The Formation Of Blood And Blood

Styptic during heavy menstruation. Folk, pills, herbs, non-prescription drugs

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Monthly - is a natural physiological process in women of reproductive age. It is the spotting of the uterine cavity. By the number of bleeding periods is divided into a lean, moderate and abundant.

A large amount of bleeding (more than 100 ml per cycle) is abnormal, and requires the use of hemostatic agents have been carries risk woman's health.

The content of the article:

  • 1 How to distinguish between bleeding from heavy menstrual period?
  • 2 Action hemostatic tablets with strong monthly
  • 3 Indications and contraindications hemostatics
  • 4 Overview hemostatic appointed with menorrhagia
  • 5 Fast-acting drugs for injections
  • 6 Recipes folk remedies to stop heavy menstrual period
  • 7 Treatment for fibroids
  • 8 How to stop the bleeding endometriosis
  • 9 Hemostatic agents in menopause
  • 10 Videos about Hemostatic agents

How to distinguish between bleeding from heavy menstrual period?

Monthly with copious secretions and bleeding from the uterus deliver not only a physiological discomfort, but also carry a risk for the health of the woman.

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The reasons for these conditions can be physiological (heavy lifting, nervous stress, age-related changes in hormonal background) and pathological nature (trauma lower abdominal, gynecological disease, impaired vascular condition and blood coagulation). For women, it is crucial to recognize the bleeding of menstruation.

At home, the diagnosis can be made by the following symptoms:

  • allocating not correspond menstrual calendar (may be prior to the cycle, after or in the middle);
  • duration of bleeding can be more than 7 days without changing the amount of discharge;Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period. Folk, pills, herbs, drugs
  • often there is a strong pain symptom, not only in the lower abdomen, but all over the abdomen, as well as in the lumbar region, and during sexual intercourse;
  • highlight color of bright red or dark brown color. Bright color signals the arterial bleeding (burst vessel) and brown color indicates the presence of broken capillaries, of which oozes blood. Normally, the color selections should be dark red;
  • too liquid consistency. Blood flowing stream, large drops, or there are too many clots of various sizes. When natural menstrual blood is small amount of mucus, blood itself medium consistency;
  • menstrual discharge has a characteristic smell of blood (fresh meat), bleedings is absent, but the third party odors may be present;
  • pads or tampons for heavy discharge, fill up faster than 2 hours;
  • general health deterioration with decreasing pressure and dizziness. Also, a woman identifies external pale skin due to lack of iron.

If symptoms are allocated to the relevant bleeding requiring examination by a gynecologist with the subsequent appointment of treatment. The choice of medication can independently lead to serious complications.

Action hemostatic tablets with strong monthly

Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period reduces the amount of blood loss for menstrual secretions.

The drugs (tablets, injections and oral administration) is as follows:

  • constriction of blood vessels and capillaries, with a subsequent decrease in their amount of blood;
  • increase blood clotting;
  • improving vascular elasticity and restoring them to prevent brittleness.Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period. Folk, pills, herbs, drugs

Medications recommended to use the onset of menstruation, then the components will have a more efficient means of action.

Indications and contraindications hemostatics

Hemostatic agents may be used only after their appointment by the attending specialist, if indicated, and in the absence of contraindications.

Medicines are appointed under the following deviations:

  • number of precipitates per menstrual cycle exceed 100 ml;
  • It proved the presence of uterine bleeding;
  • pathology of the uterus (endometriosis, fibroids);
  • menstruation lasts more than 10 days;
  • Do not stop bleeding after childbirth, miscarriage or abortion;
  • identified poor blood clotting;
  • violation of the elasticity of blood vessels.

The dosage and the desired rate is determined by the patient's gynecologist of.

After selecting the expert drug excludes contraindications:

  • an increased amount of blood platelet preparations can trigger thrombus formation;
  • intolerance to the components included in the drug. Risk of developing multiple health complications and even refusal of some bodies in the work;
  • disruption of the kidney or liver. Diseases not allow timely bring the drug from the organism that may lead to increased side effects and the poisoning of the body components of the formulation;Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period. Folk, pills, herbs, drugs
  • violation of the cardiovascular system;
  • the presence of cancer cells in the blood plasma;

Some drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy due to the possible deterioration of placental blood supply. A more complete list of contra-indicated in the instructions to the drug (depending on the composition of the drug).

Overview hemostatic appointed with menorrhagia

Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period strictly assigned doctor. The specialist must determine the cause of bleeding, to determine the overall condition of the patient and the presence of contraindications. After completion of the examination is determined and the desired drug release form (tablets, injections or herbal infusions).

