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Fish oil: what is needed and what to drink

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properties of matter

For Fish Oil to do okolomyshechnoy extract from tissues and / or liver salmon, cod. Benefits to the body by ingestion brings refined light amber or clear product. It has a light structure, so that all elements of the composition is fully absorbed into the digestive tract.

Consistency means food does not allow to penetrate part of nutrients through the intestines. In medicine and cosmetology it is effective when used topically.

Food and medical cod liver oil contains:

  • oleic acid - 70%;
  • Retinol - 0.45 mg / 5 ml;
  • vitamin D - 12.5 mg / 5 mL;
  • Omega 6 PUFA group - 5%;
  • Omega 3 (acid EPA, DHA) - 20-40%;
  • Other acids - up to 27%;
  • a phosphorus compound, bromine, sulfur, iodine - up to 1.5%.

Vitamin A improves the formation and regeneration of epithelial cells of the mucous membranes, hair structure, skin and nails. Retinol promotes the formation of pigment in the iris, which is important for the severity of twilight vision and determine the true colors.

Vitamin D is necessary for proper calcium-phosphorus metabolism. It is involved in the formation, growth of bone, enamel, and strengthens the structure. Calciferol also reduces nervous excitability, prevents cramps in the legs and the development of osteopathy.

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Complex organic acids in fish oil stops the inflammatory processes in the body arthritis, infectious and autoimmune diseases. They indirectly affect the vasodilation and have a direct effect on the normalization of blood cholesterol levels, prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots.

substance use

Fish body needs fat. Action means helps with diseases of orthopedics, neurology, dermatology, cardiology, in weight correction to recover from injuries, operations and treatment of serious pathologies. Complex vitamins D, A and acid groups Omega prevents disruption of the blood and the cerebral circulation and the development of dementia, heart diseases, bone and vascular complications. Ingredients strengthens the immune system and improves memory, promotes proper metabolism.

Benefits for children

Children growing up in the northern regions of the country, Fish oil is necessary to drink for the prevention of rickets in the background of vitamin D deficiency. Tool will be useful for the child, often ill ARI, SARS or influenza. Their constant appearance often caused by a lack of retinol in the body. The drug is quickly it fills than strengthens the immune system.

Fish oil is also a child:

  • improves attention, memory;
  • It promotes the formation of view;
  • reduces sensitivity to allergens.

With the rapid growth of children's bones may receive less necessary amount of calcium. Due to the lack of the fortress is the skeleton of his deformity, frequent fractures, deteriorating the speed of the physical development of the child and the state of his teeth. In this case, the important action have Omega in combination with vitamin D. Fish oil helps the body in the assimilation of the necessary elements for bones, which prevents them from demineralization, distortion or destruction.

Benefits for women

Ingestion of fish oil normalizes metabolismAnd when applied externally processed feeds them to the fabric. As a result, eliminated cosmetic imperfections caused by vitamin deficiency and Omega acids.

After 2 weeks of treatment and / or the mask begins to improve skin, hair and nails. Their structure is strong, smooth, stop pimples, freshens the complexion. Using fish oil is easier to adjust the weight for its reduction and to recruit muscle.

Attention! During pregnancy, treatment with fish oil are under the supervision of a physician. Means usually assigned with the threat of miscarriage or premature birth, the deficit contained therein substances.

Benefits for Men

For good potency men need to eat often products containing acid group Omega. They are involved in the production of testosterone, prevent the development of prostate cancer. Ingredients Fish oil not only makes up for PUFA deficiency, but also improves the absorption of all entering the body of nutrients.

Men often choose a profession or a sport with high physical activity, which increases the risk of cardiovascular pathologies. Fish oil in this case is used to prevent kardiozabolevany, hypertension and atherosclerosis. The substance helps to cope with fatigue, prevent injuries of bones and joints.

Benefits for the elderly

After 60 years in the body accelerated age-related changes. Fish oil supports brain activityIt promotes normal tissue of its blood supply and prevents clogging of vascular thrombi, retards aging. The substance inhibits inflammation in the joints, eases arthralgia, improves the properties of the blood, strengthens concentration and memory. Its action reduces the frequency of relapses of arthritis, prevents the development of hypertension, thrombophlebitis, senility, dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

material harm

Means can react with substances in a complex of medicines. People of all ages smoking Fish oil drink when intolerances and excess vitamins A, D, of calcium in the blood or urine. They are taking the drug causes a rash, abdominal pain, metabolic disorders or bone formation, arthralgia, hair loss, itching, migraine.

Due to the deterioration of metabolic Fish oil will harm the health of people with the diagnosis:

  • active pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • nefrourolitiaz;
  • renal / hepatic failure.

Fish oil can not be used in poor blood clotting. Means it liquefies and can cause bleeding, and the drug is prohibited in ulcer disease of the intestine, stomach. For 4-7 days before it also stop accepting transactions.

