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Folic acid during the first trimester of pregnancy: the dosage, how to take

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After learning about the pregnancy, a woman goes to the gynecologist and the doctor, after inspection, appoint the vitamins and folic acid. If vitamin complex does not cause pregnant objections, the name "folic acid" is a bit alarming. But folic acid during the first trimester of pregnancy is necessary for the full development of the fetus. And to allay unnecessary fears, take a look, what is hidden behind the name of the drug and its effect on the body of a pregnant.

Why do I need a cure

Folic acid belongs to the group of folate and vitamin B is9.

In early pregnancy folic acid provides the expectant mother follows:

  • reduction of signs of toxicity;
  • strengthening the immune system (increased resistance to colds infections);
  • prevention of abortion;
  • reducing the risk of death of the ovum;
  • stimulation of hematopoiesis (blood cell synthesis is accelerated to provide the increased blood flow);
  • involved in the formation of a healthy placenta.

Folic acid is important in 1 trimester of pregnancy and for the fetus. In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy occurs:

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  • actively dividing cells of the ovum;
  • laying systems and organs.

If a pregnant woman early in gestation refuses to take folic acid, then the fetus can develop the following pathologies:

  • Improper tab neural tube. This is the basis of the nervous system. If the early stages of any deviation, then later the child may reveal cerebral hypoplasia, intellectual disabilities or mental retardation;
  • The deviation in the formation of vascular bundle. This is the germ of the cardiovascular system. Irregularities in the tissue tab will cause heart defects or underdevelopment of the vessels.
  • Failed to chord tab. Then the chord is formed in the skeleton. In case of deviations at the cellular level in early pregnancy may cleft vertebral arches, fusion of the bones, joints malformation.
  • Improper formation breathing tube. Pulmonary abnormalities during fetal development to identify almost impossible - lung tissue does not function. After birth, the infant can be: neraskorytie lungs, respiratory insufficiency or the propensity to bronhostazmam (asthma attacks).

Folic acid - an important drug in early pregnancy. vitamin B9 tab provides organs, prevent miscarriage and improves the health of the expectant mother.

How and how much to drink folic acid

The best option - to start drinking vitamin for 1-3 months prior to conception, but this is only possible when planning a pregnancy. When this dosage is 400 mg / day.

Folic acid can help:

  • eliminate symptoms of hypovitaminosis;
  • enhance immunity;
  • provide a full tissue regeneration and the creation of new structures in the body (the placenta, chorion).

But it is not always possible to plan pregnancy or wait for the necessary period of recovery of the body. Conception can occur despite the use of protective equipment.

It is not necessary to worry especially if before pregnancy was not possible to spend on drink a course of the drug. The dosage of folic acid during the first trimester of pregnancy is high and will not only eliminate the symptoms of vitamin deficiencies in9But also to ensure the full development of the embryo.

In the first trimester of folic acid dose is 800 mg / day. It does not matter, take vitamins before conception or not.

Such a high dosage of 1 trimester due to the following:

  • acceleration of metabolism (the body takes place to ensure that the restructuring of carrying a child);
  • the appearance of toxicity;
  • high demand embryo.

How much time should you drink folic acid - selected individually. Doctors recommend intake of vitamin at all stages of pregnancy and during lactation.

In one trimester folic acid is required to drinkAnd at a later date is possible to cancel the drug. The drug can help prevent the development of pathologies of pregnancy in early pregnancy. But do not get yourself to drink vitamin, learning about the pregnancy, prescribers should gynecologist. Folic acid, as well as other drug, has contraindications.


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