Description of haemostatic preparations:

Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period. Folk, pills, herbs, drugs
Etamzilat - cheap analog Dicynone - hemostatic agent during heavy menstruation
The name of the drug, the release form and the price Description of drug action Instructions for use Contraindications and possible side effects
Dicynone. Tablets and injectable solution. Price from 300 to 500 rubles. Drug components contribute to the increase of platelet number for rapid hemostasis. A normalizes vascular condition. means components derived within 24 hours of urine. It is an analog etamzilat. A full course of treatment from 5 to 10 days. The daily dosage is determined individually and uniformly distributed on the day. Effect of the drug observed after 30 minutes and lasts up to 6 hours and 8 days after the end of therapy. The drug has no age restrictions, but during pregnancy it is possible to use with the permission of your doctor. Therapy can be accompanied by headaches, nausea and pressure decrease. Dicynonum banned for use at elevated blood viscosity.
Tranexam. Tablets and solution diffusions. The average cost of 300 rubles. Constituent medicament normalized platelet production, accelerating the process of blood coagulation. Additionally, the drug has anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and anti-bacterial properties. The course of treatment is 3-4 days. During the day you want to take 1 tablet 3-4 times. Action components observed after 3 hour and lasts up to 17 hours. In childhood, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding is being used only with permission of a doctor. Treatment may involve a breach of the digestive system activities (such as nausea, diarrhea, heartburn), dizziness and a violation of the cardiovascular system (chest pain, heart palpitations and worsening patency vessels). The medicament is not assigned with renal pathologies and hyperviscosity.
Vikasol. Tablets and injectable solution. The average cost of 100 rubles. means components increase the production of platelets, which promote hemostasis. The duration of treatment is 3-4 days. If necessary, repeat the course of therapy is required to make a break for 4 days. A single dose is 1-2 tablets which take 2-3 times a day. Effect of the drug observed after 12-18 hours. During pregnancy, the means adopted with the approval of the gynecologist. Therapy may be accompanied by nausea, cramps, and yellowing of the skin. When the drug is not assigned a probability of development of thrombosis and the presence of liver diseases.
Etamzilat. Injection and pills. The average price of 130 rubles. Constituent medicament normalize the blood and vascular condition, without increasing the production of platelets. Etamzilat therapy is 5-10 days. Serving Size 1 tablet, take 3-4 times a day. Improving observed 15 min after drug administration and continuing up to 6 hours The tool is not recommended to use during pregnancy, especially up to 12 weeks. In the treatment may cause headaches and heartburn pressure reduction. When the probability of the development of thrombosis or allergy medicament in the treatment is not used.
Askorutin. Pills. The minimum price of 50 rubles. Vitamin composition of the drug helps to normalize the blood vessels and the state. Additionally tablets allow to strengthen the immune system and have antiviral and anti-inflammatory action. And also reduce the pain symptom. The drug is released prolonged treatment course of 14-30 days. The day is required to take 1 tablet 2-3 times. Tablets do not have restrictions on admission (allowed at birth and during pregnancy), but their use can be accompanied by nausea and an increase in pressure. Ascorutin not indicated for renal pathologies.
Diferelin. Lyophilizate for preparation of solution for injection. The price of 2000 rubles. The facility has a hormonal composition and is assigned to eliminate the bleeding caused by pathologies (cancer, fibroids, endometriosis). Tool dig for 28 days from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The dosage is determined individually. During pregnancy and lactation the drug is strictly contraindicated. The treatment may be accompanied by allergic symptoms (itching, swelling and redness of the skin), headaches and mood swings. In the presence of allergy to the components, the drug is not administered.

Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period. Folk, pills, herbs, drugsBecause the drugs affect the blood and can often cause the formation of blood clots, they are available only by doctor's prescription (except askorutin, a vitamin agent). Produce their own replacement medication or changing the dosage rate and is prohibited.

Fast-acting drugs for injections

When heavy menstrual period with a lot of discharge or severe bleeding tableted agents are not used since their action begins only after digestion in the digestive tract. For the rapid elimination of these pathologies are used hemostatic agents in the form of injections.

When administered intramuscularly or intravenously preparations medicament effect observed after 5-20 min. The procedure is allowed only to employees of medical institutions. Since there is a danger of damage to the vessel or nerve needle during injection formulation.

