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Supraks or Zinnat: what better comparison, the differences

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In diseases provoked by infectious agents, antibacterial agents are assigned. The doctor often has to choose what is best: Supraks or Zinnat in each individual case. It depends on the severity of the disease, the clinical picture and diagnostic results.

The content and form of medicines

To compare the efficacy of two preparations should compare their compositions and the effect of the bioactive species to the organism. Supraks cefixime contains bioactive substance - third generation cephalosporin - 0.4 g per tablet and is available in granular form, used to prepare a slurry. Granules in the bottle thirty or sixty grams. In the 1 ml final suspension for 20 mg of the antibiotic.

Zinnat also includes 0.125, 0.25 or 0.5 g cefuroxime - second generation cephalosporin. Granules for suspension Zinnat allow to prepare solution with a concentration of 25 mg antibiotic per 1 ml of final solution.

Medicinal properties of drugs

Compare with Zinnat can Supraksom their therapeutic effects on the body. Supraks relates to a new group of cephalosporins and acts on infectious agents by interfering with the integrity of cell membranes.

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Good exhibits activity against such pathogens:

  • streptococci;
  • Klebsiella;
  • salmonella;
  • enterococci;
  • clostridia;
  • Enterobacter, and others.

Within four hours of supported Supraksa peak concentration in the blood.

Zinnat exhibits effects on bacterial agents similar manner and exhibits effectiveness against the same quantity and spectrum of pathogens.

Indications for

Supraks administered to children between six months and adults with these diseases:

  • infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • infectious diseases of the urinary system;
  • lesions of the oropharynx, nasopharynx.

Zinnat shown at tonsillitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, sinusitis, bronchitis, cystitis, angina. It can be assigned with uncomplicated infectious skin lesions and early manifestations of Lyme disease.

The difference between Zinnatov Supraksom and is the first drug that is indicated for cutaneous pathologies, and thus assigned Supraks less. Zinnat is allowed for children from three months, as recommended by the child Supraks only on prescription from six months old.

Although indications for drugs are very similar, it is better for the children to take the drug or Zinnat Supraks can be solved only by the attending physician. It depends on the therapeutic efficacy, severity of disease, age of the child. antibiotics safety profile differs slightly.

joint application

Treatment of infectious diseases with two antibiotics at the same time is dangerous. Additionally, Zinnat Supraks and belong to the same group - cephalosporins - so can be shared provoke severe overdose, The manifestation of adverse reactions.

Take drugs together is inappropriate and is contraindicated. After the diagnosis and determine the causative agent of the physician must choose only one of them. If any antibiotic is not shown the desired therapeutic effect, a second laboratory and bacteriological diagnosis. According to its results, choose an analogue, popular among them are also Sumamed, Augmentin, Azithromycin.

Choosing an effective analogue, including lower cost, it is carried out only by the attending physician. He determines which drug would be best in an individual case, as Zinnat and Supraks quite similar to each other and differ slightly.

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