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Fish oil for children 4 years old: how to take, the dosage instructions

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Fish oil - one of the valuable active ingredients. Its structure includes useful organism for omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins E, A, D. Components contribute to the regulation of immune forces of the body, strengthen the skeleton. How to take fish oil - before or after meals, and in what form and in what quantities, analyze the material below.

The use of biological additives

Fish oil is especially useful for the body of the child and adult women.

The additive has a positive effect on all systems:

  • It stimulates the immune system. As a result of the body opposed infectious processes during epidemics;
  • It prevents the development of autoimmune processes;
  • Normalizes metabolism. Often an additive in the form of fish oil used in food even slimming;
  • It revitalizes the cardiovascular system. Here you can take fish oil in foods with malfunction of the heart, in atherosclerotic plaques and the propensity to thrombosis / varicose veins;
  • It contributes to the proper growth of the bone skeleton. Therefore, the addition of so relevant in the food children;
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  • It saturates the pregnant microelements that promotes harmonic development of the fetus.

Important: but pregnant women should be cautious. Fish oil is produced from marine fish liver. That, in turn, during the life of the mercury accumulates in the body, which is thrown into the world's oceans coal plants. So taking Omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish oil is necessary only on prescription. And choose products from a global manufacturer with a good reputation.

  • Strengthens hair and nail plate.

Remember, fish oil contains vitamin D, which is fat-soluble and tends to accumulate in the body. Its overabundance of eating entails negative consequences. Before you take a supplement with a meal, it is worth to undergo a full examination and to consult with the family doctor for the expediency of its use.

Types of fish oil: which one is better

Often, in addition to the issue of "fish oil taken before meals or after" patients are interested in what type of supplements is best to use. all just here.

Pharmacology offers two types of drugs:

  • In the form of an oily liquid. The traditional means of recovery, our familiar moms from the Soviet Union. Fat has a specific aroma and taste of the same. Therefore, to drink it is not particularly pleasant during meals. If the choice falls on the liquid preparation, it is best to buy it at the pharmacy and the only one that has a white hue. Color indicates the passage of the drug several stages of purification.
  • In the form of gelatin capsules transparent. The same drug, but enclosed in a translucent shell. This is to ensure that the patient does not feel the taste / smell the food additive. The capsule is first taken into the stomach with food, then it dissolves the shell. So oily component without reflex rejection begins its direct action. Modern patients prefer to take before meals Fish oil is in the form of capsules. Although both types of drugs have the same effect on the organism.

Recommendations for the reception of fish oil

Take fish oil after a meal or before a meal? Here, the view clear - drug is a dietary supplement. Means, shown to reception during meal (with food), or immediately after it.

If you drink fish oil in capsules, the pellets consumed at the rate of 1-2 pieces. appointment. It is necessary to wash it down with a little water.

Means liquid form consume 1-2 tablespoons three times a day (dose depends on the age of the patient). You can seize the additive toast or drink a small amount of sweet liquid to kill the bad taste.

Remember to drink Fish oil after a meal. Since its use before meals on an empty stomach can provoke disorders of the digestive tract. It is not excluded vomiting, nausea, diarrhea.

After about 1-2 months to do a blood test to determine the effectiveness of the drug. According to research family doctor prescribes a break in therapy / her continuation.

In some cases, medication is not effective

Despite the wide range of useful action supplements is not recommended to drink it in such diseases:

  • cirrhosis of the liver, decompensated insufficiency;
  • autism;
  • infectious nature of the disease in the mouth;
  • gastric / duodenal ulcer disease;
  • 1 diabetes, type 2;
  • oncological processes;
  • kidney disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • high levels of cholesterol in the blood.

In cases where the drug is at least useless. In the worst case ─ harm to the patient. So never make their own decisions about the use of dietary supplements. Consultation of the family doctor can help determine the right action.

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