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Fish oil in hypothyroidism: is it possible or not

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Many people wonder whether it is possible to use fish oil in hypothyroidism, what useful properties has the product. In this publication we will consider why we need fish oil, if diagnosed with hypothyroidism, as a substance affects on the body, and what results can be achieved by taking fish oil regularly as recommended doctors.

general information

Hypothyroidism experts call the disease, for which there is a decrease thyroid function. The disease can develop as a result of the presence of autoimmune processes, pathology can also be inherited. Organism with the disease experience a lot of stress, the patient's deteriorating health, as well as the operation of all systems and organs.

People who are prone to hypothyroidism, it is important to carefully monitor their diet. Currently due to the fact that any product can cause changes in the amount of hormones in the blood. Therefore, many people who are prone to this ailment, are wondering whether you can take fish oil in hypothyroidism.

Many patients suffer from high cholesterol. The main action - a reduction of cholesterol, which can also lead to a number of diseases and pathological conditions. Doctors recommend fish oil with hypothyroidism due to the fact that this substance helps to normalize the activity the body and glands, saturate it useful components: fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and etc.

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If a person is sick thyroid gland - useful components are missing because they are not absorbed. Therefore, from hypothyroidism to drink fish oil is recommended, even the leading specialists, together with other pharmacological agents.

Fish oil has the following positive effects on the body:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduces the risk of blood clots;
  • normalizes weight;
  • It makes the skin, nails, hair healthy;
  • ensure the normal hormonal balance.

The product can and should take, because with such a diagnosis, patients suffer from a large number of pathologies, which will help to eliminate the substance.

Eat fatty acids vital to hypothyroidism because the body does not synthesize their own. When the disease in the body there is a catastrophic shortage of a hormone called thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

Acceptance of fish oil will allow to normalize their quantitative content - this is important, because the hormones are responsible for these processes:

  • stimulate regeneration of cells;
  • regulate metabolic processes;
  • Control all the processes in the body;
  • help resist stress situations, while maintaining sanity.

Fish oil when the thyroid gland should be used in the treatment of. Hypothyroidism - a serious condition that requires constant monitoring and surveillance specialist. It is noteworthy that most often it occurs in women. Fish oil - a component that is known to people long ago. But you need to take it correctly, in appropriate dosage, so as not to harm your health.

How to apply

Before you need to use oil consult a doctor. Usually, fish oil is prescribed if the patient in the body of missing important acid - omega 3 and omega6. Standard dosage is 2-3 capsules per day, to take their need during the meal.

Treat hypothyroidism fish fat, without resorting to drugs that can not be. In this situation, fish oil acts as a supplement to help normalize the overall health and eliminate the symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Consider the main rules on the use of fish oil:

  • means you need to take for 1-2 months;
  • repeat a course should at least twice a year;
  • preferably with hypothyroidism also add vitamin B12 to achieve the best effect;
  • Buy quality products from reliable suppliers.

For hypothyroidism degrade foods such as peanuts, cauliflower, spinach - they are out of your diet should be excluded, despite the fact that they contain useful vitamins in these products. Easily digestible carbohydrates, too, should be excluded.

The benefits of fish oil in hypothyroidism

The use of this product it is advisable, after consultation with the doctor - if no contraindications, fish oil is incredibly useful.

Beneficial features:

  • Contains fatty acids that our body can not produce: omega3 and omega6. They are vital in hypothyroidism the body.
  • Vitamin A. Restores the immune system, a person with hypothyroidism it is always reduced, so the patient is prone to frequent colds and SARS.
  • B vitamins Restores the nervous system, stimulates the thyroid in hypothyroidism.
  • C and E. Act as a natural antioxidant, establishing work shchitovidki provide normal the production of hormones, therefore, restore the hormones, hypothyroidism is an incredibly important factor.

Fish oil drink from hypothyroidism preferably under the supervision of a specialist in order to be able to monitor changes in the general state of health, the results of laboratory tests of the patient. Diet is necessary to comply with a mandatory basis.

The reasons for which it is desirable to take fish oil

Hypothyroidism - a pathology which is accompanied by a large number of changes in the body. Action fish oil just purports to eliminate pathological conditions. Let us examine them in detail.

  • When a diet promotes better assimilation of nutrients contained in the food.
  • Fish oil helps to establish your metabolism - this is important because it slows down in hypothyroidism.
  • You can lose weight. Obesity frequently persecutes people with hypothyroidism.

Who should not drink cod liver oil

Treatment does not fit all, taking Fish oil against hypothyroidism need to agree with the expert view of the fact that there are a number of contraindications:

  • when an excess of vitamin D cod liver oil is not recommended;
  • high calcium abhorrent use of fish oil.

Do not prescribe fish oil, if the patient's liver is not working properly, have an ulcer or pancreatitis.

How to drink cod liver oil

The best option - to buy capsules at the pharmacy, it is advisable to choose a trusted manufacturer. Uncontrolled fish oil drink is prohibited, it can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract. During therapy need to be tested regularly to monitor blood lipid levels.

Drink fish oil you need under the supervision of the doctor in order to be able to track changes in the body, because in some cases treatment may be ineffective due to violation diet.

The dosage is determined individually, depending on the degree of neglect of hypothyroidism. Diet plays a value: if you ate for lunch dish of oily fish - do not drink the capsule in the day, and welcome to pass on tomorrow. therapy is usually 2 months - this is quite enough, if you want to heal the body.

In conclusion, we add that fish oil helps to cope fine with the disease, is an additional source of valuable substances, helps strengthen the overall body.


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