
Oxytocin injections uterine bleeding: instructions for use, does not help at stopping the percentage that can cause

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Uterine Bleeding - a problem faced mostly by women during menopause or during and immediately after birth. The girls of reproductive age is associated with it may be diseases of the genitourinary system, which are almost 100 percent of cases cause bleeding. One of the proven drugs that help fight uterine bleeding is Oxytocin - instruction on the application of injections with uterine bleeding it suggests that treatment should be under strict control doctor.

Oxytocin solution


Oxytocin - the hormone drug that is extracted from the cells of the brain in cattle. To stop uterine bleeding it is created synthetically. Effective with hormonal failure, when a woman's body itself is not able to produce enough hormones for normal functioning of the reproductive system. It affects it and on the nervous system, endocrine glands, helps control metabolism.

Oxytocin is produced in the form of a solution intended for intravenous and intramuscular administration. Sometimes, according to indications, the drug may be administered directly to the uterus wall. Intramuscularly Oxytocin may be used for the prevention of uterine bleeding, which can occur in the post-operative period or in case of failure of hormone.

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In most cases, oxytocin is used when there is hypertonicity of the uterus. Its main purpose - to stimulate follicle outlet for bleeding. Oxytocin - a synthetic hormone. He has a vasoconstrictor effect, which results in increased uterine tone. With the introduction of the queen of the drug is reduced.

prick Oxytocin

In the course of labor preparation speeds up the process of childbirth. After the release of his child may be used to accelerate the process of uterine contractions that will quickly give birth to the last, as well as to stop the bleeding from the uterus. Use of the drug during labor may only doctor who led the pregnancy and knows all the peculiarities of the female organism.

When you can and can not be used

To stop uterine bleeding in young, non-pregnant women Oxytocin can be assigned for use at home. This is done under the strict supervision of a physician. It defines the required dosage and duration of treatment according to the severity of the situation.

Direct indications for use of the drug are:

  • the risk of bleeding due to decreased uterine tone;
  • Complications of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • stopping uterine bleeding;
  • poor production of breast milk in the first days after birth;
  • abundant and persistent bleeding from the uterus.
Persistent bleeding from the uterus

The introduction of the drug intravenously should occur in a hospital. Since Oxytocin has a lot of side effects, while dropper doctor should monitor the patient's condition, to quickly provide her with the necessary assistance. The doctor should know, in what percentage and what can happen if complications arise.

Oxytocin is contraindicated in people with a styptic:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • risk of myocardial infarction;
  • diseases of the urogenital system;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the coronary vessels;
  • heart disease;
  • severe renal insufficiency.

Oxytocin does not use in the presence of cancers, infectious and inflammatory processes in the uterus.

Since the oxytocin stimulated contractility of smooth muscle throughout all chronic conditions may deteriorate and lead to severe consequences.

Self-medication can greatly exacerbate the situation. It is impossible to accurately determine the percentage probability that a patient may have will be lost a large amount of blood, the development of anaphylactic reactions, as well as nausea, vomiting, tachycardia and suffocation. Improper use of Oxytocin may also cause bleeding.

How to use

The dosage of Oxytocin uterine bleeding is selected individually for each patient. During delivery the drug is able to enhance or weaken the contrary attempts may occur unwanted reactions of allergic nature. In this case, high risk of uterine rupture, fetal injury generic, quick detachment of the placenta. The medicament sometimes (in a small number percent) causes bleeding, which appears as a result of excessive uterine tone after administration.

The dosage of Oxytocin

Therefore, intravenous fluids are permitted only after studying the general history of women. The hormone is administered with weak contractions, together with a glucose solution. Intravenous injections made in the case of a large loss of blood during menstruation. 1 ml of the drug is diluted in 500 ml glucose solution. Scheme of treatment varies depending on the testimony.

Intravenous drug is administered and immediately after abortion or miscarriage. For this 1 ml Oxytocin is diluted in 500 ml glucose. Always dripped slowly. Not less than 4 hours.

Intramuscular injections are made, depending on the condition. The hormone is injected in such dosages:

  • in order to avoid bleeding from the uterus hypotonic dosage is 0.5 - 1 ml for 3 weeks;
  • during heavy blood loss - 1-1.5 ml 3 times per day for 3 days;
  • for enhancing lactation - 0.5 ml, 5 days, 30 minutes before the start of feeding;
  • for the prevention of bleeding in the postoperative period - 0.3 - 1 ml 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days.

Oxytocin - a synthetic hormone, so its use can cause a number of side reactions like treatment with other hormonal methods, among which the most prominent are considered allergic reactions, tachycardia, trouble blood pressure. Sometimes Oxytocin can cause bleeding. This happens in cases where the drug dose is exceeded. If patients experience any of these reactions, the doctor should immediately stop using the product and assign adequate treatment of this condition.

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