobalzam.
  • insta story viewer
  • Composition is different: the ointment and balsam.
  • Slightly different composition: the ointment does not contain Naftalan oil component, and it is composed of Additional ingredients (Siberian ginseng, red hot pepper, Siberian ginseng, fir oil, methyl nicotinate).
  • A similar, but somewhat different spectrum of activity. Rescuer is characterized by anti-inflammatory, analgesic and tkanezazhivlyayuschim effects. Rescuers Forte main effect - warming, it improves blood circulation locally.
Rescuer. Instructions on the application of an ointment, cream. How to apply for adults and children
  • Ointment Rescuer Forte affects the deeper tissues (muscles, ligaments), and balsam - just covering the body's tissues.
  • Both drugs produce different pharmaceutical companies. Balm of Ukrainian descent, and the Polish ointment.
  • The small difference in price: Balsam slightly more expensive ointment.

the drug

Lifeguard (instructions for use is shown below) is unique content only natural components, the absence of hormones and antibiotics, chemical additives, dyes and perfumes.

  • Naftalan oil - a valuable component, a rare fossil. Strong antiseptic, analgesic.
  • calendula extract It possesses potent antimicrobial activity.
  • Antioxidants, vitamins A and E They are structural components of cell membranes. Have powerful regenerative effect.
  • beeswax natural, which is known triad of useful properties: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing.
  • Propolis stimulates natural skin cell renewal, skin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces the pain symptoms and slowing inflammatory processes.
  • Oil of turpentine - a substance derived from a coniferous tree resin.
  • Sea buckthorn oil widely used in medicine as a wound healing remedy.
  • Olive oil contains large amounts of vitamin E, well it softens the skin and prevents moisture loss.
Rescuer. Instructions on the application of an ointment, cream. How to apply for adults and children
  • Lavender essential oil calming, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action.
  • Rosemary essential oil relieves spasms and inflammation, relieves pain effectively combats germs.
  • Tea tree essential oil. His powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties have been known since ancient times.
  • The lipids of cow's milk nourish the body's cells, protecting them from the effects of environmental factors.

Properties and action of the drug

Rescuer due rich useful components of the composition, has a list of therapeutic properties which potentiate each other. Instructions on the application of balm is contained in each package.

  • Local antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects.
  • It strengthens the protective function of the skin.
  • Promotes restoration of damaged tissue after burns, frostbite, mechanical effects.
  • Relieves symptoms of inflammation: removes redness and swelling, relieves pain.
  • Has a cosmetic effect on the skin, it nourishes and moisturizes.
  • Prevents scarring after deep burns and mechanical injuries.
  • It helps avoid festering wounds.
  • It promotes the resorption of hematomas, hemorrhaging.

In some cases, apply balm

As the name suggests, and effects on the body, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Closed and open mechanical injury of soft tissues: bruises; of compression; muscle strain; sprains; hematoma, bruising; bruises, all sorts of "fresh" wound (cut, torn, bruised, chopped and others).
  • Mechanical injuries of bones and joints: bone fractures; dislocation of the joint.
  • Thermal damage: superficial thermal and chemical burns I, II, III degree; Surface elektroozhogi I, II, III degree; frostbites I, II, III degree.
Rescuer. Instructions on the application of an ointment, cream. How to apply for adults and children
  • Pyo-septic processes in the wound.
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes: boil and abrasions; carbuncle; hidradenitis; abscess; phlegmon; dermatitis; erysipelas; lymphangitis and lymphadenitis; festering fistula.
  • Pressure sores, diaper rash, skin maceration, blisters.
  • Acne.
  • Suppuration postoperative wounds.
  • Hypertrophic postoperative scars.
  • Dryness and flaking of the skin.
  • Epicondylitis, bursitis, tendonitis, arthritis, sciatica.
  • Insect bites.
  • Cracked nipples of mammary glands.
  • Hemorrhoids, anal fissure.

Contraindications and side effects

Side effects:

  • The reaction of sensitization to components of balsam Rescuer, which occurs in people with hypersensitivity.
  • Perhaps a slight local irritation of the skin at the site of application of the drug.


  • Not recommended for use in people with allergic responses of the body.
  • Do not use again, if at the time of first use have been signs of intolerance.
  • With care given during pregnancy and during lactation breast milk.