List of medicines used:

  • the above means, except askorutin, Diferelin and menadione. Ascorutinum produced only in tablet form. Diferelin - a hormonal drug that is effective in the course of treatment. A Vikasol starts to operate (even if injection) only after 12 hours;Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period. Folk, pills, herbs, drugs
  • Oxytocin. Hormonal enhancer uterine walls (therefore used only when the pathological bleeding). It promotes rapid withdrawal of blood residue from the uterine cavity and to stop bleeding;
  • Aminocaproic acid. It normalizes the blood vessels and the state of bleeding, followed by a stop;
  • Triniksan. It is an effective hemostatic agent (used when other drugs are ineffective). It refers to a new generation of drugs. Additionally, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties;
  • Ambenom. Effect of the drug begins within 5 minutes after administration. is not used in pathologies the kidneys;
  • Contrycal. It normalizes the blood, speeding stop bleeding;
  • Calcium chloride. It has hemostatic, inflammatory and detoxification properties.

Plus injection is not only the speed of action, but also the lack of side effects on the digestive tract.

Recipes folk remedies to stop heavy menstrual period

Plentiful monthly (if it is proved that it was not bleeding) can be normalized using the popular recipes:

  • steamed in 200 ml of boiling water 10 g shepherd's purse. Take 20 ml 3 times per day;
  • 200ml boiled water 5 g nettle dried for 10 min. Eat 3 times a day instead of tea;
  • 100 g of crushed bark viburnum. Fill it with 200 ml water and heat to simmer for 30 minutes. Take 50 ml 4 times a day;Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period. Folk, pills, herbs, drugs
  • 5 g seed fill lilac 200 ml of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes. Consumed 50 ml on empty stomach in the morning;
  • Tea with oregano. You can buy a ready or add 5 g of dried herbs in a teapot;
  • steamed thyme 5 g in 200 ml of boiling water. Consumed within days in the form of heat;
  • Fresh juice from the leaves of plantain take 15 mud before meals.

Folk remedies can be combined with medication, but only with the permission of the attending physician. Since you can increase the likelihood of blood clots.

Treatment for fibroids

Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period caused myoma can only be assigned to a gynecologist after inspection. Myoma - a benign formation that develops in the myometrium (muscle layer of the uterus).

The pathology is accompanied by breach of menses, with an increase in secretions (including between cycles), and pain in the lower abdomen. The disease can occur without symptoms.

Depending on the severity of the disease course of a gynecologist can be assigned:

  • Hemostatic agents (Diferelin, and Vikasol Etamsylate);
  • at moderate intermenstrual secretions and assigned nettle tincture Ascorutin;
  • hormonal tablets (Janine, Yasmin, Logest). They normalize hormone, prevent tumor growth and reduces the amount of precipitates;Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period. Folk, pills, herbs, drugs
  • agonists inhibit production of pituitary hormones (Sinarel, Gonapeptil);
  • iron-containing drugs to prevent the development of anemia (Maltofer, Ferlatum, Ferrum Lek).

With the progression of disease and a negative response to treatment is carried scraping surgical removal of the uterus or body.

How to stop the bleeding endometriosis

Endometriosis - a growth of inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) outside the body. Danger of adjacent organs and violation of their activities. Accompanied by a violation of cycle, heavy and painful discharge.

To eliminate the disease and normalization of menstruation is used following treatment:

  • Hemostatic agents (Ascorutin, Diferelin, Dicynonum);
  • further appointed decoctions of herbs hemostatic (they accelerate the process of stopping bleeding and reduce pain symptom);
  • oral hormonal agents (Regulon Three regol, Femoston);
  • painkillers (Ketanov, Pentalgin, Analgin);
  • scraping endometrial lesions or cauterization zones with liquid nitrogen;
  • means for iron deficiency (Durules, Venofer, Totem);Hemostatic agent for heavy menstrual period. Folk, pills, herbs, drugs
  • vitamin complexes for immunity (Complivit, Alphabet, Vitrum).

If the treatment does not give a positive effect, or endometrium struck located near bodies that performed surgery to remove the uterus and restoration activities damaged authorities.

Hemostatic agents in menopause

Menopause - a period of fading activity of reproductive organs. State is accompanied by violation of the menstrual cycle with a change in discharge quality. It may be accompanied by pain and mood swings.

To facilitate the flow of menopause and in the presence of severe bleeding, gynecologists are appointed by the following drugs:

  • Hemostatic medication (aminocaproic acid, Oxytocin, ambenom);
  • vitamin and iron complexes (Tardiferon, peaks Undevit);
  • sedatives (motherwort, Afobazol, glycine);
  • hormonal agents (Logest, Diane-35, Jess).

When menopause bleeding should gradually fade. If they are strengthened or become painful, need urgent examination with diagnosis. Tumors may develop due to hormonal failure, which is characteristic for a given period.

Plentiful monthly as dangerous as bleeding. Due to the loss of blood in large quantities disrupted the activities of all organs (anemia, and this lack of oxygen). To eliminate the disease requires examination by a gynecologist and pass a full inspection. The obtained data is assigned with reception medication styptic.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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How to stop bleeding during menstruation:

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