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Folic acid: to what stage of pregnancy take

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Woman in preparation for pregnancy and during it pays special attention to their health and the environment. Any medications cause suspicion, including vitamins and dietary supplements. Till what duration of pregnancy folic acid to drink, so as not to harm the baby? Do I need to take vitamin B9, if the body no signs of deficiency? This article will consider these important questions.

Why do I need folic acid

Folic acid is necessary for everyone: men, women, and children. But in women during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, the need for this element increases several times, so folic acid is often called "female vitamin." Folate regulate the processes of formation of red blood cells, helping them connect hemoglobin, the oxygen-providing all the organs and tissues.

With a shortage of vitamin B9 hematopoiesis is rearranged, a large number megaloblasts formed in red bone marrow, and number of mature erythrocytes reduced. This leads to the development of anemia. Pregnancy and anemia - a very unfavorable combination. The woman with the child develops anemia in hypoxic conditions, a constant lack of oxygen, which can lead to prematurity, premature birth, miscarriage and other pathologies.

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Another function of folic acid - participate in biochemical reactions formation of amino acids and nucleic acids. Since the expectant mother during pregnancy works "for two", with folate deficiency, especially in the early up to 12 weeks, the fetus may not be sufficient material for the full formation of organs and systems. In addition, the increased risk of mutations and the chance of a child with developmental abnormalities.

Indications for folate purpose

folic acid formulations may be presented pills, capsules, multivitamins in different dosage forms. Multivitamins containing a large amount of nutrients and trace elements, is usually prescribed for the prevention of deficiency. Directly folic acid - with its already existing deficiency in the body.

Drink folic acid in early pregnancy, 3 months before the planned conception, during lactation is necessary for women with a tendency to develop deficiency of vitamin B9. If a woman has no chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, leading a healthy lifestyle and eat right, folic acid supplementation may not be necessary.

Indications for folate purpose:

  • Anemia with megaloblastic type of blood, caused by deficiency of folate;
  • Anemia after surgery on the stomach resection;
  • Normalization of red blood cell in some diseases of the intestine;
  • Vitamin deficiency and vitamin deficiencies.

Terms folic acid intake

The recommended daily dose of folic acid to women of childbearing age groups - up to 400 micrograms per day. For pregnant women and nursing mothers breast milk dosage was increased to 600-800 mg per day. The dosage of folic acid in early pregnancy - up to 800 micrograms per day.

Folate supplementation begins at conception planning. The drug is taken and the future pope, and mother. There are two opinions on the question of to what a week drink folic acid during pregnancy. Some doctors prescribe folate on such a scheme: women drink folic acid up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, then continue to take multivitamin complexes containing all necessary trace elements. Other experts believe that Vitamin B9 need to drink during pregnancy, not terminating the reception after 12 weeks.

Overdose of folate - a rare occurrence, since the vitamin is rapidly metabolized, used and excreted from the body. Should follow doctor's advice and carefully read the instructions for use of dietary supplements and vitamins. If you do not exceed the recommended daily dose of folic acid for all three trimesters of pregnancy will only bring benefits to the body of the future mother and the child.


Folic acid is standing on one of the first positions in the list of vitamins, be sure to appoint women at pregnancy planning. How many tablets and how long you can drink folic acid, should decide the physician, but most women take vitamin B9 during pregnancy and lactation. You can stop taking the folate in 12 weeks time and go to a multivitamin. The drug is safe, and can harm the body only in overdose.


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