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Metronidazole in inflammation of the gums: how to take, instructions, dosage

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Indications Metronidazole in dentistry

Metronidazole belongs to the broad antimicrobial spectrum. The medicine helps from diseases caused protozoozami, mouthparts trichomonads or bacteria sensitive to the active ingredient - Metronidazole. It is produced in the form of oral suspensions and tablets, solutions d / droppers, gel or cream d / topical application. The medicine is not an antibiotic.

Indications Metronidazole in dentistry:

  • local treatment. Lubricate the damaged tissue in inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), periodontal disease (periodontitis, periodontitis), ulcers and erosions on the mucosa in the oral cavity (stomatitis), when infected wells after tooth extraction;
  • general medicine. Assign reception administered orally or intravenously when mixed and anaerobic bacterial infections in the jaw area. systemic medication used to treat ulcerative gingivitis, necrotizing stomatitis, osteomyelitis of the jaw bone, periodontal disease, periodontitis, pericoronitis, alveolitis, abscess, cellulitis.
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Metronidazole cope with inflammatory manifestations and reduces pain due to destruction of infections caused by the pathological process in the gums. For weak therapeutic effect of drug action is increased with antibiotics.

Metronidazole toothache (dentalgii)

The drug has antimicrobial, antiprotozoal, anti-alcoholic and trichomonocidal action. It has no analgesic properties, it does not block the sensitivity of nerve endings. Therefore Metronidazole from toothache does not help.

Dosing with inflammation of the gums

You can not rinse your mouth with metronidazole in the form of solution for intravenous administration. Improper use of drugs causing poisoning. Infectious inflammatory gum disease must be treated with oral tablets of 250 mg or 500 mg, cream, gel. Drip put in hospitals. After the preparations for external use do not eat anything and do not rinse your mouth for at least 30 minutes.

Metronidazole topical treatment of inflammation of the gums is conducted in two ways:

  • Lubricate the gel twice a day inflamed area. Means are thin in the area of ​​tooth roots. During his distribution mucous massaging the gums with your finger. Saliva need to spit;
  • Make applications. Grind 500 mg per tablet, powder dissolved in chlorhexidine (antiseptic solution). The liquid wetted gauze and lay between inflamed gingiva and lip, cheek.

Together with amoxicillin or any other antibiotic Metronidazole gingivitis reception inside prescribed to people older than 18 years. In gingivitis monotherapy adult dose is calculated according to the scheme of 7.5 mg / kg (but not more than 4 grams per day), and children - 5 mg / kg. The medicine should be taken three times a day. For children the daily dosage is calculated individually.

analogues medicine

For synonyms of Metronidazole include drugs with the active ingredient Metronidazole. It Trykhopol, Metron, Ornidazole and other analogues medications. Medications may also replace gel Batsimeks, Metroseptol or combined means (Metronidazole + Chlorhexidine): Dentagel, Metroviol Dent, stomatitis gel.


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