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Hydrogen peroxide from colds and flu: whether the drug can be used

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Components and formulation

Hydrogen peroxide is released in the form of external solution with three percent concentration. The banks of dark glass is released at 25, 40, 50 or 100 ml. The solution is clear, colorless, additional substances - purified water and sodium benzoate.

By drug pharmacotherapeutic group relates to antiseptic agents for local and external application.

medicinal properties

From colds and flu to use hydrogen peroxide can be due to the disinfecting properties. Chemically oxidizing agent is also a hemostatic effect - stops small surface bleeding.

When the substance is in contact with the skin wounds and scratches and inner shells, oxygen is released in an active form. Bioorganic decontaminated products such as pus, blood, proteins.

When using hydrogen peroxide in removing cold important to remember that the drug does not sterilize. He temporarily reduces the concentration of pathogenic organisms.

It is impossible to use hydrogen peroxide for purification cavity. A solution of hydrogen peroxide requires special storage conditions, as it may lose its properties at elevated temperatures and under direct sunlight.

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When the drug is given

The drug used in the treatment of:

  • lesions of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • bacterial lesions of the tonsils;
  • diseases of the mucous membranes of the genital;
  • superficial wounds;
  • nosebleeds;
  • bleeding capillaries.

Hydrogen peroxide will assist in the treatment of diseases provoked by infections of virus and as an antiseptic for preventing the spread of the causative agent.

Will it help with colds and flu

The causative agents of the common cold - infectious, bacterial agents. Hydrogen peroxide, acting oxidant and antiseptic may successfully cope with a temporary disinfectant and preventing propagation of infection at cold on mucous membranes.

However, its effect is only temporary - the hydrogen peroxide does not sterilize surfaces. If both are used, plant and equipment from cold, disease recede faster.

As for the flu, the disease threatens to severe complications in the cortex of the brain, heart, joints. In case of improper or delayed treatment of complications can threaten death. Because the symptoms is an urgent need to seek medical help and avoid self-treatment.

The operating principle of the common cold

It is assumed the following principle of action for colds. Molecules peroxide react with catalases blood cells and blood plasma. When the drug enters the blood shell elements, it is decomposed into water and atomic oxygen. Last provokes the oxidation of cells, including the shells of viruses and bacteria.

Hydrogen peroxide on the fight against colds is similar in action granulocytes, which produce their own peroxide to eliminate the causative agents of influenza and SARS. Oxidation of the membrane provokes destruction of pathogenic microorganisms cells, leading to their elimination.

Instillation and nasal lavage

When cold hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat rhinitis, and disinfecting the upper section of the respiratory system. The drug helps to effectively eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the nose and prevent the development of sinusitis.

We recommend the use of hydrogen peroxide, if such symptoms are observed:

  • labored breathing;
  • reddening and nasal locally elevated temperature;
  • nasal voice;
  • mucus.

Mucus white or greenish color with a cold indicates a bacterial agent - It advised to consult infectious disease specialist, therapist or audiologist for the purpose of Bacteriological research.

Rinsing is performed with hydrogen peroxide in the morning and evening on such algorithm:

  • 100 ml of pure water to dissolve 10 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide;
  • mix, ready to dial liquid into the pipette;
  • enter the fast half a dropper into each nostril;
  • Half a minute later, exhale strongly from each nostril.

With the help of the drug not only can fight colds and nasal congestion, but also prevent the development of ulcers and inflammation of the frontal and maxillary sinus, stopping the reproduction of bacteria.

For prophylactic instillation of such an algorithm is used in the cold:

  • in 15 ml of carbonated mineral water diluted with 15 drops of medication;
  • dial stock solution into the pipette;
  • enter into each nostril half of the pipette;
  • 15 seconds hard blow mucus.

This therapy is applicable both for adult and child, subject to the prior consultation, since hydrogen peroxide alone may address the first means in the conservative treatment of colds medicine.

Rinsing the mouth and throat

When cold with hydrogen peroxides can be disinfected throat, tonsils, preventing the development of tonsillitis. The procedure will avoid serious inflammatory lesions and abscesses with an integrated approach to treatment.

For washing throat with colds using this method:

  • in 100 ml of water was diluted with 5 ml of the formulation;
  • preheat liquid at body temperature;
  • for 3-5 minutes gargle solution obtained;
  • repeat the procedure in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Solution reduces the number of pathogenic microorganisms on human mucous membranes of the throat, promoting rapid healing.

techniques Neumyvakina

The most widely used treatment for the common cold hydrogen peroxide obtained thanks to Professor Neumyvakin. MD and author of hundreds of scientific papers recommend taking hydrogen peroxide orally in a lower concentration, and apply a cold in the form of lotions and compresses.

oral administration

To treat a cold method for researchers need to take a weak peroxide solution was orally administered every day. For this purpose, one or two drops of 3% solution was diluted with 50 ml of pure water. Take half an hour before meals three times a day.

Every day, add a drop of more up to ten drops for the reception, and then stop use. Despite the popularity of the procedure it is recommended to consult a doctor and do not use hydrogen peroxide orally without his recommendation.


Hydrogen peroxide to treat influenza can be in the form of compresses.

They are prepared according to this algorithm:

  • mix 10 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 50 ml of water;
  • natural moisten the fabric in the resulting liquid;
  • put on the chest;
  • cover with foil and warm scarf or towel;
  • hold 15 minutes to an hour.

It is recommended to use compresses twice a day, morning and evening.


By own methodology professor, treatment with hydrogen peroxide and possibly in children under strict dosage. At this age, it is recommended to breed one drop of hydrogen peroxide in 10 ml water. Five years - 3-5 drops per 10 ml of ten years - 5-8 drops.

Preventing complications

Hydrogen peroxide from influenza and colds not acting first-line drug of choice, or - it can be selected by the attending physician as an adjuvant therapy.

Aids can prevent such complications:

  • Sinusitis - inflammation of the nasal, frontal sinuses;
  • secondary bacterial infection - usually the accession of infection is observed just in the absence of antimicrobial treatment;
  • Ascending infection - defeat all the greater area of ​​mucous membranes of the nose to the throat, tonsils and larynx;
  • chronic tonsillitis - is caused by infection of the tonsils lacunas and makes the immune structure is not able to resist bacteria and infections;
  • the formation of polyps and crusts - prolonged exposure to infection provokes prolonged inflammation.

The use of hydrogen peroxide during cold active multiplication will prevent infection and neutralize the mucous membranes.

Combined therapy

Colds and flu - a disease triggered by pathogen, infection or virus. It is important to understand that it requires a complex treatment to prevent chronic infection or a viral illness. Influenza can have serious consequences for the body, if not treated in time to start it.

It is recommended for detection of cold and flu symptoms:

  • consult a physician or infectious diseases;
  • undergo laboratory examination of blood and urine;
  • take prescribed medication strictly according to the scheme drawn up by a doctor;
  • comply with bed rest and gentle food.

The attending physician may prescribe additional instrumental methods of diagnosis. Hydrogen peroxide treatment in the circuit will act as an additional preservative to prevent secondary infection, and lesions of mucous membranes of large area.

The basic scheme of treatment: antibiotics, antivirals, anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce temperature and pain, and vitamin complexes pro-, prebiotics to maintain a beneficial microflora as component the immune system. Additionally appointed herbal teas and herbal teas: chamomile, thyme, mother-and-stepmother, licorice.


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