Useful For Preparations

De Nol: how to drink and what to take, instructions

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The main active ingredient of the preparation - colloidal bismuth subcitrate. This material promotes the formation of a protective layer on the surface, lining the inside of the digestive organs. Thanks to the film mucosal injury unavailable aggressive action of food juices and heal much faster.

Additionally De Nol exhibits anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, increasing the production of prostaglandins, It stimulates the cytoprotective mechanism and increases the resistance of the mucous membranes of the aggressive action gastric enzymes. Through the use of the drug in the area of ​​damage accumulation epidermialnogo growth factor that enhances zazhivlyaemost scarring and ulcers and erosions.

Colloidal bismuth subcitrate is actively working against bactericidal H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori).

Let's find out how and when to take De-Nol. To drink the drug should be as bismuth tends to accumulate in the body and its overdose or long-term use can cause serious disorders of the central nervous and urinary systems.

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Dosage and method of use

Before starting the use of the drug is necessary to pass a special examination and get a doctor's appointment.

Each age group of patients must adhere to their therapeutic dosages De Nola.

For adults and adolescents 14 years of age, should apply 1 pill drug four times a day. Another option could be the use of receiving two tablets 2 times per day. From 8 to 14 years - 1 tablet twice a day.

Young patients who are between the ages of 4 and 8 years take De Nola at the rate of 8 mg per kg body weight per day. This portion must be divided into two steps. The maximum number of De-Nol for patients in this age group - two pills a day.

Will correctly receive De-Nol for 30 minutes before eating.

The length of the therapeutic course usually ranges from 30 to 60 days. After the treatment, the next few months, you should not take drugs, having in its composition of derivatives of bismuth, as it may cause overdose effects.

If there is assigned the following set, which includes a history of ulcerative and erosive mucosal integrity disorders induced by Helicobacter (Helicobacter pylori):

  • De-nol;
  • omez;
  • Tetritsiklin;
  • Metronidazole.

Or their analogs.

In the case of combination therapy De-Nol used for 10 - 14 days.


Doctors prescribe drinking De-Nol tablets in the presence of pathologies, as described below:

  • It damages the mucosa of digestive tract ulcerative and erosive nature;
  • lesions of inflammatory or degenerative nature mucosa (gastritis, gastroduodenitis);
  • mucosal disorders of the gastrointestinal tract caused by the influence of H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) (therapy is conducted in conjunction with other drugs).
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • in dyspepsia functional nature, having no connection with organic disorders of the digestive functions.


Before starting ichpolzovaniya De Nol, you must be examined by a specialist doctor and make sure that there are no possible contraindications to the drug:

  • hypersensitivity to bismuth and its derivatives, as well as other components within strukturumedikamenta;
  • pronounced changes in functional activity of the kidneys;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;


It is very important to take the medicine according to the De-Nol dosage prescribed by a doctor. In the case of use of a dose exceeding the therapeutic one, can develop kidney disease activity. These manifestations are reversible and their treatment is carried gastric lavage, and laxatives are assigned absorbent material.

If the therapy there are infringements of the heavy nature of the patient for blood purification by means of dialysis.

side effects

When using the De-Nol in a very rare case, the patient may experience adverse events, expressed as follows:

  • darkening eksprementov and language;
  • retching, nausea, indigestion (constipation and diarrhea);
  • may occur rash, itching, redness of the skin.

During the use of funds cal patient can not only dark, but also to become black, this is normal phenomenon, which is connected to form bismuth sulfide, which is a totally harmless black crystals.

These symptoms are usually flowing in nature, but they should tell the doctor-specialist. You may need replacing its analogue drugs.

use Features

De-Nol for the stomach is most commonly used in combination therapy with other medicines. This allows you to get the most effective results in the treatment.

Long-term use of medical De-Nol can cause brain damage activity (encephalopathy), which is associated with the accumulation of bismuth in the CNS. To avoid this, you must adhere to the treating physician. The length of the therapeutic course should not exceed 4 months. If necessary, more prolonged use, the drug must occur after a time interval not less than 60 days.

Do not allow the simultaneous use of De-Nol with products containing milkAs well as fruits, fruit juices. We do not recommend the use of funds in conjunction with medication, as this technique can slow the absorption of the drug and reduce the effectiveness of therapy. The interval between oral administration of the drug and reception using other materials should not be less than half an hour.

It is not recommended to drink De Nol gastritis pregnant patients. When the need for care in the lactation period, breast-feeding should be discontinued.

During the course of therapy is prohibited to drink alcohol as it increases the risk of side effects and reduce the negative manifestations of effective influence the drug.

Despite the fact that the change in the color of feces (stool may become black), while the use of De-Nol is a normal phenomenon, it should be remembered that these symptoms may develop in some pathological changes in the digestive system, characterized by patches of blood in the feces:

  • presence of tumors in the rectum;
  • colitis ulcerative character;
  • vospalenich mucous rectum (proctitis);
  • granulomatous enteritis (Crohn's disease);
  • vascular disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violations severe nature of liver activity.

That is why the darkening of the chair should consult a specialist to make sure that the above changes are absent.

Before treating Des nolom patient, the doctor conducts a special examination, confirm the diagnosis, and absence of contraindications to the drug. Self-medication and the misuse of medication can cause an overdose and serious complications.

After completing the course De nolom within two months, do not use medications that contain bismuth.


Numerous studies of the therapeutic effects of De Nol show that the drug is effective for treatment of stomach ulcers and intestine, as well as gastritis, gastroduodenitis and other diseases localized in the digestive ways.

Very often successfully De-Nol used to kill H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) in combination therapy with other medical means. It is proved that the use of the drug short-course 10 - 14 days, allows to obtain the effectiveness of nearly 99% of patients.

However, it should be remembered that De-Nol should be taken only after the diagnosis and the treatment prescribed.


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