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Swelling after lip augmentation hyaluronic acid: how long it lasts

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What causes edema

The fact that the tissues swell after the correction of the lips and the swelling is formed - this is actually vpolneestestvenny process. Slight edema appears due to the fact that the structure of layers of the epidermis varies. Hyaluronic acid - a substance that attracts water molecules, which provides a substantial rejuvenation of the treated area. But this woman must be ready to edema.

Another factor provoking occurrence otekaiz the introduction to the lips of hyaluronic acid is damage to skin and tissue. Although in filler treatments administered thinnest needle dermal integrity is violated, there is not strong injury, which leads to edema. On the site of administration of hyaluronic acid occurs lung inflammation and swelling is inevitable that a very negative effect on the appearance.

The doctor who carries out the procedure, tell how wisely in the future take care of the skin to relieve swelling after the injection of hyaluronic acid in the lips. As practice shows, if we strictly comply with all recommendations of the expert, the swelling will begin to subside and disappear quickly after 3-5 days, but in some cases, recovery may take 1-1.5 weeks.

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Often, the network can see the negative reviews with photos that prove deficient work plastikesnevernym contour of hyaluronic acid (so it can not meet all criteria quality). People show specifically what can be swelling after injections of hyaluronic acid in the lips. The most common problem for patients is really just a very strong, yarkovyrazhenny lip edema following fillers hyaluronic acid that resembles a ball which does not decrease for a long time.

Aggravating factors of edema can be the following:

  • Cosmetologist specialist does not have sufficient experience for the procedure, or poor quality filler was used;
  • lips after Hyaluronic acid swollen, filler if introduced too deeply;
  • the body of the patient is predisposed to the occurrence of edema (which may be associated with impaired renal function, vascular and heart disease);
  • during injection the capillaries are injured Hyaluronic acid, which is why there is swelling, which lasts much longer (about the problem may indicate a hematoma and bruising on the lower or upper lip);
  • It puts too much hyaluronic acid;
  • during infection has been recorded during the procedure;
  • after increasing lip Hyaluronic acid swelling may be displayed when substandard care after the procedure in the heart;
  • Hyaluronic acid often causes swelling, if the patient has an individual intolerance of the components of the preparation.

After a swelling time disappear

How much will the girl to keep the upper and / or lower gubyotek after introducing it in the center of Hyaluronic acid, as a rule, it depends on quite a number of factors. The normal condition where swelling after lip augmentation such as a hyaluronic acid preparation is maintained for two to three days, and after a gradual reduction in edema. Sometimes the recovery process takes up to five days, after which the swelling subsides. This is due to the fact that the body of every woman is different.

More days need to tissue recovered and swelling decreased, if during the procedure lip augmentation directly Hyaluronic acid were traumatized vessels needle. As a result, on the lips usually it appears not only swelling, but bruises and even bruising. Bruising and extra volume in most cases take place after 1-1.5 weeks.

If swelling persists longer than this time, then, most likely, during lip augmentation fast Hyaluronic acid specialist error or the patient was admitted allergic to introduced a drug. Undoubtedly, in this case, you need medical attention.

Removal of edema - if it can be removed quickly

After introduction skilled injection region of the upper and / or lower gubyGialuronovoy acid to not was edema and other negative consequences, beautician necessarily give the following recommendations:

  • how to quickly remove the swelling;
  • what to do to get rid of bruises and bruises, if they are formed;
  • how to prevent the development of complications in the form of allergies;
  • how to avoid infection in the treated area.

There are several ways to reduce swelling after lip Hyaluronic acid:

  • ointments. Edema will be held earlier if the handle injured area twice a day such pharmaceuticals as Troxevasin, Lioton gel, as well as Venoruton etc. Such means contribute to strengthening the vessels, help prevent accumulation of fluid in tissues, reduce inflammation, relieve edema.
  • Compresses edema. Reduce edema following nakachivaniyaverhney and / or bottom gubypri hyaluronic acid can, if applied to the problematic area cool compress. Housing for removing edema possible to use products from the freezer. Just be sure you must first wrap them in cloth. Place the ice in plastic wrap and cloth. It is impossible to apply swollen lips ice directly in pure form.

