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Kanefron or FURAMAG: can together and what better comparison, compatibility

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In the event of urogenital diseases, including cystitis, are assigned a variety of drugs that help get rid of the unpleasant symptoms and eliminate the cause of development. Treatment of diseases of the urinary system depends on the severity of the disease in some cases sufficient herbal preparation, in others - can not do without antibiotics. Recently often doctors prescribe Kanefron FURAMAG and, therefore, patients may be asked, what is better: Kanefron or FURAMAG?

In some cases, the assigned FURAMAG and Kanefron

FURAMAG a gentle antibiotic effective in the treatment of genitourinary diseases, related to the nitrofurans group. The drug is effective in lesions of urinary organs harmful microorganisms that cause unpleasant symptoms. FURAMAG as soon as possible to cope with the disease and prevents further development of infection.

FURAMAG appointed for the following diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • diseases of the bladder and kidney;
  • urinary tract infection;
  • wound infection;
  • prostatitis is a bacterial etiology;
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  • purulent inflammatory diseases of the joints;
  • respiratory diseases occurring in the chronic form;
  • Cystitis in acute or chronic forms;
  • cholecystitis;
  • sepsis;
  • burns, accompanied by the infection;
  • disease of the reproductive system;
  • infectious diseases of the dermis;
  • genital disease of an infectious nature;
  • urethritis.

If we compare with the drug FURAMAG Kanefron, the latter is indicated for non-communicable diseases of the urinary system when enough to hold anti-inflammatory therapy, at the same time due to a diuretic effect, bringing harmful microorganisms. In this case, the need to receive FURAMAG not, but if the examination were found staphylococcus, Streptococcal bacteria, Salmonella, Giardia and E. coli, the treatment will be free of antibiotics useless.

Due to the wide range of actions FURAMAG effective in the treatment of many diseases, due to the high antimicrobial activity, while Kanefron has only a diuretic and anti-inflammatory action and its application such diseases will ineffective. However, there is effective if taken with FURAMAG kanefron simultaneously, drugs help destroy harmful microorganisms while facilitating their rapid removal from body.

advantages of products

Despite its effectiveness, FURAMAG forbidden to take during pregnancy and breastfeeding, treatment in children should be under strict medical supervision. Kanefron, thanks to the vegetable composition is permitted to use not only in childhood, but also nursing and pregnant women.

The drugs

Active substances FURAMAG quickly enter the bloodstream, effectively fighting urinary tract infection. Medication compared with other antibacterial agents does not reduce the immune defenses. Kanefron has no negative effects on the immune system, but to cope with a serious infection, he can not, so it is best to take kanefron with FURAMAG.

If there is a choice between the drugs, it is necessary to build on the clinical presentation and disease Kanefron effective in the fight against cystitis, but if the disease is caused by the development of an infection, in which case the necessary appointment FURAMAG.


Drugs may not always be available or have a high cost, so instead you can take FURAMAG Furasol, Furagin and Urofuragin, analogue kanefron is Cystone.


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