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Sinupret with nasal congestion: help or not

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The causes of nasal congestion

In most cases, mucosa swelling can be triggered by a bacterium or virus. Sometimes it comes to allergic reactions caused by intolerance to individual components of inhaled air, chemicals or food.

The only cause of nasal congestion, in which use is ineffective Sinupret is vasomotor rhinitis. This pathological state is completely due to a violation of vascular tone, so in this case the patient can not do without the drug, which will include phenylephrine.

When sinusitis, sinusitis, rhinitis of different nature, other than the above - to treat nasal congestion Sinupret is appropriate. Sometimes, mucosal edema may be caused by supercooling organism or excessive dryness of inhaled air. This is especially true for children.

Structure and mechanism of drug action

Review the instructions to the drug, it can be concluded that it does not contain any synthetic or semi-synthetic substances. This concentrated extracts:

  • primrose;
  • gentian;
  • sorrel;
  • verbena;
  • Elderberry.

When nasal congestion Sinupret can take, as an independent means, and as an element of complex therapy

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in the treatment of acute respiratory disease or inflammatory processes turbinates. The main effect of Sinupret is the regulation of mucus secretion, which provokes the symptom. Using Sinupret with a strong nasal congestion must be combined with the drug, which included - glucocorticoid hormone.

Some components of the drug can not only enhance the effect of broad-spectrum antibiotics, taken in parallel, but independently and have an antibacterial effect. Intensive reduction of pathogenic bacterial growth rate will start the remission faster.

Many doctors can prescribe this medication when the patient suffers from diseases that involve the bronchi or throat. These diseases are generally accompanied by prolonged coughing fits which, in turn, greatly affect the human condition. Inability to breathe comfortably, not only because of the cold, but also because of the sputum accumulated in the bronchi, affects the performance and the level of oxygen saturation of the brain.

Extracts of medicinal plants in Sinupret composition can exert expectorant action, so it is often prescribed as an additional drug in the treatment of, for example, bronchitis.

Some plastic surgeons, as well as operating with otorhinolaryngology, after undergone surgical intervention on the correction of the nasal septum, recommend that their patients take Sinupret in order to get rid of the swelling tissues. He provokes postoperative nasal congestion. A feature of this problem is the absence of rhinitis.

Release form and dosage characteristics

From the common cold to drink Sinupret by selecting for themselves a convenient dosage form of the drug. At the moment, there are three main varieties of oral Sinupret: drops, tablets and syrup. From nasal congestion drops Sinupret is best to give their children. Diluted with water, they will not cause its rejection taste of a little patient.

Release tablet formulation of the most topical for both adults and children from 11 years. Treatment of the common cold Sinupret involves the appointment of an individual dosage depending on the patient's condition. However, you can use the drug without a prescription, because due to its composition, it does not have any special contraindications to the use, and has no harmful side effects. If unauthorized use is recommended to resort to the standard dosage.

For an adult, and for the body of the child of high school age, the daily dose should be six tablets: two - three times throughout the day. When it comes to children of primary school age, parents have decided to choose it in Sinupret tablets is enough for them, and one, but also - three times a day.

Syrup Sinupret least concentrated among other dosage forms, however it daily rate which is necessary for good therapeutic effect, the dose exceeds droplets. For children, aged from two to five years, it should not be more than six milliliters, which should be divided into three stages.

For older children who have not yet reached the age of twelve, the number of drinking syrup can be equal to ten milliliters. For adults, this figure rises to 21 ml.

Oral drops quite highly concentrated, therefore, have a sharp taste. In use, they are recommended to be diluted with water or drip of sugar. That is why, in spite of the purely vegetable composition, it is not necessary to think that Sinupret - a homeopathic remedy. Extracts of medicinal plants, which consists entirely of a drug may act as immunomodulatory.

Opting for the Sinupret as for the treatment of nasal congestion - completely obvious. Using it, you can be sure of their own safety, because the risk of side effects is negligible. The only thing to do - more than the average duration of the course. This is due to decreased activity of the active ingredients during prolonged use.


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