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Chlorhexidine bedsores: how to use guide

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The materials of this review, we consider in more detail why it is recommended to apply chlorhexidine with bedsores and how to carry out their routine. Immediately it should be noted that the appearance of bedsores is better to prevent than to deal with their treatment. They arise because of the prolonged pressure on the same area of ​​the body, resulting in small vessels infringed, stops blood flow, and tissue begin to die.

Choosing an antiseptic

Carrying bedsore treatment - it is rather complicated and time-consuming procedure that previously needed to prepare. In most cases, to exercise care in the buttocks bedsores quite uncomfortable, given that the patient is supine and standing in the supine position. Therefore, antiseptic preparation for processing has to be easy to use and with minimal need to change bandages.

It is important to know that the process is not worth bedsores Zelenko, hydrogen peroxide, iodine and potassium permanganate, as they contribute to the drying out of the skin and damage the granulation tissue structures. It is the right choice - this treatment of bedsores chlorhexidine.

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Chlorhexidine has established itself as a powerful antiseptic, which not only disinfects, but also do not have any negative impact on the upper layers of the epidermis and can be used regularly.

For example, only in certain cases it is possible to use hydrogen peroxide, since there are limitations in the application, the application of pressure sores Chlorhexidine has no limitations.

by bedsores processing instruction

In order to properly carry out the procedure for changing the dressing and treatment of pressure ulcers in the home, the following components need to prepare:

  • Sterile gauze or bandage and cotton;
  • antiseptic - chlorhexidine;
  • alcohol;
  • ointment bactericidal effect;
  • hypertonic solution.

So, if the first stage bed sores and the skin in the affected area is intact, then the treatment can be carried out, treating the affected area with sea buckthorn oil, or camphor alcohol without rubbing and without preservative Chlorhexidine.

If the decubitus of the second stage and looks like a small sore, then it is necessary to take all measures to prevent the development of inflammatory processes. Therefore, from bedsores used Chlorhexidine.

Treat the patient should be as follows:

  • Several times a day at first to handle the affected area with chlorhexidine;
  • After Chlorhexidine should carefully treat the affected surface hypertonic solution;
  • The next step is to carefully apply a bactericidal ointment Levomekol, Solkoseril or Aktovegin, which will also help accelerate the process of tissue regeneration and fast healing.

For the prevention of the formation of new pressure ulcers should as often as possible to turn the patient from one side to the other. At least three times a day to light massage to knead the skin in the region of maximum pressure on the bone. It should also be noted that in the treatment of bedsores great assistance should also have the bed of the patient.

On the bed must be quite soft bed mattress without bumps and dimples on a special opportunity - Antiacarian, it is lined with oilcloth, and on top of the net the pressed sheet, which should be changed every 2 day.

If within 30 days at home it is impossible to cure the sores with antibacterial ointment and chlorhexidine, then at without fail, seek the help of a qualified health professionalOtherwise, launched the process of necrosis may be the reason for the surgery.


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