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Mildronat or Fenotropil what better compatibility comparison

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What better Mildronat or Fenotropil - interests many people. The drug belongs to a different drug groups, but the same effect can have in the body. Fenotropil drug refers to a group of psychostimulants and nootropics and affects the autonomic nervous system. Mildronat drug is a metabolite, it improves the intracellular metabolism, increases endurance and helps a person to maintain enhanced exercise.

The composition and properties of the preparations

Compatibility Mildronate phenotropil and required pre-check with your doctor. The composition included Mildronate meldonium - substance stabilizes the heart muscle and supports the body work at its failure. The composition included phenotropil fenilpiratsetam.

The human body has Fenotropil these steps:

  • normalizes the regional blood flow;
  • It stimulates the oxidative reactions;
  • activates the central nervous system;
  • eliminates convulsions;
  • It improves memory and brain function.

Mildronat drug has a greater effect on the heart and vascular system. However, this drug also stimulates the brain structures and is involved in bioprocesses oxidation acids and fats. If we compare Mildronat and Fenotropil, that both drugs affect the central nervous system and have a stimulating effect. But

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Fenotropil no effect on the heart. It should certainly be taken into account when assigning resources. It mixes well in the treatment of heart disease and drugs Mildronat Kardionat.


Preparations are some differences in the indications for use. Nootrop Fenotropil should be taken to improve circulation in the lower extremities, reducing anxiety, stabilize the mental and physical reactions.

The main indications for use phenotropil:

  • neurotic disorders;
  • convulsive state;
  • depression;
  • lethargy and nervous exhaustion;
  • reduction in operability;
  • brain hypoxia.

Cardioprotector Mildronat appointed:

  • in the post-infarction condition;
  • tachycardia;
  • in violation of the heart rate;
  • heart failure;
  • to increase endurance.

And Mildronat and Fenotropil are stimulating the nervous system drugs. A similar effect has also Meksidol and Phenibutum. However, their reception is better to abstain from the use of phenotropil. You can not use a large amount of nootropics, so as not to overload the central nervous system.

Nootropic drugs action can improve cerebral circulation, and metabolites enhance cell metabolism and help lose weight by burning fat. In a similar effect, for example, has a gel Aktovegin.

Mode of application

Take Mildronat simultaneously Fenotropilom with caution and only on prescription. Pre-need to consult a cardiologist and a neurologist. Mildronat usually administered in a dosage of 250 mg 3-4 times a day, and Fenotropil 250 mg per day.

You can not drink heart glikozity metabolite Mildronat and nootropics year round. Doctors recommend after a course is sure to take a break, and then continue to use the necessary medicines. Admission Mildronate and phenotropil necessarily need to agree with the doctor. Drink preparations together requires only with the approval of a physician. A skilled physician will decide what kind of medicine. Phenotropil Mildronate or more appropriately taken at this point, based on the characteristics of the disease.


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