Vitamin A is accumulated in the body. Large dosage Fish oil increases the teratogenic properties contained therein retinol. The risk of congenital malformations appears when consumed in excess of 18,000 IU.

It is important to know that fish oil can not drink on an empty stomach or together with products rich in fiber, carbohydrates. Failure to do so violates digestion, causing stomach pain, can cause diarrhea.

The use in sports

Why drink Fish oil for people who lead an active lifestyle, bodybuilding and weightlifting? Due to the normalization of metabolic processes, substance accelerates muscle growth, reduces the load on the cardiovascular system, helps to recover faster after training, increases endurance.

Fish oil reduces the likelihood of side effects of drugs consumed sports. The composition of matter also reduces production of cortisol by inhibiting the destruction of these muscle fibers and fat increase.

Features of application Fish Oil athletes:

  • take for a month 3 times / day with meals;
  • in preparation for a competition Fish oil drink 2 3 r g / day.;
  • to support the use form substance 3 times / day 500 mg;
  • course may be repeated after 8 weeks of interruption;
  • for the year is allowed to take 2-3 courses;
  • the drug does not take summer (possible hypervitaminosis D).

Attention! Athletes Fish oil capsules should be drunk. This form of the drug for a long time retains nutrients, less likely to cause indigestion and dyspepsia.

Application in dietetics

People observe a strict diet, you need to consume extra vitamin and mineral preparations to make up for their deficiency. Doctors often in patients with overweight and prescribed fish oil.

Tool helps you:

  • adjust metabolism;
  • increase the level of vitamin D, A;
  • improve the absorption of useful components are not included in its composition;
  • suppress the synthesis of stress hormones;
  • activate the production of serotonin.

Contained in fish oil acids omega 3 and 6 can not accumulate in the body. But they help to cope with depression, people sitting on a strict diet. Upon cleavage of PUFA many calories are burned during physical activity. A person begins to lose weight due to stimulation of muscles, speed up metabolism and normalize metabolism.

Important! If you wish to lose weight, fish oil is not needed in large numbers: it is enough to consume 500-1000 mg / day for 3 months. But taking it definitely started after dietary counseling and complement physical education, nutrition correction.

Medical indications

Fish oil in medicine is prescribed to prevent recurrence of cancer during treatment of identified diseases and for the prevention of certain pathologies. It is used inside and externally, are often used in combination with drugs and drug-free methods.

Due to the presence of retinol Fish oil is shown in the treatment of:

  • Deficiency of vitamin A;
  • reduced vision, "night blindness";
  • xerosis;
  • Fat or pigmentation in the cornea;
  • wounds, burns, conjunctivitis, dermatosis (externally!).

Due to the content calciferol Cod liver oil is needed in the treatment of a lack of vitamin D, with rickets, osteoporosis, impaired calcium-phosphorus metabolism, poor child growth, tooth demineralization or bones. This component is involved in the recovery of functions in the nervous system, stabilizes the psycho-emotional state, eliminates the effects of other stress or depression.

Due to the presence of Omega 3 Fish Oil is used in the treatment of:

  • autoimmune disorders;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • atherosclerosis and its cardiovascular consequences;
  • High cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • unspecified hyperlipidemia;
  • obesity.

An important fact! Fish oil is useful in diabetes. It enhances insulin sensitivity, prevents vascular occlusion, damage to capillaries, disturbance of cerebral circulation. In type 1 disease may decrease the dose of the hormone, and 2 form pathology progresses.


Duration of the course expects the doctor. Drug use during the meal, but the instructions may be given other features of the application.

Fish Oil Dosage for adults depends on the type and form of the disease. Minimum daily rate is 45 ml or 1500 mg for 4 weeks.

Fish oil in liquid form may be given to drink infants older than 1 month. The first course of treatment, the child to pour on the tongue 3 drops of substance with each new reception of increasing the amount until it reaches the 2.5 ml. In Pediatrics 3 years using chewable capsule dosage of 200-400 mg. of school age children prescribed medication to 15 ml, or 500 mg of 3 p. / day.

Attention! If rash or symptoms of hypervitaminosis, Fish oil overturned.

external application

Fish oil lubricated skin damage place 1-2 times / day. In case of burns and deep wounds means impregnated gauze and cover the surface thereof.

On a note

Two varieties of the drug. Fish oil is called a product made from the liver of cod, salmon. It has a lot of vitamins A, D, therefore recommend taking means at their deficiency. With poor cleaning formulation may contain harmful impurities. Fish oil is appointed more for correction of metabolic processes, atherosclerosis therapy for hyperlipidemia. This product is made from fish tissue okolomyshechnoy therefore it contains a lot of Omega 3 and does not cause hypervitaminosis.


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