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Gelomirtol or Sinupret what better compatibility comparison

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Short report about Sinupret

To compare and Sinupret Gelomirtol, you need to understand in detail the pharmacokinetics pharmacodynamics of both drugs. Sinupret refers to natural medicines.

Composed of plant components:

  • Many years of gentian. As part of Sinupret stimulates the gastro-intestinal tract, stimulates the appetite and the secretion of the salivary glands, reduces the temperature body with fever and subfebrilitet reduces the cough severity, has a sedative effect, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Primrose. It increases the secretion of the glands of the bronchial tree, reduces the symptoms of bronchitis and asthma, the common cold;
  • Sorrel. The herb is rich in vitamins, improves digestive function removes the severity of inflammatory processes, increases the flow of bile;
  • Elder. The flowers have antibacterial action, help fight body with pathogenic flora.

Furthermore, Sinupret composition includes additional components and auxiliary substances necessary to give the dosage form in the form of drops, tablets and dragees. The droplets are added ethyl alcohol, dragees in lactose, which causes the corresponding contra-indications.

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The pharmacological action of the drug is completely related to the content of plant extracts, each component effects summarized and affect the body and inflammation center complex, providing anti-inflammatory and mucolytic act. In exudative and purulent processes in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses Sinupret facilitates fluid outflow pathological cavities and sanitation.

Indications for the use of limited Sinupret inflammation of the sinuses, the sinuses, the nose, runny nose. The drug is not prescribed for persons who abuse alcohol, children under six years, patients who have a history of intolerance to the carbohydrate lactose. Side reactions are nonspecific and may be represented by allergic symptoms, symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract. In the event of inadequate responses of the body to receive Sinupret should consult a physician or an ambulance.

Short report about Gelomirtol

In some situations, you can replace Sinupret Gelomirtolom. Unlike Sinupret, Gelomirtol relates to the pharmacological group expectorant drugs. Produced by the French drug "Paul-Boskamp", a representative office in Russia. Dosage form - capsules for oral administration per os.

Capsules Gelomirtola forte comprise vegetable components providing the overall anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and mucolytic effect on the body. After ingestion per os of the capsule shell dissolves in the lower digestive tract, The main active ingredient is well and actively absorbed and distributed throughout the body, reaching target organs. The maximum concentration of the main component Gelomirtola achieved after several hours.

Effect Gelomirtola and Sinupret storage. You should not wait for the result after the first capsule. It is necessary to drink a full course. Most of the metabolites are excreted by the kidneys, some of the - the intestines. The active ingredients have the ability to cross the blood-placental and blood-milk barriers so it is not recommended to take Gelomirtol during pregnancy and during breast-feeding feeding.

Indications for symptomatic purpose Gelomirtola: inflammation of the bronchi, sinuses, lymphoid pharyngeal ring. Application Gelomirtola Sinupret simultaneously with the drug allows to enhance the anti-inflammatory effect and influence several lesions directly.

Contraindications to the use of Gelomirtola:

  • Allergic symptoms after taking the drug;
  • Gallstones or biliary tract;
  • The stones in the bladder or urinary tract;
  • Bronchial asthma of any severity;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Children under six years.

Side effects are also few Gelomirtola. Possible allergies, dyspnea, increased heart rate, dryness of the mouth, pain in epigastric, the stomach, loose stools or constipation, exacerbation of gallstone or urolithiasis disease.

drug interaction with other drugs has not been described. It can be assumed, based on the pharmacological parameters, that the presence of indications (sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, other inflammatory diseases of the sinuses) at the same time Gelomirtol Sinupret have greater efficacy than each drug by separately. Therefore, drink Gelomirtol with Sinupret as possible, but only after consultation with your doctor.

Consultation is needed to clarify the presence of indications for drugs for diagnosis and plan of examination and treatment. If the positive effects of the treatment or Sinupret Gelomirtolom not observed after 10 days, it is necessary to clarify the nosology, or appoint an alternative therapy.


Sinupret can be considered analogous to Gelomirtola. Both drugs are of plant origin, similar indications. Major differences in the severity and number of side effects and contraindications (y Sinupret them less). You can also take Sinupret with Gelomirtolom, this combination improves the prognosis of the disease and significantly relieves the severity of the main symptoms.

Another analogy: Tonsilgon®, Erespal, Korizaliya, Rimantadine, Umckalor.


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