Instructions for use

Rescuer, instruction manual that describes the list below, is applied as follows:

  1. Before you apply Balsam rescuer, carefully examine the summary to him.
  2. Pre need to clean the skin of visible contamination of foreign bodies, blood clots, of necrotic tissue. Enough wash or clean boiled water and foreign bodies removed with tweezers.
  3. It is undesirable to be used simultaneously with other medicines: hydrogen peroxide, an alcohol or an aqueous solution of iodine, hormonal substances.
  4. It is very important as a preparation before you can apply after you receive any injury or onset of illness.
  5. Rescuer balm should be applied several times a day and use up to the complete disappearance of symptoms.
Rescuer. Instructions on the application of an ointment, cream. How to apply for adults and children
Terms of Use balsam Rescuer of the instructions to the drug.

The method of application differs depending on the application:

  • When closed mechanical traumas balm liberally applied to the injured area more damage area. Abundantly rub, cover them, and then impose sogrevayusche-protective bandage (sticking plaster may be).
  • In open mechanical damage (Wounds) medicine attach directly from the tube. With deep wounds lubricate only the edges. Close the wound with a bandage.
  • For thermal injuriesAfter pretreatment rescuer applied so as to not touch the surface of painful skin. Do not rub the skin in any case. Close damaged protective bandage.
  • When chronic inflammatory diseases medicine liberally applied to the inflamed skin.
  • When hemorrhoids and anal fissure rectum balm is applied a thin layer by means of lubrication or the anus can apply special applicators after each intestinal release.
  • When cracked nipples breast use twice a day (no more), and before you feed your baby balm rinse well.

Balm for children. instruction

Lifeguard, instruction on the application that is listed in the article, with no warnings can be used in children, starting from the newborn period.

Indications for use in children may include:

  • prevention of the formation of the diaper chafing;
  • shaped diaper rash at all stages;
  • prevention of chapping while visiting the streets in the winter season;
  • mechanical and thermal damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • inflammatory skin diseases.
Rescuer. Instructions on the application of an ointment, cream. How to apply for adults and children
  1. The rescuer is applied to broken or inflamed skin with a thin layer. It's important to grind, except for burns and frostbite. Put on top of the insulating protective bandage.
  2. Make sure that the baby is not touched balm hands, avoid contact with the mouth.
  3. Repeat the application of balsam Rescuer allowed repeatedly to achieve a positive result.
  4. Store the drug need of reach of children at a room temperature of 5 to 25 ° C up to 2 years.

This shows a series of 911

Series 911 - it is a list of drugs. Series range of applications is wide.

Indications for the use of 911 series:

  1. mechanical trauma (fractures, sprains, bruises, sprains, fractures and sprains, abrasions, bruising, hematoma);
  2. rheumatism;
  3. thermal injuries (burns and frostbite);
  4. protection against sunburn;
  5. hair loss and alopecia (hair loss);
  6. dandruff;
  7. foot crack;
  8. diaper rash in infants and their prevention;
  9. diseases of veins - varicose veins;
  10. sweating stop;
  11. acne;
  12. trophic ulcers, poorly healing wounds.

Contraindications and side effects

Adverse unwanted effects:

  • serious violations in the work of organs and body systems balm causes;
  • not possible development of allergic conditions, as in the preparations of the 911 series are essential oils, beeswax;
  • bishofit substance can disrupt the cardiovascular system.
Rescuer. Instructions on the application of an ointment, cream. How to apply for adults and children


  • intolerance composite components formulations;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels by using funds from bischofite in its composition;
  • hypersensitivity to the pungent smell;
  • during pregnancy and lactation with caution, since studies in this area have not been described.

Forms of preparation 911

Gel-balm larkspur effective for pain in the joints. Root larkspur fights infection, relieves inflammation. Tones vessels.

  • Chondroitin - Natural component. Regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in bones and joints, strengthening them.
  • Arnica removes bruises and bruises.
  • Nard is rich in vitamins and trace elements, it contains alkaloids and flavonoids. Eucalyptus oil and menthol have vasodilating action and mestnooobezbolivayuschim

Features of the application of balm:

  • recommend larkspur in diseases of the joints (arthrosis, arthritis), spine (osteochondrosis);
  • the deposition of salts (gout).
Rescuer. Instructions on the application of an ointment, cream. How to apply for adults and children

Gel-balm Comfrey is recovery activator in cells.

