Diseases Of The Reproductive System

Pregnancy with a single ovary

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The female reproductive system includes internal and external organs. The first group includes:

  • uterus;
  • vagina;
  • 2 fallopian tubes;
  • 2 ovaries.

Unfortunately, in life there are situations where a woman can lose one of the paired organs. For example, the ovary.

Surgery to remove this organ can be performed in adult women, and in very young girls. It all depends on the disease. And, of course, before any lady, sooner or later the question will arise: "Can I get pregnant with one ovary?"

To get an answer to it, it is worth remembering how the female reproductive system works. Using the ovaries in the body, hormones are produced. In addition, they mature ovules. They work on cycles, i.e.in one month the egg is formed in one, and in the next - in the second. Therefore, when a woman loses one ovary, the chances of pregnancy are also reduced .After all, then the number of eggs that ripen in this organ, also becomes smaller. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to conceive. Most importantly, do not give up.

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In general, the absence of one ovary should not affect the condition of the body. The hormonal background remains normal, the menstrual cycle persists, and the remaining organ works for two. Therefore, with a constant sexual life and no problems with her husband, a woman may well become pregnant. The most important thing is to keep patency of the fallopian tubes and ovulation. If the pregnancy still occurs, then the ability to bear the child the number of ovaries does not affect.



Fertility is the body's ability to produce healthy offspring. In the case where a woman lacks one ovary, certain conditions must be observed in order to preserve this possibility.

Before trying to have a baby, a woman should make sure that normal ovulation occurs in the body. After all, the load, which used to be divided into two ovaries, now only remains on one. He has to work twice as much, and this is fraught with the fact that he will soon be depleted. All this leads to the fact that the menstrual cycle is broken, as a result, a woman can not become pregnant by herself.

There are several ways to determine the presence of ovulation.

  • The first of these is test .There are special tests with which you can determine the time of ovulation. They are sold in the pharmacy. The package includes three strips. Every morning from 12 to 14 day of the cycle it is necessary to urinate on one of them. These stripes are marked with special indicators that react to the amount of hormones in the urine. If a high content of luteinizing hormone is found, the color of the strip will change. It is worth remembering that with a positive result, a woman should try to become pregnant within a few days.
  • The second method is the baseline temperature measurement .Do this for several days at the same time. When ovulation, the temperature will change.
  • Another method is the ultrasound. The study is carried out by a specialist who notes all changes in the size of the follicle throughout the menstrual cycle. The largest size is about 2 cm before ovulation itself.

A woman should choose the method that will be most convenient for her.

In order to preserve fertility even with one ovary, it is worth sticking to some rules:

  • It is necessary for to abandon all bad habits of .They have a negative impact even on a completely healthy body, and for a woman with a single ovary can be fatal.
  • Physical activity should be increased on the contrary. Because the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs has a negative effect on the entire reproductive system of women.
  • You should try to eat correctly. Do not forget to take vitamin complexes.
  • Try to avoid stressful situations .
  • And, of course, any body needs high-grade rest and healthy sleep .

Physiological causes of


However, it also happens that with the ovulation the woman is OK, but the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. And the reason for this may be other circumstances.

  • Often a woman loses one of the ovaries as a result of a surgical procedure. In this case, spikes or scars may form. Very often they cause obstruction of the fallopian tubes. As a result, the egg can not enter the uterus.
  • It also happens that one of the ovaries is removed as a result of the disease. But in this case disease can affect the second body .Immediately it can not be found, but here at attempts of conception there are problems. To such diseases it is possible to carry endometriosis, any oncological processes. In this case, it is best to be under the constant supervision of doctors, so that there is no spread of diseases to the remaining ovary.

If there are such problems, then the most useful will be to contact your doctor for further monitoring and research of the diseases.


There is also such a problem: a woman is present with two ovaries. But the follicles in one of them do not grow. This is called multifallikulyarnostyu. The result is that only one ovary is fully functional, which in the future is also fraught with its exhaustion. If such a problem is identified in the study, the physicians prescribe hormonal agents that help to normalize the work of both organs of the .


As a rule, all experts advise a woman to try to become pregnant within 15 months on her own. And only then go to the doctor.

However, it is worth remembering that before this a woman should cure all the diseases of her body. For example, urogenital infections and endometriosis. Also get rid of tumors and polyps, as well as infectious diseases that can interfere with normal conception. In addition, can refer to geneticists to determine the predisposition to diseases that are transmitted genetically by .

Unfortunately, there are still situations when a woman can not become pregnant with a single ovary. In this case, IVF will help. The result does not depend on the number of ovaries in a woman, because a fertilized egg is placed immediately in the uterus. This method is a salvation for many women who do not have another opportunity to become pregnant.

Fortunately, modern medicine does not stand still and helps even in the most severe cases.

If it happens that a woman loses one ovary, then do not give up. The chances of getting pregnant with even this one organ are quite high. The most important thing is to take care of your health and comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor. And, of course, there must be a great desire to become parents of both women and men.

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