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Omez nausea: help or not, how to make

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Nausea - a universal phenomenon, indicating the different variances in the internal organs. Omez nausea appointed in exceptional cases - only when it comes to the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. But even when detecting ulcers Omez and its analogues can not always take: into account received concomitant medications, and especially the human body.

The most common causes of nausea

Before "sound the alarm", suffering from daily nausea, need to understand the possible causes of its manifestations. About 40% of patients treated gastroenterologists complaining of nausea, which has nothing to do with the gastrointestinal tract.

Common causes daily nausea:

  • pregnancy (for clarification must be examined by a gynecologist);
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • kinetosis;
  • regular constipation, flatulence;
  • neurological diseases;
  • psychological tension (speech in public and so forth.);
  • mental disorders;
  • unbalanced diet.

And it's not the whole list of potential reasons. Also, there are a number of diseases associated with mild nausea, which gastroenterologists do not treat.

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Omez nausea: testimony

Omez help from nausea upon detection of gastritis and functional dyspepsia. Human Stomach, suffering from one of these diseases is subjected to inflammatory processes, whereby the acidity is increased.

When hydrochloric acid elevated levels in a patient following symptoms can be observed:

  • nausea;
  • retching;
  • severe heartburn;
  • loud belching;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.

Nausea and retching with gastritis occur due to irritation of the stomach lining. Body thus helps himself to get rid of the accumulated acid.

As Omez helps with nausea

omez - a proton pump inhibitor. Its use is required when depressed phase-AT activity at the cellular level, due to which the lock is carried generating excess acid.

The mechanism of action of the drug normalized pH-driven environment. Omez useful for digestion by the fact that it eliminates the symptoms that accompany the disease: preventing heartburn, belching and diarrhea, relieves pain in the stomach

To get rid of nausea omez capsules, medicine must drink plenty of water (at least 500 ml), respectively the reading physician. Optionally chew.

When you can not take Omez

Take Omez from nausea to be careful. In some cases, nausea is accompanied by inflammation of the gastric mucosa due to the low level of acidity. Considering that omeprazole (component included in the composition), neutralizes the excess hydrochloric acid under reduced acidity preparation may provoke anatsidnyh gastritis. If it does not heal in time, the patient is seriously disturbed digestion and absorption of nutrients in the body.

strictly not recommended to take Omez with kidney disease: for example, pyelonephritis. Determine the disease is quite simple: in addition to nausea felt a sharp pain in the lumbar region. Also cause nausea can be high blood pressure. In this case, the person has a retching, accompanied by gastric emptying. Omez take in such situations, there is no point.

Seriously should be taken to the reception omez pregnant women - especially those whose gestation has not reached the second trimester. During pregnancy, it is recommended not to take Omez because of the risk of formation of anomalies in the development of the child. The drug is allowed to be used only in cases where the mother's health is not necessary to improve the price of a child's life.


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