Statistics show that the swelling will disappear in a short time by using chilled spoons. Place in a glass of water, a few spoonfuls of frozen and wait until they cool down. Then apply the device to swell and do not remove until it warms up. After 10 minutes, should take another spoonful.

Importantly during this procedure when removing edema - do not overdo it, to avoid excessive cooling of the skin and tissues.

  • other ways. Accelerate recovery and disposal of edema is diet. A couple of days before and immediately after nakachivaniyaverhney procedures and / or lower lip with vaunted Hyaluronic acid is desirable renounce the use of canned and pickled products, smoked meats, cheeses and sausages, spices, spicy food, alkogolesoderzhaschih drinks. Not rekomendovanopri presence of edema hot drink and use of solid products, otherwise you can be injured or irritated skin.

To get rid of the swelling and to minimize the risk of any other signs of allergic reactions to constituents of the filler, it is possible to take an antihistamine.

In what situations edema require immediate access to a doctor

Girls should know that if the swelling does not go away after 1-2 weeks after the procedure, with the introduction of the top and / or lower lip silnodeystvuyuschu Hyaluronic acid, and there is no improvement, you need to visit the doctors.

To solve the problem and find the cause of the formation of edema, need advice allergist, as one of the most (as experience shows) common causes of swelling after injection using Hyaluronic acid is an allergic reaction to components filler.

Furthermore, it is necessary for the medical treatment in the presence of symptoms such as fever, severe redness of the skin around the upper and / or lower lip, pain. Unfortunately, this shows that it is not just swelling and infection in the treated area penetrated.

What is forbidden in edema: adhere to recommendations

After increasing the upper and / or lower lip Hyaluronic acid, so there was no swelling, until the tissue is not yet completely restored, it is impossible to make the following:

  • touch, scratch and perform other movements in the treated area with fillers;
  • to engage in heavy physical exercise;
  • sauna / bath;
  • sunbathe;
  • Kissing and snack lips (due to swelling of only increase, and bruising may obrazovatsyadazhe);
  • drink alcohol-containing beverages;
  • smoking (this increases the risk of a puncture site of infection);
  • use decorative cosmetics - can only enhance edema;
  • conduct waxing;
  • use peels and scrubs;
  • visit the dentist for two weeks after the procedure.

Is it possible to completely prevent the occurrence of edema

Swelling after administration to the upper and / or lower lip Hyaluronic acid - an inevitable phenomenon. However, the intensity of the edema varies. By proper preparation of the patient for the procedure and quality care-treated portion after it depends on time, after which reduced edema after the administration of fillers.

To minimize the negative oslozhneniyakorrektsii lips with hyaluronic acid (so there was no swelling), beauticians advise their patients to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Do not perform the procedure during menstruation, as well as a couple of days before it started, and the same after. On this depends the period within which will go to the swelling of the lips. Due to surges of hormones during this period, the lips may become badly swollen. In addition, during menstruation pain threshold becomes higher, resulting in the woman during the procedure will experience serious discomfort.
  • It is not necessary to carry out lip augmentation hyaluronic acid, if you feel unwell, have a cold or you have a chronic illness worsened.
  • The appearance of edema due to the fact that the liquid is retained in the body. To avoid this, a few days before inflating lips gialuronka should be excluded from their diet spice, salt and pepper food, alcoholic beverages.
  • Swelling go more quickly, the risk of allergy is reduced to a minimum, if 2-3 days before lip augmentation start taking antihistamines.
  • It is not necessary to ask the doctor administered the drug at a dose exceeding the permissible limits. Follow the recommendations of the expert in order to avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of edema.

How long will it take to restore the fabric and the skin, swelling and bruises are gone - just impossible to say. On the duration of this process is influenced by many factors, including the depth of insertion of the filler, filler dosage, compliance with doctor's orders, as well as the individual characteristics of the organism. However, according to statistics, the swelling becomes less than 3-4 days after the procedure. And it passes the swelling after one week after increasing the upper and / or lower lip Hyaluronic acid.


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