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Activated carbon pancreatitis: to drink or not

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Description of the drug

Activated carbon - one of the simplest known adsorbents. Its popularity is due to the natural ingredients, effectiveness and low cost. The preparation includes 4 kinds of natural origin carbon. In the manufacture of a medicament components are heat-treated (up to 1000 ° C). The preparation is made in the absence of oxygen and is further chemical processing. It is produced in the form of tablets and capsules.

pharmacological properties

With the penetration of drug into the body reacts with gastric secretions and acquires the properties of "cleaner". Due to its fine structure, it absorbs toxic substances. Activated charcoal does not enter the bloodstream and completely evacuated naturally. During treatment with stool can be painted in black. This is normal and should not cause concern to the patient.

when used

Doctors prescribe activated charcoal in the treatment of pancreatitis.

Also taking medication indicated for these conditions:

  • The symptoms of intoxication;
  • Flatulence;
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  • poisoning;
  • intestinal disorders (diarrhea);
  • Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Increased gas formation in the intestine;
  • Increased production of gastric secretion;
  • Hormonal disorder caused by improper metabolism.

Activated charcoal on internal systems and organs:

  • It neutralizes heavy metal salts;
  • Displays glycosides and alkaloids;
  • Eliminates residues of medicines;
  • Slows the assimilation of trace elements beneficial gut.

Important: In addition to the harmful and toxic compounds Activated carbon is able to neutralize the beneficial trace elements. To prevent the exhaustion it is not recommended to systematically use the drug without first consulting your doctor.

About pancreatitis

pancreatitis - an inflammatory disease of the pancreas. When normal operation body secrets, generated them fall into the small intestine, and are involved in the digestion of food. If you violate the functioning of the liquid ceases to flow into the duodenum, and linger in the pancreas. The result of this pathology becomes the activity of enzymes in the body and its gradual self-destruction.

Effect of the preparation on the course of pancreatitis

During the "self-digestion" pancreas poisons the organism harmful compounds. When protracted course of pancreatitis develops intoxication. To eliminate the poisoning symptoms doctors recommend pancreatitis drink activated charcoal.

The drug is used to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of acute forms of gastrointestinal diseases. Activated carbon with cholecystitis and pancreatitis, as well as other inflammatory conditions of the digestive system, is recommended to get rid of pain and dyspeptic symptoms. In the chronic form of pancreatitis medicine used for cleaning the organism against toxic compounds and undigested food.

In indolent stage pancreatitis Activated Carbon is shown to remove stagnant in the intestine food residues are not digested because the affected gland. Experts note the high efficiency of the use of the drug in the acute stage of chronic pancreatitis.

Means in this case gives the following results:

  • beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive system;
  • normalization process hematopoiesis, and the blood;
  • reduction dyspepsia;
  • prevent the development of ulcers and gastritis;
  • deacidification pancreatic secretions;
  • improvement of intestinal peristalsis.

Treatment with activated charcoal pancreatitis requires monitoring time between use of drugs. In the treatment of multiple medications must ensure that the minimum interval between administration of activated charcoal and other drugs was 180 minutes. If this requirement is not met, the therapeutic effect of the medication can be reduced or lost.

The dosage regimen for pancreatitis

Treat pancreatitis activated carbon must be strictly following the recommendations of the attending physician. Incorrect use of the medicament can result in dehydration of the high adsorbing properties of the substance.

Abstract to the drug does not contain information on the use of funds from pancreatitis. Take Activated carbon in such a state can be in tablets (capsules) or crush the medication and prepare a suspension thereof. Children are encouraged to drink activated charcoal capsules. This form of the drug is swallowed easily. Wash down 1-2 glasses of water.

Acute attacks permissible crush the desired dose of medication to a powder, add to the resulting mass of water and stir. Ready means should have the consistency of a low-fat sour cream. Drink solution recommended sips. Receiving mixture salvo may trigger vomiting. After swallowing suspension is necessary to drink at least 1 cup of liquid.

The use of powder helps to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms of pancreatitis. The effect is observed after 15-30 minutes after administration.

To prevent undesirable consequences should not exceed the recommended amount of formulation. Dose calculation Activated charcoal is made in view of the patient's body. The recommended amount of product - less than 250 mg (1 tablet) per 10 kg weight. In chronic pancreatitis or sluggish throughout the tablets can be taken fractionally. To do this, the daily rate should be divided into several stages. The duration of therapy of pancreatitis coal is 10-14 days.

The dosage regimen for treating physician varies when passing in disease remission. Often, as a maintenance therapy Activated charcoal is assigned one tablet per day.


You can not take the medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This ban is associated with a strong absorbency of a medicament, which may cause the development of dehydration and cause harm to the mother and fetus. For the same reason Activated charcoal is not recommended for use for people who are prone to constipation. The drug, consuming a lot of fluids in the gastrointestinal tract, can aggravate the situation.

Before using the drug is necessary to exclude the possibility of individual intolerance of the drug components.

Activated charcoal is contraindicated in a number of pathologies of the digestive system.

These include such conditions:

  • ulcer disease;
  • internal gastrointestinal damage, accompanied by bleeding;
  • increased sensitivity of the intestine and the stomach;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • violation of the integrity of the gastric mucosa.

Activated charcoal helps to relieve the state of intoxication of various etiologies. It frees the body from toxic substances and compounds originating in the bloodstream for inflammation of organs and tissues. Charcoal tablets show favorable results in the treatment of pancreatitis. Uncontrolled taking medications can cause significant harm to the body. For relief of a sudden attack allowed to take a single dose of the drug on their own. Further treatment should be under medical supervision.


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