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Azithromycin breastfeeding: is it possible or not, the danger

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Azithromycin - an antibacterial agent from the group of macrolides. Used for treatment of infectious diseases caused by susceptible pathogenic agents. Has a large number of side effects and contraindications, and therefore in lactating women is a question: whether it is possible to use azithromycin while breastfeeding?

General information about the preparation

Azithromycin is produced by pharmaceutical companies in various dosage forms as tablets, capsules, powders. Each tablet contains 125, 250 or 500 mg of the basic substance, and 250 in each capsule or 500 mg of an active pharmaceutical substance.

The pharmacological effect of the drug is associated with an effect on the growth and reproduction of microbes, Azithromycin inhibits these processes by blocking the formation of a protein to specific organelles. Within 3 days after the first dose virtually all sensitive microorganisms lose their ability to further development.

The pharmacokinetic parameters of the drug provides rapid distribution of the active substance in organs and tissues and accumulation of the substance in the source of infection. Azithromycin is derived mainly the intestines, in small quantities - by the kidneys. Metabolism occurs in hepatocytes, which causes hepatotoxicity medicament.

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When feeding breastmilk Azithromycin easily penetrates the blood-milk barrierSo in the instruction antibiotic relatively contraindicated in GW. The course of treatment usually is 3 days, the concentration of the drug is low, so the drug could be resolved through breastfeeding. Nevertheless Azithromycin at GW is not recommended to take.

The spectrum of possible readings

Breastfeeding azithromycin may be needed in diseases:

  • Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis), bronchial tree (chronic and acute bronchitis), trachea, larynx;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Infections of the skin, hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • The presence of Helicobacter pylori in the body with the corresponding clinical symptoms.

The spectrum of possible contraindications

Macrolide antibiotic is contraindicated in some conditions:

  • Expressed decompensated liver disorders, kidney, bowel, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis;
  • In pediatrics: a child's weight to 45 kg, up to age 12 years;
  • GW;
  • Allergic reactions on the history of macrolide antibiotics;
  • Precautions: the compensated Subcompensated disorders and liver and kidney functions, disorders of heart rhythm and conduction, while warfarin, cardiac glycosides.

Ability to receive Azithromycin lactation

Can I Azithromycin at GW? The concentration of the active drug substance in a daily dose is very small and rarely provokes complications and side effects in the baby during breastfeeding. In this side-effect may be narrowing the pylorus, as well as fungal inflammation of the oral mucosa, skin infection, impaired intestinal microflora.

Doctors recommend not to assign Azithromycin lactation. In addition, after three days of treatment the concentration of the active pharmaceutical substance is stored in the mother's body is still in During the week, so if breastfeeding was interrupted at the time of administration of the antibiotic, 7 days did not even need to nurture feeding.


Breastfeeding and during pregnancy a woman should be particularly attentive to the choice of drugs for the treatment of certain pathologies. Special attention should be given anti-bacterial agents, as they often have hepatotoxicity, gematotoksichnosti can cause many side effects and are contraindicated during pregnancy and GV.

Azithromycin crosses the blood-milk barrier, which already makes it dangerous for receiving moms who feed the baby breast milk. Although the risk of pathologies of newborns is low, it is recommended to refrain from using these medications during the GW.

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