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Tsikloferon or Amiksin: which is better, and whether it is possible at the same time, a comparison

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For the treatment of many respiratory pathologies doctors prescribe TSikloferon or Amiksin. Both drugs are made on the basis of synthetic interferon. Many scientists insist that it is better to use the inductors of this substance. That is to use chemical compounds that in tissues and cells promote release of interferon.

Tsikloferon Amiksin and belongs to the group of interferons, the clinical use of which is a pressing problem for the pharmaceutical and medicine. This is due to the fact that interferons are considered to be highly effective in the control of viral diseases.

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What better with SARS: Amiksin or TSikloferon? Today, both immunostimulant undergo a series of clinical trials, the results of which affect their practical application.

For comparison, it is advisable to look at the composition of medicines. Active component is Amiksina tilorona. This substance is considered to be representative of the synthetic low-molecular interferon inducers. Under laboratory conditions, researchers are trying to determine efficacy for the treatment of cancer tirolona, ​​radiological and viral diseases. We already know about the success of clinical trials.

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Tsikloferon incorporates another active ingredient - akridonatsetat meglumine. This ingredient is a low molecular interferon production stimulator. The component has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

Meglumine cell structure acts as follows:

  • It inhibits replication of the virus in the early stages of infection;
  • It suppresses the pathogenic properties of the newly formed viral particles;
  • generates damaged microorganisms that lack the ability to reproduce.

Tsikloferon Amiksin and have a number of differences, expressed in different nuances. Preparations vary active ingredients, dosage form and release the drug in a unit. Amiksin produced in the form of tablets, each of which may consist of 60 or 125 mg of active ingredient tilorona.

Cycloferon is made in the form of intramuscular injections, ointments and tablets. Each tablet contains 150 mg of active ingredient akridonatsetata meglumine.

Taken together Amiksin TSikloferon doctors and prohibit because the rest of their influence on the organism has not been studied. For Amiksina Cyclopheron and there is a general list of contraindications.

Among the major caveats worth noting:

  • individual intolerance of any component of the drug;
  • lactation;
  • all stages of pregnancy.

The need for drugs is determined by the doctor for each patient individually. At the same time tsikloferon take Amiksin impractical because it can lead to serious adverse reactions.

Contraindications and side effects

Amiksin forbidden to use children under the age of 7 years. Cyclopheron tablets should not be administered to patients with liver cirrhosis and children younger than 4 years old because they do not end up swallowing process is adjusted. Also TSikloferon should be used with caution in patients with a severe allergic reaction, with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal system.

Usually, after consuming Cyclopheron and unwanted Amiksina no symptoms, but such reactions such as nausea, allergic to the dermis and stomach indigestion can not be excluded.

If we compare with TSikloferon amiksin, it becomes obvious that no one medication does not show the desired effectiveness in the treatment of non-viral respiratory diseases. Colds occur against the backdrop of a weakened immune system, interferons and take an active antiviral effects.


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