Pregnancy And Childbirth

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infection in pregnant women - detailed methods of treatment

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Pregnancy is not only a happy period of expectation of the baby, but also a time when the body of a woman is under great stress. Because of this, immunity is significantly reduced, which leads to possible colds, including ARVI.According to available data, of the total number of pregnant women, 82% of all women fall ill with such a disease. Since any disease can cause irreparable harm to the fetus, it is necessary to select the treatment as accurately as possible and undergo it under the supervision of the attending physician.

Orvi treatment in pregnant women

Treatment of SARS in pregnancy

material Content

  • 1 Symptoms of SARS
  • 2 consequences of infection during pregnancy
  • 3 throat Treatment of SARS drugs
    • 3.1 Geksoral
    • 3.2 Ingalipt
  • 4 rhinitis Treatment of SARS
    • 4.1 Pinosol
    • 4.2 Nazivin
    • 4.3 akvamaris
  • 5 Medicationswith SARS from dry cough
    • 5.1 Mukaltin
    • 5.2 Stoptussin
  • 6 Medicinal preparations against wet cough during pregnancy
    • 6.1 Gedeliks
    • 6.2 Bronchipret
  • insta story viewer
  • 7 temperature reduction during pregnancy
  • 8 cost drugs
  • 9 Traditional methods of treatment of SARS in pregnancy
    • 9.1 Against sore throat
    • 9.2 against high temperature
    • 9.3 cough
    • 9.4 Video - How and what to treat SARSin pregnant women
  • 10 Cold prophylaxis

Symptoms of acute respiratory distress syndrome

There are a number of symptoms that can be diagnosed that will not confuse it with something else:

  • weaknesson the body, even after a full sleep and rest;
  • stuffy nasal sinuses, which is removed only when using special medications;
  • thoracic or throat cough;
  • lacrimation, which is aggravated by coughing and sneezing;
  • a persistent runny nose, which is characterized by intensity and is similar to allergy;
  • subfebrile body temperature up to +37.5;
  • drowsiness, but the patient can suffer from insomnia;
  • itching and choking in the throat and larynx;
  • constant spitting of mucus.
Symptoms of colds and flu

Symptoms of colds and flu

Some of these symptoms, for example, a throat cough can accompany a pregnant woman for several more weeks. In this case, you do not need to take medications, it is enough to drink warm tea and observe the sleep and rest regime.

Warning! If at the first sign of a fever rise to begin fighting the disease, it will be possible to avoid a strong cold, penetration of mucus into the bronchi and complications for the fetus. Treatment in this case will take 3-5 days without antibiotics.

Consequences of infection during pregnancy

  1. Developmental flaws. It is especially scary to get colds before 20 weeks, when all the tissues and body systems are being built. Viruses and bacteria can increase or slow growth, which in both cases leads to serious pathologies. In addition, colds can significantly reduce the immunity of the child, which will cause problems in the future.
  2. Spontaneous abortion. According to available data, approximately 15% of pregnancies ended in miscarriage due to the defeat of the organism of the mother of ARVI.This probability exists up to 16 weeks. Especially often this occurs during the period from the first to the sixth week, when a woman still may not know about the coming conception, ignore the disease or use aggressive medications.
  3. Early delivery and severe bleeding. Because of the weakened protective function, the organs can stop coping with the load, which provokes the early development of labor. Accompany the process will be a great deal of blood loss, and there will also be a chance of an emergency caesarean section.
Prevention of acute respiratory infections in pregnancy

Prevention of ARVI in pregnancy

Attention! ARVI in the third trimester without proper treatment can lead to infection of the fetus during childbirth, which can cause dangerous processes in the brain and tissues of the already born child.

Treatment of the throat with ARVI medicines


Aerosol Geksoral helps in the fight against inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, pharynx, throat and larynx

Aerosol Geksoral helps in the fight against inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, pharynx, throat and larynx

The drug is available in the form of an aerosol. The product perfectly helps in the fight against inflammatory processes in the mouth, throat, throat and larynx. In addition, there is an antiseptic effect, which prevents the growth of bacteria and harmful bacteria. This helps to quickly remove the pain syndrome, swelling and simplify the swallowing process. Use Geksoral only twice a day, in severe cases, an increase in dosages of up to four is permitted. The course of therapy lasts usually five days, if during this time it was not possible to obtain a minimum result, it is necessary to change the drug.


