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Pertussin and Mukaltin: can we take together, compatibility

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As Mukaltin, Pertussin is considered a proven remedy for cough, that appears for colds. Often, patients are wondering whether it is possible to drink and Pertussin Mukaltin together to gain an expectorant effect. To answer should be familiar with the characteristics of drugs.


Before considering the compatibility and Pertussin Mukaltin, get acquainted with the peculiarities of Pertussin.

Natural medicament manufactured based on herb extract of thyme (thyme) with a small amount of potassium bromide. Available as a syrup, which is based on ethyl alcohol.

The drug has the following characteristics:

  • has little effect on the viscosity of the sputum;
  • It stimulates the activity of ciliated epithelium in the airways, causing expectoration of bronchial secretions;
  • It suppresses the cough reflex, facilitating the patient's condition;
  • It destroys pathogens.

Such a comprehensive impact to reduce irritation of the airways and gently withdraw the accumulated bronchial secretion.

The drug is prescribed for children and adults, but because of the alcohol content in it until the year the child is allowed to give medicine only after consulting your pediatrician.

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Pertussin efficiently operates when wet coughWhen you need to clear the airways of mucus accumulated. Take the syrup for dry cough recommend to suppress the cough reflex, delivered to the patient very uncomfortable.

Pertussin minor flaw - because of the alcohol content of the syrup and potassium bromide may oppression neural responses. At the time of treatment should abandon driving. If necessary, it is possible to replace Pertussin lozenges Pektusin containing eucalyptus oil and menthol.


Brown tablets with unusual taste familiar to many from his childhood. Mukaltin made of plant-based and a pill contains 50 mg marshmallow root.

Of the additional components in the tablet include:

  • wine acid;
  • calcium stearate;
  • sodium hydrogencarbonate.

Application Mukaltin provides the following therapeutic effects:

  • improved mucus production;
  • stimulates expectoration;
  • reduced inflammation by reducing the respiratory irritation caused by dry cough.

Mukaltin advised to drink at a dry coughWhen necessary dilution of viscous bronchial mucus.

Children under 2 years old to give Mukaltin allowed only on prescription, if you can not replace the medicine by other means. Most babies designate Bromhexine, which has a similar effect, but is allowed to be used in early childhood.

Take Pertussin with Mukaltin possible. Medications have a different composition and a different mechanism of action. But before drinking Mukaltin with Pertussin, you need to consult with your doctor about joint reception.

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Mukaltin Pertussin and various cough remedies, so the answer 2 Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is it better or Mukaltin Pertussin? To give a definite answer difficult. Pertussin helps with excretion of phlegm and better to drink it with wet cough, and use Mukaltin better help if necessary thinning of mucus in the bronchi.
  • Is it possible to quickly cure a cough, if you drink Mukaltin simultaneously Pertussin? The answer is no. Pertussin suppresses the cough reflex, and dilutes Mukaltin secret bronchi - it would impede removal of sputum. Better to drink Mukaltin, and then continue treatment Pertusinom.

Mukaltin and Pertussin - proven cough drops to help with colds. But that one is better suited for treatment - depends on the characteristics of the disease. When choosing a medication, you should consult with your doctor.


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