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Candles Viferon cystitis: how to apply, instruction, treatment

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Cystitis - unpleasant inflammation of the bladder, wherein the affected mucous membrane lining the inner surface of the organ. Pathology often recurs and is manifested in a decrease in immunity. Viferon cystitis allows to strengthen the body's defenses, reduce the amount of consumed antibiotics, to prevent re-occurrence of disease.

How to help drug

Candles Viferon can take a woman and a man. The drug contains interferon, therefore, it stimulates the immune system. Also it produces the antiviral effect, eliminates inflammation. Viferon also contains vitamins C and E, which are of great help in treatment. They provide antioxidant, antitoxic, regenerative effect.

The most commonly used rectal suppositories Viferon cystitis. They are inserted into the rectum. In this area there are a large number of vascular plexuses. And close is the focus of inflammation. However, the drug should be prescribed only by the doctor. It is often prescribed to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Treat cystitis with interferon monotherapy is not necessary, since it does not destroy the pathogens. It is better to combine it with other drugs.

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Viferon produces the following effect:

  • activates the phagocytic system of the body;
  • It improves the secretion of immunoglobulins.

Also, the use Viferon causes the development of an antiviral effect.

Features reception

If the means of representation, for whatever reason, can not be applied, it can be replaced by other drugs. The list includes such names: Monural, Genferon.

If Viferon resolved, it cystitis will apply as follows:

  • In acute infections: 1 suppository 2 times a day. It shall be the dosage of 500,000 IU for a week;
  • For the prevention of cystitis Viferon should be the same as in the previous case. therapy in this case is no more than 5 days.

It is important to remember that the therapeutic action is not Viferon cystitis and immunoukreplyayuschee. That is, this drug should be part of a combined therapy, because it enhances the action of other agents.

special instructions

If cystitis manifested during pregnancy, it is important to bear in mind that Viferon can only be used after the 14th week. Any information on the effect of the drug on the fetus at an earlier period are not available, so do not risk it. Duration of therapy is determined individually by the physician.

With the development of cystitis during breastfeeding medicine are allowed to use.

The drug is capable of producing side effects. For example, it sometimes causes allergy, manifested skin rash, unpleasant burning sensation at the anus at the moment of insertion of the suppository. Such phenomena are temporary and disappear on their own, without symptomatic therapy.

There are no data on drug overdose not, but that does not appear side effects, better comply with the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Presented drug indicated for cystitis, as perfectly interacts with antibacterial drugs, and enhances their effect.

During therapy is required to monitor the functioning of the intestines carefully. When side effects for a long time is necessary to see a specialist in order to solve the problem of drug replacement. Before the introduction of a candle is better to do a cleansing enema.

So, Viferon not cure cystitis, but it helps to strengthen the immune system, it allows the body to quickly deal with the diseaseIt improves the effect of other drugs. However, you can not do self-medicate.


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