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As Chlorhexidine affects the hair

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mechanism of Action

Based on the chemical formula, a preparation can be attributed to chlorinated derivatives biguanide. Formulation Chlorhexidine means comprises a bigluconate. The mechanism of action of the active substance is based on its reaction with the phosphate groups present on the surface of the cell walls of pathogenic microorganisms. This leads to a shift in the osmotic pressure inside the cell itself, and dysfunction of membrane degradation which leads to the death of most bacteria.

So, we found that chlorhexidine effect on pathogens. So, if you wash your hair with chlorhexidine solution, we can clean the scalp, remove the inflammatory processes, and contribute to the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.


Because the drug exhibits bactericidal and antiseptic activity, it can be used for disinfection of the skin in various diseases, provoking the appearance of the pathogenic flora.

  • For rapid disappearance of acne can wipe the skin with chlorhexidine;
  • When purulent inflammation agent destroys the bacteria that make it impossible to heal damage;
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  • The effect of the antiseptic action will be seen already in a day after the first application.

According to the instruction preparation used 2 - 3 times per day in the form of a washing or appliques. However, please note that chlorhexidine not be combined with alkaline anionic compounds. This means that just prior to use tools, you can not wash with soap and water. This combination will reduce the activity of antiseptic substances.

How to use hair Chlorhexidine? Seborrhea and other skin pathologies and hair, create discomfort and cause itching, the drug can be used in applications using irrigation and rinsing the hair. These procedures can be carried out from one to three times a day. Feedback from patients, itching passes after the first application.

The structure of many industrial tonics, lotions, creams and masks for oily skin, as well as many products for hair include chlorhexidine.

Many people mistakenly believe that the hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine - the same thing. This is not true. Yes, both substances have disinfecting properties, but act on cutaneous lesions in different ways.

It is also wrong to think that Chlorhexidine lightens hair, like peroxide.


Antiseptic solution has broad spectrum antibacterial effects. Successfully used in otolaryngology, gynecology, urology, dentistry and dermatology. Included in the many cosmetic products used to treat oily skin.

The presence of the drug in commercial shampoos and masks, confirms the positive effect of chlorhexidine on the hair. The tool is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, so it is absolutely harmless.

Chlorhexidine erroneously confused with hydrogen peroxide, although these are two completely different substance, the only common feature of which is fumigation. Peroxide antioxidant substances included in the group. In the treatment of wound surface is cleansed of damage through the release of active oxygen. This property is used to lighten hair. Oxygen reacts with the pigment, and in the course of this action takes place lighting.

Clarification chlorhexidine hair make impossibleBecause it does not possess such properties.


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