
Unique healing properties of the red root for men's health

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  • Basic components of the root
  • Useful properties
  • Benefits for the male body
  • Medicinal forms of the root of the red

Increasingly today, people turn to the healing power of medicinal plants. One of the popular plants that have a wide range of medicinal properties is the red root. The plant is also called, in a different way, a tea or forgotten penny, bear or blood root, etc. This medicinal herb grows only in the mountainous Altai, and the red tea root is called for its unusual shade. Even in ancient times, Siberians drank infusions of this plant, as we are now drinking tea.

The Benefits of a Red Root for Men

The main components of the root

The medicinal product contains many important substances for the human body such as:

  1. Tannins;
  2. Kumarinov - give antibacterial effect;
  3. Xanton;
  4. Free amino acids;
  5. Triterpene saponins - provide an expectorant effect;
  6. Catechins - rich in vitamin P, they have an antioxidant effect, purify the body of heavy metals, restore and strengthen the capillary walls;
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  8. Flavonoids - hyperoside, avcularin, compherol, quercetin - restore the functions of individual organs, systems and tissues of the body.

This drug is considered a biologically active additive because it provides the body with the necessary chemicals, microelements and vitamins, replenishes the deficiency of certain elements, resulting in an improvement in the general condition and normalizes the functional activity of individual organs.

Useful properties of

Due to this composition, the red root is actively used in the therapy of various cardiovascular, neurological pathologies, leukemias, tumoral formations, fibroids, prostate adenoma and prostatitis, inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, leukemias, etc. An infusion of a similar drugIt is used as an immunostimulating, analgesic, and it is used against tumorous formations. His regular reception strengthens the system of blood vessels, nerves and heart, restores the functions of the digestive tract, stimulates the body. A red root is useful in ENT pathologies, because it exerts an expectorant effect on the respiratory organs.

Interesting fact. In the people there is a legend that the water spirit is fundamentally enclosed. Indeed, experts in the study of useful medicinal properties of the plant noted that it can affect the fluid content in the human body. As a result of taking a red root, the water balance is normalized in patients, which is especially important in the therapy of kidney failure.

Decoctions, plant infusions provide a quick recovery of strength, has a tonic and restorative effect on the body. Widely used in folk medicine are decoctions for nervous diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, anemia, use it as a tool with hemostatic, restorative, diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory action. There are cases when the red root was used for epileptic seizures as a soothing medicine.

Medicinal plant for health

Incredible use of broths, if you take them in the process of taking bath procedures. In such conditions the tea penny cleanses the kidneys and liver, greatly accelerates the processes of various exchanges in the body. A similar drug is recommended for elderly people, they improve blood supply to the brain and stimulate cardiac activity. No less effective are decoctions in the treatment of neuroses of different etiology, epilepsy, sinusitis, acute respiratory viral infection, urolithiasis. Since the action of the root leads to an increase in hemoglobin, it is actively used for anti-anemia therapy.

Benefits for the male body

Red root is mainly used in the complex treatment of a variety of pathological conditions, but a medicinal product for the male organism is especially useful. It is used for male infertility, erectile dysfunction, urogenital pathologies such as adenoma, prostatitis or urethritis, for restoring male sexual activity, etc. The healing power of the plant normalizes the male's sexual activity, promotes rapid recovery after heavy loads and physical activity, relieves men from stagnation of the prostatic secretionand improves blood circulation in the genitourinary and reproductive system.

Important! Taking medicines based on the root of a penny, a man gets a significant increase in sexual power and libido, improves and the quality of sexual acts, their number increases.

The intimate life of any man is greatly influenced by the state of his genitourinary sphere. Kopechnik provides full-fledged prevention and helps in the treatment of many male genitourinary diseases. It is recommended to take a root for men with preventive or therapeutic purpose in conditions:

  • Erectile dysfunction( impotence);
  • Prostate adenoma;
  • Renal infections( pyelonephritis);
  • Inflammatory processes in the bladder( cystitis);
  • Inflammation of the urethra( urethritis);
  • Dropsy of testes( hydrocele);
  • Inflammation of the prostate( prostatitis);
  • Decreased libido( sexual desire).

Red root stimulates the male body, increases its sexual abilities, because after the course of taking medication, men notice the appearance of the ability to have regular and quality sexual intercourse. Thanks to this, there is an emotional-psychological confidence in their male strength, which is very important in the treatment of erectile disorders. As a result of the use of infusions rhizome rhinoceros in men increases the resistance of the body to various infectious agents, increases endurance.

Medicinal forms of the root of red

Equally effective is the reception of self-prepared decoctions and infusions, or treatment with a ready-made drug in the form of tablets, tincture or tea, purchased at the pharmacy. In general, there are several medicinal forms of this plant: tincture, tea, balsam, broth, tablets.

Red root tablets

The simplest solution is to buy ready-made tablets based on the root and drink them during meals twice a day on a tablet. The course of therapy lasts a month. If the effect is insufficient, you can repeat the treatment, but only after making a one-month break between the courses. Such a dosage form is very convenient, since a strict dosage of the drug is observed in the tablets.

Tea from kopechnik

You can buy ready-made tea, already packaged by sachets, or cook it yourself. To do this, the ground root( a small spoon) is brewed with a glass of boiling water. After a 20-minute stand, tea is ready. He should drink a day in 3-4 hours. Therapeutic course - a month, then a minimum of 10-day break, only then repeat the course( if necessary).


Sold ready alcoholic tincture, but it can be prepared independently. A half liter bottle of vodka is poured into 50 g of crushed roots and aged for at least a week. Ready tincture is filtered, take 1/2 teaspoons, dissolving in half a glass of drinking water twice or thrice a day with meals. The course is 30-90 days( depends on the purpose of admission).

Decoction or infusion of

Prepare it from dry raw materials: the penny root powder( 30 g) is poured in a thermos with a liter of boiling water and held for about an hour. Finished medicine is filtered, taken during the month of 2 p / d.on a glass.


This medicinal plant is completely free of toxic substances, so it can take almost everyone and without restriction. Although there are a number of conditions when you can not take the root of a penny:

  • Pathologies of the brain or liver;
  • Thrombophlebitis in history;
  • Craniocerebral injury;
  • Up to the age of 18;
  • Alcohol dependence;
  • Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to root components.

In the remaining cases, at the root of the penny, there are no contraindications, but it is not recommended to prescribe it yourself, it is better to consult the doctor beforehand.

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