Ingalipt aerosol

Aerosol Ingalipt

The composition of the drug includes essential oils, allergy should be checked. Use the drug better from the second trimester, but it can be used in the first twelve weeks, if there is a real indication for that. In Ingalipta includes eucalyptus, mint and other antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substances. Use the product is necessary for one injection once or twice a day. With a complicated form, it is possible to increase the dosage to three injections. The course of therapy is individual, if there are no improvements within three days, it is worthwhile to choose another drug.

Attention! When using aerosols, be sure to hold your breath when doing the injection. Accidental inhalation of vapors may provoke bronchoconstriction.

Treatment of a cold in ARVI


Form release Pinosol

Form release Pinosol

A completely natural preparation that contains a lot of essential oils. Among the components of the drug are mint, pine extract, eucalyptus oil and a complex of vitamins. Apply Pinosol two times a day for one to two drops in each nasal sinus. The course of therapy can be 7-10 days. It should be used with caution in pregnant women who are allergic to medicines and essential oils. Before burying, it is necessary to blow your nose carefully so that the substance penetrates deep enough.


Spray Nazivin for the treatment of a cold in pregnancy

Nazivin spray for the treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy

For treatment, drops are used, intended for therapy against the common cold from the first day of life of the child. The drug can be used twice a day for two drops in each nasal passage. If there is severe stuffiness, you can increase the dosage to three instillations. Sometimes a drug provokes swelling of the nasal sinuses, if this happens, you must immediately stop treatment.


Form of issue Aquamaris

Product form Aquamaris

A safe product that even small children can use. Aquamaris must be used as a drop or wash. The medicinal preparation is digested three to four times a day in each nasal sinus by two drops. As a washing agent, you must first drip five drops and then carefully blow your nose away from the accumulated mucus. Repeat the procedure two to three times. After this, you can also instill any medical drops, the same Pinosol.

Warning! When using drops, it is advisable to apply them only overnight if normal nasal breathing is present. If the congestion is permanent, you can use the drug the recommended number of times.

Drugs for ARVI from dry cough


Tablets from cough Mukaltin from the root extract of althea

Cough tablets Mukaltin from the root extract of the althea

The drug is suitable for use from the very first day of pregnancy. The drug is made from the root extract of the althea. Pregnant women are recommended to use one tablet before the main meal three times a day. If this dosage does not give a real result within the first three days, the dosage may be increased. If the condition persists or worsens, the drug is canceled. Duration of treatment can be from one to two weeks, exactly the course is determined solely by the therapist, according to the current and past history of the pregnant woman.


Stopoutsin for cough

Preparation Stoptussin from cough

The medicinal preparation is available in the form of a syrup, which includes such useful expectorant herbs as thyme, plantain and thyme. It is recommended to take the drug from the second trimester to 2.5 ml twice a day. Duration of treatment can be from five to seven days. The instructions to the drug contain a contraindication for taking Stoptussin during pregnancy, but many years of experience have proved the possibility of using it under strict medical supervision.

Warning! The composition of Stopoutsin includes honey. Pregnant with allergies to any bee product to use it is prohibited. If there is a food allergic reaction, the drug should be taken at the lowest dosages.

Drugs for wet cough during pregnancy


Gedelix cough syrup


Cough syrup

The drug is prescribed to pregnant women for any kind of cough, but especially when wet. Gedelix is ​​available in the form of syrup. It is advisable to use the drug in children's dosages, especially in the first twelve weeks. The dosage of the agent is 2.5 ml of active substance once a day. In severe disease, you can use a drug of 5 ml of the active substance. The classical course of therapy is 5-7 days, if there is a noticeable result from the treatment.


