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Milgamma and alcohol: compatibility, how many can

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Before deciding whether alcoholic beverages milgamma compatible, you need to figure out what the drug. This drug belongs to complex preparations containing vitamins of group B.

Composition of medicine comprising:

  • pyridoxine;
  • thiamine;
  • cyanocobalamin.

If the drug is presented solution for injection, the active substances together with injection solution contains lidocaine. It anesthetic, which is needed to mitigate the pain of intramuscular injection of the drug, since the introduction of vitamins quite painful. According to the instructions to do an injection deep into the gluteal muscle to ensure distribution of the drug in the body, rather than accumulation in the adipose tissue. Administration of the drug to be performed slowly because rapid supply solution can cause:

  • palpitations;
  • dizziness;
  • malaise;
  • fainting.

Besides injections Milgamma available in tablets oval, convex on both sides, white. They also contain the active materials presented B vitamins, as well as auxiliary substances:

insta story viewer
  • talc;
  • povidone;
  • silicon;
  • tseyullozu.

Means, used for degenerative and inflammatory lesions of nerve endings, as well as:

  • neuroses various etiology;
  • lesions of the facial nerve;
  • pathologies of the trigeminal nerve;
  • convulsions;
  • pain syndrome in lesions of different parts of the spine.

Guidelines for the use contradicted compatibility Milgamma and alcohol, but not confirmed by a positive interaction of these components. Therefore it is not necessary to experiment, since the drug is able to cause allergic reactions, though rare, and alcohol can trigger the development of undesirable manifestations.

Is it possible to combine

Despite the fact that the drug contains harmless vitamins, data interaction with alcohol components may lead to undesirable results. Milgamma available in two dosage forms, and whatever type of drug the doctor ordered, it is not desirable to combine it with alcohol. If untreated alcoholic polyneuropathy, even a small dose of alcohol negates the whole treatment. So take Milgamma alcohol in this case is meaningless.

Milgamma injections and alcohol are not compatible. The injectable preparation comprises a solution of lidocaine, which is an anesthetic. The combination analgesic with alcohol causes unwanted reactions shown:

  • allergic reactions (rash, pruritus);
  • dizziness;
  • increasing pressure;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • heartbeat.

In severe cases, may develop anaphylactic shock, convulsions. Injections Milgamma together with alcohol led to strong headaches, anxiety. Possible malfunction of the cardiovascular system, the appearance of shortness of breath.

If the patient takes Milgamu tablets, the alcohol may reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug up to its complete absence, as under the influence of alcohol vitamins are destroyed and can not be digested body. Besides reacting these components leads to disruption of the nervous system hyperexcitability manifest or, conversely, drowsiness, apathy and indifference to everything.

Alcohol intake and vitamin preparations is displayed on the condition of the skin. Especially suffering face. It appears swelling, redness, premature wrinkles. This is a result of vitamin B1 of decay under the influence of alcohol.

Alcohol and vitamins

Milgamma contains vitamins B at a high concentration. At deficiency of these vitamins in the human body the doctor prescribed the drug to restore the balance. This vitamin complex is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system, endocrine glands, brain. Drinking alcohol in the first place it destroys the group.

Therefore, taking alcohol and Milgamma together patient risks a violation of the brain, which manifests itself in:

  • impairment of memory;
  • incoordination;
  • retardation.

Besides suffering skin. They become dry, shelled, cracks appear. The patient falls into the "vicious circle", because alcohol creates a deficiency of vitamins, and the lack of them increases the craving for alcohol. Therefore, taking Milgamma do not expose the body to the negative effects of alcohol.

Beer - it's alcohol

Milgamma often prescribed for the treatment of alcoholic nerve disorders. In recent years, the beer ceased to consider liquor, although it contains a certain percentage of alcohol. The number of "beer" dependent steadily growing every year, although alcoholics, they do not consider themselves. The beer contains a large quantity of yeast containing copper. It was she who destroys thiamine, does not give him absorbed. Therefore, beer and Milgamma incompatible tandem. Simultaneous administration of these two components leads to ineffective treatment. It is reported by doctors when prescribing the drug, although the instructions for use of the drug is silent about it.

When you can drink

Before treatment milgamma need to give up drinking alcohol for at least two days. This period is sufficient, so that the body is freed from ethanol residues, if the day before was a party. During therapy with fluids containing alcohol drinking is also not recommended. How many you can drink after Milgamma? This issue is of concern to many, because the treatment takes up to a month. After completion of the treatment is necessary to wait 2-3 days, only then to make alcoholic beverages.

During this time, a vitamin complex will be acquired by the body and the risk that the vitamins are destroyed by ethanol, is reduced to a minimum. Otherwise there will be well spent time and money.

Finally, a small

Even if the instruction to a preparation does not indicate the harmful combination of vitamins and alcoholic beverages, not worth the risk, because the drugs often do not coincide with ethanol.

Take Milgamma together with alcohol it is not necessary, especially if therapy is appointed to fill the deficiency of vitamins in the body. Such a tandem is able to nullify all the treatment. If prem Milgamma carried out in order to reduce the craving for alcohol, then return to receive alcoholic beverages also does not make sense because of such therapy would not make sense. In the presence of dependence on alcohol need to reconsider stance and decide to go more radical treatment than vitamin.


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