
Vitamin B9 for the stronger sex

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Contents of
  • Vitamin B9 and its action
  • Sources of vitamin B9
  • Foods rich in vitamin B9

Folic acid for men is the most important source of health. Vitamin B9 is necessary for both women and men. In the male body, folic acid is responsible for the childbearing function and healthy offspring.

Folic acid is necessary for men

Vitamin B9 and its action

The substance is needed in the body of a man for the proper functioning of such organs as:

  • Gland;
  • Brain;
  • System of vessels.

Folic acid is involved in the process of cell formation and renewal. In the process of vital activity there is a constant change of depleted cells to healthy ones. If there is a failure in the formation of new resources, a person develops any pathologies.

If the level of vitamin B9 in the body of a man falls, then it breaks the process of sperm formation. Healthy spermatozoa should have a head of regular shape and flagellum-tail. In a depleted body, spermatozoa with pathologies can be formed. Pathogenic spermatozoon can serve as a source of congenital diseases in the child. In severe pathologies, a man may develop infertility, that is, a complete inability to conceive.

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Folic acid has a positive effect on brain function and memory development. This property is very important for men in the transition years. If a deficiency of vitamin B9 develops in the body of a teenager, then memory deterioration occurs, apathy appears, the child loses the ability to learn.

The amount of folic acid in the body of a man depends on the work of the heart and blood vessels. Daily intake of vitamin helps to avoid the risk of developing strokes, ischemic heart disease, hypertension. The substance helps the walls of the vessels to remain flexible and flexible.

Sources of vitamin B9

Vitamins of folic acid Folic acid in the body is not produced. To normalize the level of vitamin in the blood it is necessary to take it in the following forms:

  1. Tablet form;
  2. Foods that are a source of folic acid.

The easiest way to maintain the level of the substance in the blood is taking the pills. In pharmacies there is a wide range of drugs containing B9.More affordable drugs are drugs of Russian origin. Tablets should be taken three times a day for two. The price range starts from 20 rubles.and higher.

For the best absorption, the drug must be taken with vitamins containing iron. Iron strengthens the formation of blood cells, which capture B9 and carry it to the tissues and organs of a man. In the modern pharmaceutical industry, the drug "Ferrofolgamma" has been developed. The composition of this drug includes vitamins of group B, folic acid and iron. The medicine must be taken once in 24 hours in the morning. It contains the daily norm of the substance and is well tolerated.

The daily norm of folic acid is found in various brewer's yeast. The drug is used to normalize memory, cleanse the skin of acne, restore spermatogenesis. It is especially useful to drink biologically active additives in adolescence. The boys quickly cleanses the skin, improves memory and develops secondary sexual characteristics. The drug should be taken 2-3 tablets 4 times a day. The peculiarity of the medicine is the absence of contraindications. For proper selection of dietary supplements, you should consult a pharmacist.

Foods rich in vitamin B9

An additional source of folic acid is food. The greatest amount of B9 is found in products such as:

  • Beef liver;
  • The intestines of chickens;
  • Various legumes;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • Green.

Fried liver is very useful A hundred grammes of liver of beef contains a daily norm of acid. The product must be taken in boiled form or steamed. The roasted liver loses its properties and benefits. Meat of veal is as useful as a liver. Veal contains iron and folic acid. Veal is recommended to cook. Infants from 6 months should be introduced into the lure of puree veal. This is especially important for boys. The substance will help to form the nerve roots and sex glands faster and more correctly.

Chicken giblets contain various B vitamins. For men, the liver and heart of a bird are recommended. One hundred grams of braised giblets replenish the body of a man with folic acid by 50%.

All legumes contain vitamin B9 in different amounts. To replenish the level of folic acid, preference should be given to lentils, red beans and white beans. Porridge of lentils or red beans contains 60% of the daily norm. Legumes can be used for salads or in the form of canned food.

Brewer's yeast is the leader among the sources of the substance. Brewer's yeast can be bought in grocery and taken by yourself. For cooking, take 10 g of yeast and dilute them in 200 ml of water. The resulting solution is drunk three tablespoons before each meal.

This effect is only in "live yeast."Powder substance is not a source of folic acid.

To replenish the reserves of B9 in men will help a variety of greens. A lot of vitamin is contained in spinach leaves and green salad. Spinach is also a source of potassium. Several leaves of the plant, eaten per day, contain 100% of the substance. Greenery should not be subjected to heat treatment, it is better to cook various salads from it.

For most men, parsley is easily available. It contains different vitamins and microelements. Parsley leaves help to improve memory and increase the production of spermatozoa. This plant can be eaten in various dishes. Parsley does not lose its useful properties during drying, cooking and frying. For a day you must consume at least 100 g of a plant.

A man must comply with the rules of admission. Do not exceed the daily rate, as there may be a risk of bleeding. The drug should be discussed with your doctor. Folic acid for men will help to keep the childbearing function and good memory.

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