Recipe Cortexin Latin
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Cortexin: recipe in Latin

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Recipe Cortexin only physician will be able to write in Latin, because it was he who relies on clinical picture, indications and contraindications, an experienced professional can prevent the appearance of undesirable side effects and other effects. The recipe must indicate all of the information about the expert, as well as personal information of the sick person. Information column is made only in Russian, the rest - in Latin. Anyone can ask to write the prescription your doctor if the have special readings.

Cortexin - a drug that helps in delay of speech development in young children, after suffering a stroke a different kind. It means a person improves brain activity, memory and intellectual ability. All medical prescriptions are written strictly in Latin - is a medical language.

Recipe preparation in Latin

Cortexin Latin - Cortexin. He released strictly on prescription. Prescription record must be written correctly, observing all the rules of Latin grammar. The attending physician must write clearly, to employees of the pharmacy it was clear that he had written. When writing a prescription specialist can focus on the international non-proprietary name of the drug or for trade.

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The physician must predict how much of the drug to the patient will need, to complete the course of treatment. He must specify a brief diagnosis of the sick person to the pharmacist, it was clear for what reason Cortexin appointed.

An experienced professional should be sure to specify the name of the recipe in the medical and health institutions, address and telephone number; prescription is issued, as well as the expiry date of the document (usually a prescription is issued in 31 days). The doctor points to the series and number of the recipe, which is individual for each document; personal information about yourself and the patient. Name must be prescribed by a doctor completely.

In his address to the employee Pharmacy need to write Cortexin structure in the international language of physicians, how to make and storage conditions - in Russian. Assure the recipe you need to have the chief physician.

Full recipe in Latin:

  • Recipe: Solutionis Cortexini 20 ml
  • Detur. Signetur: intramuscular injection of 10 ml, 2 times per day treatment - 10 days.

Indications and contraindications for writing a prescription

Cortexin in Latin is made strictly by the attending physician.

There are the main indications for writing recipe:

  • presence of disorders related to a lack of blood to the head brain income;
  • different types of encephalopathy;
  • encephalitis in various stages of development;
  • dystonia;
  • seizures;
  • trauma of the skull;
  • infections associated with the nervous system;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • violation of the mental development of children;
  • asthenia;
  • poor memory;
  • underdeveloped thinking;
  • poor ability to work.

Recipe Cortexin Latin and its name can not write in if you have the following situation:

  • allergic reactions to components contained in the composition of the drug;
  • gestation period;
  • during breast-feeding a baby.

To doctor wrote a prescription in Latin Cortexin on vacation, you need to familiarize yourself with all the terms, descriptions, indications and contraindications for use. It is important that the patient did not have allergic reactions to the active substances and excipients that make up the Cortexin.

This drug belongs to a polypeptide means the fraction, it can improve brain function, due to a whole range of useful components. If there were the first signs of disturbances in the central nervous system, or blood vessels, you should immediately contact an experienced, that he attributed Cortexin. To self-medicate using drugs prohibited.


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