Syrup Bronchitis from cough almost no side effects

Syrup Bronchipret from cough almost no side effects

The composition of the drug includes thyme and ivy, the product is released in the form of a syrup. It is recommended to take a medication for 3.2 ml of active substance once a day. The classical duration of treatment is five days, it is possible to extend the course to one week. The drug shows good results and almost no side effects.

Decreased fever in pregnancy

During pregnancy, the temperature can only be removed by using Paracetamol. The dosage of the drug is determined only by the attending physician, since the active substance affects the work of the kidneys, which can create problems with the course of pregnancy. In some cases, the therapist may admit the use of drugs such as Panadol and Efferalgan. Usually, one tablet is given once a day. In addition, the headache is removed. Duration of treatment is due to the patient's state of health.

Attention! If the temperature starts to rise rapidly, it is recommended that a pregnant woman be hospitalized. This is necessary because of a possible miscarriage, death of the fetus in the womb and development of dangerous vices.

cost drugs

drug Image cost
Geksoral geksoral 330 rubles
Ingalipt 250 rubles
Pinosol pinosol 170-250 rubles
akvamaris akvamaris 200-1500 rubles
Nazivin nazivin 200-600 rubles
Mukaltin 15-65 rubles
Stoptussin stoptussin 240 rubles
Gedelix gedeliks 420 rubles
Bronchprest bronxipret 210-320 rubles

Attention! All the given medicines have analogs. But because of the small difference in the composition of their reception can be dangerous in any period of pregnancy. If the pharmacist offers you to buy a similar product, read the instructions carefully and review the recommended dosages.

Folk methods of ARVI treatment in pregnancy

Against sore throat


Rinse throat has additional antiseptic effect and removes inflammatory process

For 250 ml of warm boiled water, it is necessary to dilute 2 g of salt, it is better to take sea salt. It has an additional antiseptic effect and removes the inflammatory process. Gargle is needed three to six times. The course of therapy - until complete recovery, usually relief comes on the second day. Instead of salt, you can take the same amount of soda and add a couple of drops of iodine pharmacy solution to the water. They need to gargle three or four times.

Against high temperature

Apple compote is a great helper in the heat

Apple compote is a great helper in the heat of

During pregnancy, the usual apple compote helps perfectly with the heat. For its preparation, it is necessary to boil one liter of water and add to it 100 g of dried apples of any sort.10 minutes after boiling, the saucepan is turned off, covered with a dense lid and insisted for one hour. After that, during the day you need to drink the whole compote. It can be treated in such a way 1-2 days, but it is important that the temperature does not grow. If within a day you can not even bring down a little heat, it is worth using medications.

Against cough

Use this tool only if the symptoms develop. For 250 ml of warm boiled water, you must dilute a teaspoon of honey. Stirring the ingredients thoroughly, the product is drunk in small sips. It is advisable to drink such tea in bed and go straight to bed. Honey will relieve spasm, have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. You can take the remedy until you are completely convalescent.

Video - How and what to treat ARVI in pregnant women

Cold prophylaxis

To protect yourself and your body, a pregnant woman should adhere to a number of tips:

  • rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile after every return home, for 250 ml of water you need to take a tablespoon of the plant and bring to a boil;
  • it is obligatory to wash hands with any soap base, and it is necessary to rinse not only the brush, but also the elbows;
  • take vitamin complexes, but only on the recommendation of the attending physician, so as not to cause hypervitaminitis;
  • to wash the nasal sinuses in the evening with saline solution, Aquamaris will do to eliminate all the bacteria;
  • ventilate the room every few hours;
  • engage in feasible physical activity.
How to properly wash your nose

How to properly wash the nose

Attention! If someone in the family of a pregnant woman gets sick while in the same room as a sick person, she needs to lubricate the nasal sinuses with oxolin ointment. The same is done when going out on the street in the cold and damp season.

Remember, doing self-medication while pregnant is very dangerous. It is better to visit the therapist once more, who will be able to select the most effective and sparing treatment. Observing the recommendations of a specialist, even a strong infection can not harm you and your child.

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