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Citovir or TSikloferon what better comparison, the differences

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In most cases, the cause of acute respiratory infections are viral foreign particles. In addition to the therapeutic effect Citovir TSikloferon and prevent or reduce the likelihood of contracting the virus. Which is better: Citovir TSikloferon or for the treatment of respiratory infections? Both drugs belong to a class of immunostimulants, which is indicated for the treatment and prevention purposes.

Match the

The first thing you can compare and Citovir TSikloferon - it's their content.

Citovir is a combined medicament comprising three active components:

  • Glutamyl-tryptophan It is a synthetic material made of amino acid residues. In medicine, a compound used as a immunotropic tool that integrates and enhances the protective functions of the body;
  • bendazol - is antispasmodic, which reduces the contraction operation of vessels, reduces smooth muscle tone, has immunostimulatory effects. As part of the drug substance stimulates the production of interferon in the cells and tissues;
  • Vitamin C It plays the role of vitamin supplements. The component accelerates the metabolism and regeneration processes in tissues that were hit by the virus. Acid activates the production of antibodies to a foreign infection, ie humoral immunity. Furthermore, the substance acts as an antioxidant, which neutralize oxygen radicals that are allocated during inflammatory reactions.
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The active component is Cyclopheron meglumine akridonatsetat. This connection is a potent inducer of interferon. At penetration into the structure of cells and tissues, it stimulates the production of its own interferon. Due to this property TSikloferon can be used as prophylaxis, but this possibility has to be proven by clinical research.

Restrictions on the use and dosage forms

Since both drugs belong to the same pharmacological group simultaneously with tsikloferon drink Citovir inappropriate and fraught with overdose. Citovir more dangerous for uncontrolled use, because its structure has as many as three of the active ingredient. Each of these components has a number of contraindications, which makes it impossible to use Citovir in certain diseases. Both the drug is contraindicated for use for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Citovir not prescribe such categories of patients:

  • children up to 6 years;
  • diabetics;
  • people who are prone to thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atopic asthmatics;
  • high pressure;
  • increased muscle tone.

Differ Citovir TSikloferon and production forms. TSikloferon made into injectable solutions, tablets and ointments for topical application. Citovir release capsules and powders for children's syrups.

Both immunostimulant made Russian pharmaceutical producers. The cost of drugs is almost the same, but may vary slightly depending on the pricing policy of a specific pharmacy.

Despite the fact that the effectiveness of domestic immunostimulant in preventing viral pathologies clinically proven TSikloferon with Citovir take not worth it. The uncontrolled use of drugs can cause serious side effects.

In fact, in contact with alien viral elements in the body, it begins to actively collect together all the protective functions and to produce interferon-intensive. Quite often, for this body does not need the support of the medicines.

Moreover, there are likely to reduce the activity of the immune system if taken for treatment and Citovir TSikloferon. These assumptions are still in a hypothetical form, and are likely to be clinically confirmed in the near future.

On the internet resources of medical direction published numerous reviews and tsikloferon Citovir. Medical publications state that Citovir considered more effective drug than TSikloferon. This is due to the fact that Citovir stimulates the entire immune system, while TSikloferon only affects the activity of lymphocytes. Furthermore, Citovir has a faster action and its effectiveness is proved by numerous clinical studies.


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