The components of the gel:

  • Comfrey root extract is known for anti-viral, and increases the tone effect.
  • Extract concoctions - the best performance remedy bruises and abrasions.
  • Menthol and camphor have a distracting effect.
  • Chondroitin sulfate - building material for cells.
  • Juniper oil has potent antiviral effect. It has long been used alone in the treatment of arthritis, radiculitis, neuralgia.
  • Essential oil kayeputa acts as a potent anti-inflammatory component, relieves inflammatory edema, stops bleeding.
  • Rosemary oil - antiseptic, antioxidant, analgesic and immune stimulant.
  • Eucalyptus oil - makes the blood vessels wider, improving blood flow to the body of the patient, eliminating the pain.
  • Clove oil - a powerful healing agent.

Features of operation of comfrey balm:

  • prescribed for sprains, spinal osteochondrosis, all types of arthritis and arthrosis, osteomyelitis and gout.

Balm with a source of an aqueous magnesium chloride solution. Revives cartilage, joints giving a new life.

It is composed of many minerals and plants:

  • Sodium ions in the cells stimulate processes.
  • Calcium ions - Construction mother's bones.
  • Magnesium ions relieve spasm and pain.
  • Iodine improves properties of blood.
  • Potassium and bromo normalizes the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • The extract was golden whiskers contains phospholipids, carotinoids and has a mass of useful properties (pain, reduce inflammation, combats infection, immunity and improves healing).
  • Comfrey extract with antiinflammatory action.
  • Cowberry extract possesses pronounced anti-marsh and analgesic effect.

Features of the application of the gel-balm:

  • substance rubbed into the damaged area of ​​about 3-5 minutes;
  • after rubbing the gel effectively put a hot compress.

Gel-balm with bee venom - a medicine from the 911 series will help with joint pain, pain in the spine.

Rescuer. Instructions on the application of an ointment, cream. How to apply for adults and children

Composition varied with valuable ingredients for joint health:

  • Bee venom - a secret that bees produce is a good vasodilators, thus improving blood flow to the tissues.
  • Ginkgo biloba is widely used recently, component, as it has many useful properties: removes inflammation in tissues, strengthens the walls of veins and arteries, reduces swelling. It is a good anticoagulant (thins the blood).
  • Horse chestnut extract has a positive effect on vascular walls, strengthening them, reduces the permeability of veins. Also has analgesic properties, and reduces the inflammatory response.
  • The extract of red vine leaves - the original component protivovovirusnoy activity, and anti action, eases symptoms of pain and normalizes the microcirculation.

Features of the application of the gel-balm with bee venom:

  • used for the treatment of arthritis and degenerative disc disease of all origins;
  • means very effective for varicose;
  • because of the content in the composition of Ginkgo biloba during pregnancy is best not to use, because of its influence on blood clotting.

Gel-balm with chondroitin. Chondroitin sulfate - is an organic substance, a component of joint cartilage.

In addition to the main active ingredient - honroitina of the gel-balm includes:

  • Eucalyptus - anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Elecampane extract stops the blood and inflammation.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) and arachidonic acid stimulants repair and regeneration processes.

Features of the application of the gel-balm with hondroetinom:

  • apply the gel as an adjuvant drug for the treatment of arthritis, spinal osteochondrosis;
  • applying a pre-clean space;
  • carefully rub into the joint area massage in a circular motion, so that the gel is completely absorbed into the skin.

Chaga gel-balm for the joints is still one of the most highly effective drugs to help with joint problems. Helps reduce inflammation, pain, swelling, eliminates the salt deposits.

Rescuer. Instructions on the application of an ointment, cream. How to apply for adults and children

Composition Chaga gel-balm:

  • Chaga - a parasitic fungus that lives in the trees. Due to rich th content in its composition of mineral elements, it has a powerful antibacterial, hemostatic and antiseptic actions.
  • Vitamins E and F induce cells to rapid healing.
  • Essence Hypericum good antiinflammatory, tonic, hemostatic and antimicrobial component.
  • Elecampane essence, oil of eucalyptus and tea tree in tandem perfectly relieve symptoms of inflammation, reinforcing each other's action.
  • Peppermint oil is good heats.
  • Lanolin is an animal wax, softens the skin.

