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Allergy to Enterofuril: what to do, especially treatment

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Enterofuril is an intestinal antibacterial agent. The main active ingredient of the drug - nifuroksozid. The main side effect occurring at its reception - allergic to Enterofuril. Unfortunately, almost any drug can cause excessive development of an allergic reaction, and Enterofuril is no exception.

The medicine is indicated for intestinal infections and infectious diarrhea, as is a good intestinal antiseptic. It has a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity, and acts on most of the major causative agents. Therefore, doctors often use it to treat patients.

The origin of the allergy

Allergy called hypersensitive response of the human immune system in response to repeated allergen exposure. An important role is played by previous sensitization person. Therefore, if you are allergic to take Enterofuril, or other products containing nifuroksozid impossible.

During the development of an allergic reaction, an excessive amount of body synthesizes immunoglobulins, due to which there is excessive activation of immunologically active cells, resulting in damage to their own tissues. Thus there is a remembering of the allergen, and further its interaction with the body, he learns, and allergic reactions appear more quickly, and proceeds more pronounced.

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Not in all cases it is possible to ascertain what was the cause of the allergy. In fact, besides the active substance in the composition Enterofuril also include colorants, sweeteners, stabilizing agents. Each of them, as a rule, can cause the development of allergic reactions.

What are the symptoms of hypersensitivity

If a person has developed an allergy to Enterofuril, it manifests an inflammatory response such as a general or local.

Typically, patients complain of:

  • Swelling of the nasal mucous membranes;
  • Redness, burning and itching in the eyes;
  • Rash, hives, eczema, contact dermatitis and itchy skin, especially in the abdomen, thighs, chest;
  • Headache;
  • Dyspnea, bronchospasm, wheezing.

Systemic reactions can manifest as nausea or vomiting, fever, general weakness, feeling body aches. Sometimes it is difficult to quickly diagnose an allergy to Enterofuril in infants and young children who do not speak, and therefore can not describe their complaints. Therefore, mothers should carefully examine the child if he becomes restless and cries.

What to do in case of hypersensitivity

At the first unpleasant symptoms need to act. Enterofuril allergies give the patient can no longer beYou must go to hospital because each spoon adopted capsule or suspension only increase expression of hypersensitivity. Therefore, physicians should carefully interrogate patients before prescribing the drug.

With a history of allergy to the drug do not create an Enterofuril or its analogs having a similar active substance. Therefore, patients should always talk to doctors about whether they had cases of allergic reactions and to which drug. It is desirable to even write this information, since it is very important, and only rely on memory is not necessary.

The most important step in the fight against allergies is to stop exposure to the allergen. Therefore it is impossible to treat allergy Enterofurilom. Sometimes it is necessary to stop taking the medication. In mild cases it is enough to calm down the immune system and the symptoms are gone. In general, when a Enterofuril allergies should consult a physician and re-examination of the patient. This will help doctors to determine the severity of the condition and to choose the optimal therapeutic strategy.

In some cases, the doctor may recommend a patient to continue taking the drug, as required by the underlying disease. However, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be administered to relieve allergies or Membrane that reduce the activity of immune cells responsible for the development of allergic reactions.


Unfortunately, like other exogenous agents, nifuroxazide may cause hypersensitivity reactions. Sometimes you can hear that Enterofuril caused a terrible allergy, but overall it's pretty safe drug. In comparison with systemic antibacterials it less likely to become the cause of allergic reactions.

If the intake of Enterofuril developed an allergy, you should consult a doctor. After the examination and assessment of the state, he will decide whether to drink Enterofuril on or discontinue therapy. If necessary, remove the unpleasant symptoms, you can use anti-inflammatory medications.


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