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Normobakt or Linex: what is best for children, the comparison drug

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Linex long been known and proven product for the protection of the intestine in antibiotic therapy and for the treatment of dysbiosis. But on sites found positive feedback about the medicine Normobakt having similar qualities. Normobakt or Linex: what is best for the child - the question often heard pediatricians. Try to understand by reading the therapeutic properties and the need for prescribing.

The difference drugs

If we compare Normobakt and Linex, it becomes clear that the drugs are different in composition after studying the instructions for use.


The drug is a complex tool, which includes:

  • Probiotics. Contain live microorganisms (bacteria, yeast), which, after entering the intestine inhibit pathogens and stimulate the growth of symbiotic bacteria;
  • Prebiotics. Probakterii improvers useful microflora condition and inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Normobakt considered symbiotic and is used for intestinal infections, antibiotic therapy, or severe intoxication for the treatment or prevention of dysbiosis. The drug helps to recover faster after an intestinal infection or poisoning, normalize digestive function.

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Also available Normobakt A which is slightly different in composition of prebiotics and probiotics, and has additional recommendation for diarrhea caused by prolonged stress or acclimatization in another climatic zone.

Normobakt used as part of combination therapy for the treatment of infectious and non-infectious pathologies of the digestive tract.


Prebiotics refers to medicine and comprises:

  • bifidobacteria;
  • lactobacilli;
  • eterokokki.

Components of a medicament to stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the gut, improved absorption of nutrients stimulates the synthesis of enzymes and vitamins, enhance immunity.

Linex In addition, pharmaceutical companies produce Linex Forte, which contains more probaktery.

Lineks contains components that are natural constituents of intestinal flora, which improves the condition cell membrane, increase the uptake of useful elements and stimulate the body's immune response to the penetration of germs and viruses.

Despite the fact that the difference between the Linex and Normobaktom have, medications are non-structural analogues and are used to treat similar diseases in children. But to give an answer, it is better to take: Normobakt or Linex Forte difficult.

Answers to questions from parents

Which drug efficacy and safety for children: Linex Normobakt or L? It responds only to the physician, taking into account age features.

Consider the answers to questions that are often asked by parents:

  • What is better for infants with diarrhea? It depends on the age of the crumbs and the cause of the diarrhea. But more often in early childhood, pediatricians are advised to give prebiotics: Linex, Atsipol or Bifiform. Appointment of probiotics is recommended only in case of intestinal infections;
  • The child held a course of antibiotic treatment, which medicine is best to avoid dysbiosis with antibiotics? It depends on the age and duration of use of antibacterial agents. School-age kids shows Normobakt or Hilak Forte and babies begin prevention Linex;
  • In the treatment of salmonellosis were told to drink Normobakt or Linex, what to choose? In this case, for the children better Normobakt, which will not only restore the disturbed microflora, but also eliminate the intoxication caused by Salmonella secretions, and suppress the activity of bacteria. Normobakt effective not only for salmonella, but also in other intestinal infections caused by bacteria, viruses or protozoa;
  • Is it possible to give probiotics infant colic or diarrhea? Pediatricians, including Dr. Komorowski believes that the supply of live bacteria can disrupt the formation of biocenosis in the intestine crumbs. If the diarrhea is caused by an intestinal infection, is to eliminate abdominal pain and diarrhea are more suitable prebiotics: Atsipol or Linex. But it is necessary to exercise caution when provoked by intestinal colic constipation - prebiotics may enhance constipation.

Choose between Linex and Normobaktom depends on the nature of the disease and age. It is not necessary to pick their own child best drug on the recommendations of the forum, where people share not as much experience as exchange positive or negative emotion about effective medication. But every baby is different and it would be better defines pediatrician or infectious diseases, taking into account the clinical disease and analyzes data for it.


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