Features of the application Chaga gel-balm:

  • apply in rheumatoid and other types of arthritis, osteomyelitis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and gout;
  • multiplicity rubbing gel - up to 3 times a day.

for Revmalgon body wash another rescuer of the 911 series, the range through which joint disease. The main components komponeinty Revmalgona - essential oils.

The composition of the gel is practically similar to that of Chaga gel balm, further includes:

  • Hot pepper extract and bee venom - warm, causing a rush of blood, relieve pain, reduce inflammation and swelling.
  • Essential oil of eucalyptus, juniper, cedar and fir effectively defeat the inflammatory process.

Features of the application of the gel to Revmalgon body:

  • indispensable tool in rheumatoid arthritis, myositis, neuralgia.

Gel Travmalgon body - assistant in mechanical trauma. One of the first in the list of first aid for bruises sprains lacerations.

Rescuer. Instructions on the application of an ointment, cream. How to apply for adults and children

Composition gel Travmalgon body:

  • Camphor, burning red pepper and eucalyptus essential oil causes the blood flow to the site of application, is heated and relieve pain; relieves vasospasm resolves bruises and bruises.
  • Sage, part of the gel, prevents or suppresses inflammation, has a bactericidal effect.
  • Lavender, in addition to its fine fragrances, too, inhibits inflammation processes.

Features of the application of the gel to Travmalgon body:

  • Effectively assign balm closed mechanical injuries (bruises, fractures, dislocations, sprains and torn ligaments, muscles);
  • Travalgona possible to use for muscular pain due myositis and neuralgia;
  • I found a use of gel and arthritis, spinal osteochondrosis;
  • gel should be rubbed every 2 hours to injury. And to enhance its potency, it is necessary to put an oilcloth insulating bandage or use a tissue adhesive plaster.

Potentilla balm is made on the basis of cinquefoil, valued for its medicinal properties of plants. Therefore, the plant is also called "Russian ginseng". Potentilla is endowed with potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects soleizgonyayuschim.

Together with the main component consisting of:

  • Arnica extract, willow bark tree boswelia, juniper implement anti-inflammatory effect Sabelnik.
  • Chondroitin sulfane - building material for the articular cartilage.
  • Glucosamine - an essential component of the synovial fluid.
  • Nettle extract triggers mechanisms of regeneration and removes the inflammation.

Features of the application of balm Sabelnik:

  • it is advisable to appoint a balm for inflammation of the joint of any etiology, gout, myositis, neuralgia.

Gel Venolgon feet - rescue service for the lower extremities, a means for the treatment of varicose veins.

gel composition Venolgon feet:

  • Lemon essential oil has the ability to thin the blood, which is very important for the prevention of thrombosis with varicose veins. Lemon oil also promotes healing processes in tissues. Ginkgo biloba strongest anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents, improves microcirculation in the vessels.
  • Essence of red vine leaves increases the stability of the vascular wall, reduces their permeability.
  • Pine bark extract - indispensable gioluronovoy acid source which enhances the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Horse chestnut essence, due to active agent escin, has a pronounced effect sosudoukreplyayuschim and prevents inflammatory reactions.
  • The extract hazelnut not only normalizes the blood, but also has a positive effect on the vascular wall, strengthens and tones them. Both the component properties are ideal for the treatment of varicose veins.
  • Butcher broom extract - a powerful sosudoukrepitel exhibits anti-edema effect.
Rescuer. Instructions on the application of an ointment, cream. How to apply for adults and children

Features of the application of gel for legs Venolgon:

  • gel found its application with varicose veins as a prophylactic and therapeutic purposes;
  • substance is applied to the limb abundantly and rubbing massaging movements in the direction from the ankle to the thigh;
  • foot during application of the gel should be in an elevated position;
  • Venolgona to improve efficiency, it is desirable to use it after wear or use compression stockings elastic bandage;
  • apply the gel may for the prevention of varicose veins and its treatment;
  • Venolgon not use during pregnancy because of the influence of the drug components in the clotting of blood.

According to doctors, "Lifeguard" - an effective and safe agent for adults and children. According to the instructions for use preparation has a minimum of side effects and contraindications.

Video of Rescue preparation, its efficiency and application rules


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