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Folic acid when planning pregnancy: how to take, the dosage, how much to drink

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Folic acid enters the body with food, but also synthesized in the intestine by the action of symbiotic bacteria. After a series of biochemical reactions, metabolites of vitamin B9 are involved in the process of maturation of red blood cells, the ancestor cells, catalyze the formation of amino acids and other vital compounds.

What is dangerous deficiency of folic acid when planning pregnancy

With the shortage of folic acid at the planning stage of conception slows the formation of red blood cells, addition of hemoglobin, which may lead to anemia folievodefitsitnoy mother. Pregnancy, which runs on the background of anemia adversely affects the health of the fetus. The baby may be born prematurely, underdeveloped, and the delivery may take complicated course.

Other possible consequences of a lack of folic acid at the stage of conception planning:

  • Pathology female gametes. In this situation the general conception can occur due to anomalies egg or fruit starts initially formed unhealthy;
  • Premature detachment of normally situated placenta;
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  • Arresting the development of the fetus and death for up to 28 weeks;
  • Miscarriage;
  • Fetal hypoxia;
  • Congenital malformations, defects of the nervous system.

Folic acid before pregnancy planning is necessary not only to women but also future fathers. Why folic acid for men? A sufficient amount of vitamin B9 in the male germ cells improves quality, increases their number, reduces the risk of mutation, which contributes to an even more favorable conception.

Terms folic acid intake

Folic acid supplements to effectively compensate for the lack of vitamin support its quantity at the optimum level, prevent the development of deficiency. Doctors often prescribe multivitamin complexes that contain, in addition to vitamin B9, ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate, and other useful vitamins and minerals.

Taking folic acid when planning pregnancy, during pregnancy and lactation must be individually assigned dosages. Only the attending specialist can decide how much you need to drink folic acid before pregnancy. If you currently have women vitamin deficiency, for some time to increase the number of tablets.

The recommended daily dosage of prophylactic folic acid before pregnancy for women - 800 mg for men - less than 2 times. Prophylactic administration of vitamin B9 supplemented multivitamin complexes containing other vitamins B, ascorbic acid, minerals.

Folic acid supplements, women and men start drinking for several months prior to conception. During this time, the vitamin accumulates in the body and works actively preparing the expectant mother to the expected pregnancy. Within 3 months, the woman must give up all bad habits, to normalize the mode of the day. If you have problems with digestion, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary time to cure them, as the bowel disease can lead to inadequate absorption of folic acid.

Keep in mind that folic acid prospective parents are not always prescribed. A doctor at discharge medication focuses on the lifestyle of the family, the presence of chronic diseases and risk factors for deficiency. If your doctor has decided not to prescribe drugs, you want to include in your diet products containing folic acid (foliage, sorrel, parsley, carrots, beans, cereals, nuts, meat, liver, milk products).

Overdosing folate drugs

Folic acid is rapidly eliminated from the body as metabolites. Harm the vitamin can only deal with an overdose of drugs containing this element. Please observe the instructions for use and does not take the pills in unlimited quantities, and all the negative consequences will bypass your side.

Possible overdose symptoms include:

  • Nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort. A woman can take these symptoms are manifestations of toxemia of pregnancy;
  • Flatulence;
  • sleep disorders, excessive agitation, irritability, tearfulness;
  • Allergic manifestations of rashes, swelling.


Folic acid - an important element for the content that you want to watch, when the family suggests the birth of a child. Careful attention to their health and the health partner, avoiding harmful habits, good nutrition and adequate rest period will guarantee a full-term birth and happy baby.


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