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Dexamethasone in the ears is possible or not, instructions for use

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Dexamethasone is a glucocorticosteroid agent exhibiting anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and anti-exudative properties. In order to bury Dexamethasone in the ears, you need to buy a special dosage form of the drug used in this case.

The antiinflammatory agent for external use produced in the form of ear and eye drops and ointments. When local use Dexamethasone is practically not absorbed into the circulatory system, which minimizes the risk of side effects.

As a glucocorticosteroid, the drug is actively eliminates the inflammation of the ears, reduces swelling and allergic reactions. Within a short period of time the use of dexamethasone allows the patient to feel almost healthy.

Inflammatory processes in the ears - ear infections

Each of us at least once in his life faced with a situation where earache. Most of these sensations causes otitis, wherein the inflamed ear tissue. The disease can affect any part of the three parts of the ear and therefore, depending on the location, may have an outer, middle and inner character. In rare cases, in infectious and inflammatory conditions of the upper respiratory tract, otitis may cover both the ear.

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inflammatory treatment should be started with the appearance of the first symptoms, it will speed up the healing process and help prevent serious complications.

Before you can use a drop of Dexamethasone in the ears, you must make sure that pain is causing inflammation (otitis).

Symptoms of the disease:

  • pain in the ear;
  • hearing loss (partial or complete);
  • puffiness and swelling;
  • fever;
  • presence of pus (for otitis media);
  • dizziness, feeling of nausea and retching (for internal otitis).

With the development of any of the above symptoms should consult a doctor for advice. Most often, you will be assigned Dexamethasone therapy in combination with other drugs. Very often, such scheme combines the anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-infectives.

Before using dexamethasone, make sure there are no contraindications.


  • diseases caused by infections of bacterial, viral and fungal types;
  • diseases associated with damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • weakening of immune system activity;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • functional activity disorder of renal and liver;
  • glaucoma;
  • mental disorders acute nature;
  • a history of osteoporosis and polio.

Pathologies described above, it is forbidden to use Deksametozona. The exception is a situation where the use of the drug is vital.

Dosage and method of use

Drip drug Dexamethasone in the ear can then confirm the diagnosis and exclude possible contraindications.

Before starting treatment, make sure that the actual shelf life and packaging ampoules (vials) is not damaged. When conducting Dexamethasone ear drops for procedures must be at room temperature, it is sufficient to hold the container with the drug in a short time palms.

For the treatment of inflammation of the ear, particularly otitis media, it is necessary to bury Dexamethasone 2 - 3 times a day. At a time can be introduced 3 - 4 drops formulation.

One of the treatments is the use of a cotton swab dipped in the drug Dexamethasone facility. Enter them in the ear, and left there for a certain period of time. The duration of application is assigned a doctor on an individual basis.

The length of the therapeutic course is 4 - 5 days.

During treatment, you must stick to a specialist doctor appointments and comply with the dosage Dexamethasone. Since the use of increased doses of the drug did not increase the anti-inflammatory efficacy, but may cause adverse reactions.

Side effects

In the presence of hypersensitivity to the drug or exceeded during dosing instillation into the ear can occur Dexamethasone negative side manifestations.

These symptoms are extremely rare and occur as follows:

  • nausea, retching, lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • disorders of adrenal function, weight gain, menstrual disorders, diseases of the child;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • the occurrence of dizziness, headaches, increased intracranial pressure, sleep disorders, mental disorders;
  • metabolic disorders and visual function;
  • reduction of the regenerative abilities.

For topical use Dexamethasone, particularly when instilled into the passages ears, the probability of adverse events is minimized. However, an overdose may overall deterioration condition of the patient. Therefore it is necessary to comply with the scheme of therapy prescribed by a doctor and not to exceed the dosage and duration of the course.

use Features

To avoid further infection, Dexamethasone drip into the ear should be in compliance with all the rules of antiseptics. Thoroughly washing your hands, using sterile cotton swabs (during applications) and without touching the tip of the skin of the vial ears.

Storage capacity with dexamethasone should be carried out under the conditions described in the instructions. Open the vial may be stored for one month.

Failure to comply with the rules of the drug store may not be used. Because it can harm the patient's health.

Before starting the use of dexamethasone, make sure there are no contraindications.

Treatment of inflammation in the ears is recommended to begin as early as possible to prevent the development of serious complications of otitis media.

The simultaneous use of other drugs, particularly cardiac glycosides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, hypoglycemic drugs, as well as anabolic steroids and contraceptive substances must be reported to the attending doctor. Since these medicines adversely interact with dexamethasone.


Inflammatory processes in the ears arise for several reasons:

  • respiratory viral infections;
  • hypothermia;
  • traumatic damage to the ear (including when sulfur removal);
  • ingress of liquid.

To maximize the therapeutic efficacy of the drug is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis, which causes pain in the ear. To this should be examined by audiologist, who prescribed a treatment regimen individual comprising eardrops dexamethasone.

When properly established diagnosis and timely adequate therapy recovery occurs in a very short period of time.

However, in cases where the dexamethasone treatment was carried out haphazardly, and was not brought to a complete recovery of the patient may the development of serious complications that may occur in inflammation of the mastoid (mastoiditis), the development of meningitis and abscess brain.


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